Yes KB My company does treatment every two years. It's a shame so many were chopped down in panic. One of the Ash is finally looking presentable. They did a radical pruning of the dead branches UGLY was the only word for about 5 years. Now the rag-a-muffin has a place at the table. Ash killings kinda like the Covid - over kill. Years of nice, my birds love all my trees, 6 still in the back for the birds (also a locust, Aspen, and Chinese maple). Top billing still goes to the fantastic duo out front - Crimson Maple and Colorado spruce.
What is nice about the behavior of the ash trees is that you have to rake just once. Even the locust - its tiny leaves just blow away in the wind. I'm like generous, I like to share.
The sharing of the maple is not so welcome --billions and billions of big, deep red leaves , 3x cleanup. But to be honest, since they took away my mower the grass crew does them mostly. But the grass likes when I scratch their back with the rake; I can hear them oooh and awhhhh. And not only do I get to enjoy the air and sun, it gets me up and out. (And with the predominence of south to north winds the leftovers end up down at the end of the block. Michael never said thanks come to think of it.
Lani thought of you a couple times this week on the news shows. Some had footage they were showing of the houses out west buried in tumbleweeds. Did you happen to see any of the showings? You're so diligent/hardworking following your HOA rules! I guess some are not as regulated or concerned.