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Author Topic: Decorah North Eagles 2024  (Read 74562 times)


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #360 on: June 18, 2024, 01:44:16 PM »

Nora, thank you so much for the detailed info about the North nest that fell in 2018.  Also, today RRP put up similar info on the Home tab -- see attached for a link to the event.


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #361 on: June 19, 2024, 11:17:33 AM »

Rain again early morning, both eaglets perched in the BPT for several hours with some fly-arounds and returns.  No feeding observed on the rewind as of 11 AM.

Pic of Northern flicker male in the nest area branches; also robin and grackles, and a deer feeding across the creek but no pics of those.

DN17 has been exploring the nest remains and perching, preening on the Yonder snag and Perching branch.


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #362 on: June 19, 2024, 03:13:24 PM »

It's great seeing how well they've all adapted to this unwelcome situation. Beautiful Flicker!
They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth. ~ Henry Beston
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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #363 on: June 19, 2024, 03:47:13 PM »

I have the day off from work so I put the eagles on. Boy oh boy are they loud!  ;D   I have not watched for a few years (just briefly on occasion) and I had forgotten just how loud they get. Parents have been bringing food and did a little feeding on their 'modified' nest. Such a sad thing to have happened. I am just so grateful that the juvies were able to fly and no one was injured!


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #364 on: June 19, 2024, 04:00:32 PM »

Buzbee, good that you got time to watch the Norths today.  They are coping with the missisng nest and finding new ways.  I'm concerned about injuries from the hanging man-made structure and broken branches as they use the old location as a makeshift feeding place. 

At noon, DNF brought a large raccoon carcass to the structure and struggled with it slipping and no large flat surface for eating. DN17 at left and DN18 at right screaming and trying to get at the food.  DNF flew with it to the BPT, but the eaglets didn't follow so she brought it back.  It's better than no food at all, but  . . . .  :o

Tomorrow during fundraiser, I hope for discussion of possibly removing the structure ASAP to prevent injuries to the eagles.


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #365 on: June 19, 2024, 05:00:46 PM »

Oh that's so sad to see, parent standing and feeding on the felled nest!  :'( I know they'll get through this but it's still hard to see.. squee mania going on!!! lol lol


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #366 on: June 19, 2024, 07:28:43 PM »

More pics from this afternoon.  Eaglets got LOTS of raccoon today, typical for this time of year for the Norths.

In the midst of DNF feeding the eaglets around noon, MrN landed on the narrow perch with another hunk of red meat.  He left with it in seconds, flying to the lower Love Branches.  After DNF and the eaglets finished off the large carcass, dropping some of it off the branch, DNF brought another chunk of probably raccoon, and about 3:30, MrN brought a smaller raccoon carcass that DN18 claimed and consumed, losing some of it to gravity.


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #367 on: June 19, 2024, 08:08:13 PM »

DNF found carcass bits on the fallen nest, and carried a chunk up to the broken branch for DN17, about 5:00 this evening.

Across the creek, a doe led her twin fawns at about 6:40PM.  On rewind, you can see the second fawn just for a second.  White tailed deer typically have one fawn their first year, then twins.  Given that the fawns will be on the eagles' menu, it's more likely that one twin will survive.


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #368 on: June 20, 2024, 10:35:14 AM »

Fundraiser going on today, give if you can.
Pics from this morning.


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #369 on: June 20, 2024, 03:26:31 PM »

Lessons continue this afternoon at the Brush Pile and creek area.  Interesting to watch on the rewind from noon onwards.  And then about 2:00 - - - - - a sub-adult BE came into the territory, likely looking for a handout, and the Norths were having none of it!  The eaglets disappeared while the parents harrassed the intruder, even pinning it down on the ground several times.  Watch the video; much better than stills.  I think the intruder finally left the area, but not sure about that yet. 

At 3:00, cam ops found one of the eaglets perched in the tall dead tree to the left of DN12's Tree, and one of the Norths perched on the fallen limb that extends over the creek in front of DN12's Tree.  This split-trunk tree so named for the eaglet that liked to perch there in 2020.  Whew!


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #370 on: June 21, 2024, 10:56:41 AM »

The limb from DN12's Tree makes a good perch from which to spot fish and other prey at the creek.  Foggy or misty early mornng today.  A few pics of eaglets perching together and searching the pasture for bits to eat.


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #371 on: June 22, 2024, 11:07:32 AM »

Rain early this morning again.  At daybreak, one parent and both eaglets were perching in the BPT for a time. Then the eaglets flew to the broken nest branch and got some breakfast leftover deliveries from DNF.  She brought a large fish which fell when one eaglet grabbed it.  DNF dropped down to the old nest and foraged among the leftovers, mostly deer bits.  Perhaps she left the fish on the ground to tempt the eaglets to find it.  Haven't seen them there since the nest fell, but maybe today.


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #372 on: June 23, 2024, 10:38:38 AM »

DN18 started the morning with two small fish from DNF on the old nest branch, each consumed in one long gulp.  Next, MrN (I think) brought a larger fish, which slipped off the branch along with DN18.  DN17 came for a short while but neither tried going to the ground to find the dropped fish. Is this the day they explore the fallen nest?

At about 10:00, one parent was perching in the BPT and one eaglet (DN17) on the Brush Pile.  Is this the day they learn how to catch their own fish?


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #373 on: June 24, 2024, 10:13:11 AM »

Morning pics of the Norths.


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #374 on: June 24, 2024, 04:54:24 PM »

Several fish brought to the eaglets at the broken branch, most consumed.  The one brought by DNF at 1:00 fell off. MrN was perching above, and he dove down to claim it for his own lunch near the fallen nest.  One time soon, the DNs are going to figure out that there's a pantry down there.  There's video posted at the DNN chat.
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