STL, that goose laid an egg around 10:28am 

Hmm .. A mg laid an egg
(1?) in N1 about 2 1/2 hrs after N1MG, N1FG and the goslings left the N1 nest ? !

Talk about not even waiting for the down to cool down.

They call it hot racking in the military.

So what do we call this one .. N1MG02 ?
Ground predator free goose nesting locations around the hatchery area must be at a premium.
That's why I'm thinking the wise older geese round here probably choose abandoned bald eagle nests up high nowadays.
6 eggs on a ground nest every year _ almost every year a land critter takes 2 or 3 eggs _ off camera.
6 eggs on a high nest every year _ six jump _
five goslings swim downstream with mom eating duckweed with her_ on Camera.
Simple species survival math.
Around 5 pm nest time the N1 camera was looking down on
the old RxR bridge foundation and showed another MG (RRMG) lay an egg right on top of it.
The old RxR bridge foundation is below the N1 nest slightly to the west & upstream.