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Author Topic: Bucovina Golden Eagles, Romania home of Lucina & Caliman 2023 season  (Read 10676 times)


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Bucovina Golden Eagles, Romania home of Lucina & Caliman & little one just hatched and 1 egg... 💜
Congratulations on their first hatch together Lucina & Caliman:) and also egg #2 hatching is today (it is daylight there now)  ;D
Little one showing who's boss already... 💜

Waitin' for Dad to bring breakfish

Bucovina Golden Eagles ~ GE Chick Hatches! 🐥 Lucina Feeds Her Very Vocal Hatchling! 5.5.23
The first egg has hatched last night (May 4th 2023) and today in the morning we got our first views of the new chick! Welcome to the world little one and congratulations Lucina and Caliman! Lucina gives the new hatchling its first two feedings and what a pair of lungs it has already! If you recall Lucina's eaglet Zenit, he was one of the loudest golden eaglets I think I have ever heard! We should be in for another great season! Caliman has stocked the pantry and they are dining on domestic pigeon (you can see the blue band on the bird's leg). Caliman is a first time Dad and newly mature adult himself this season. Thank you for watching!
Video captured & edited by Lady Hawk
The nest is located in Romania and features Lucina & Caliman. The pair of Golden Eagles are Lucina and Caliman and are breeding together for the first time for the 2023 season. Lucina & Rarua raised the eaglet Zenit in 2021. Lucina 1st egg laid March 23rd & egg #2 on March 27th 2023.
1st hatch May 4th 2023.
Live cam courtesy of Stelian Bodnari ~ Wild Bucovina

Darn wonky sticks!!! ;) a cute video to share featuring Lucina and Caliman

The pair of Golden Eagles refreshes the nest 2-21-23 https://youtu.be/IaUNdJRgyCI

live cam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fV9B4AmEReU
Lori Davis


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Bucovina Golden Eagles, Romania home of Lucina & Caliman 2023 season
Sad baby news...


To sweet little Bucovina Golden Eaglet #1,   
Little angels with Eagle wings
To fly high and watch over
The nests that we see
And the ones that we never
To soar high in human hearts
And bring peace in our pain
Fly free, sweet little one
Reach for the heavens, fly through the rain
On your Eagle wings so strong
Rejoice with those brave before you
You are our Golden Eagle guardian angel
The love you leave will see us through.
You were loved dearly & will be remembered.
Rest In Peace Precious little one...

According to LadyHawk the Mom Golden Eagle "Lucina" was seen shivering on the nest in the early morning as the temps were very cold after the storm yesterday. She gets up and is in the process of feeding the chicks when she tries to remove a big piece from chick#1's beak and ended up accidentally pulling it out of the nest bowl. Lucina brooded chick #2 but sadly the oldest chick ended up dying from exposure.
These types of accidents and tragedies do happen occasionally and the bad weather played a big role in the chick succumbing to hypothermia. Lucina did not abandon the chick, she does break some little branches between her and chick as she waited for the chick to come back underneath her which it sadly could not do being so young. RIP little eaglet 💔 
Full Summary https://youtu.be/RS7Q3-FyMhk via ladyhawk
Lori Davis