Happy Caturday!
CLynn, great picture of Sophie! As BL said, siamese smikes! Cats are more curious than dogs! As a general rule, I think!
Phyl, I would love to keep the fox in the morning picture! We would both end up in jail!
Laurie, sorry about your Grandmother, Helen! Hope they are able to get her up , at least sitting . Make sure she keeps current on available vaccines! Thanks for the lovely donuts!
Lisa, great surprise present for you! My favorites are the cream cheese filled or the Bavarian cream! will not buy one as I would eat the whole thing! Unlike some here, I do not have the will power!
Stay dry in the flooding areas! When it rains it pours
Willi had advice for dog owners who were unable to cut toe nails without drugs! She said play with and rub the feet I had told this to Mickey who was having trouble with her cat! She followed Willis suggestion and it worked for her! When I complained about Piper, she reminded me of this, so, just passing along a reminder!
Baz, I am going to hire you as a chef and trainer!
Puff, do not know if there is gold in your garden i or the remains of an ancient civilization