Good Morning
LB, TGIF for you!! Sounds like PT will really strengthen your hips and leg muscles and anything else for your surgery. Good and helpful!
About getting your AC repaired and now cooler weather. That's Murphy's Law! Nice though that you still use it when you want to.
I bet you're enjoying Copper walks in the cooler weather.
Quotes! #1 Lol Been there done that! #2 is good.
jicaji, Looks like your area might get some winds and rain from hurricane maybe?
Well me having been out of commission for three weeks (bummer) is now ending finally! Earlier this week I went food shopping and got around walking good. Husband drove. Wrist isn't sore any more. Yay. Today I'm going to drive around a bit to be sure all's good.
My gardens have gotten out of control so with cooler temps I need to get out there to begin cleaning up!!
I'm waving to everyone and wishing you each a pleasant day.