We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Robin, a beloved three-fingered sloth. Robin succumbed to his condition despite our best efforts to ensure his comfort and quality of life.
Robin's malformations have had a significant impact on his heart, kidney, and liver, greatly diminishing his chances of reaching adulthood. To further comprehend Robin's condition, we are conducting an extensive biopsy report. This research aims to shed light on the prevalent malformations observed in these crucial organs. By delving into Robin's case, we aspire to acquire a comprehensive understanding of his condition and its implications. This knowledge will be invaluable in our ongoing research within the Saving Sloths Together program.
Throughout Robin's time with us, we strived to provide him with the best care possible, cherishing every moment we had with him. We are proud to have given him a fighting chance at life, whereas he would not have survived in the wild for more than a few days.
His memory will forever remain in our hearts, and we will continue our commitment to preserving and protecting these incredible creatures.
Reminder to all viewers:We are a wildlife rescue center, which means ALL of the animals you enjoy on our explore.org cameras are rescued from various serious situations - whether that be electrocution, car accidents, domestic animal attacks, illegal pet trade, the loss of habitat, etc. We keep an important message at the end of all of our updates from our dedicated animal care staff to remind new and old viewers alike of the nature of our work.
We want to reiterate with the passing of Robin that we look to the explore.org community to maintain grace and compassion towards not only the animals, but our staff, who are fighting daily to keep them alive. We have been doing this for nearly two decades and know, at a very intimate level, how hard it can be to lose an animal. What you do not see is the 24/7 care we provide to give each individual a fighting chance at life.
You are all witnessing a unique, private, and behind-the-scenes look at what it takes mentally, emotionally, and physically to rescue, rehabilitate, and rewild injured wildlife. This job is not easy and is arguably some of the world's most challenging work. As we continue to show up for these animals and nature, we all cope differently with the emotional impact of this job - Please remember this when sharing and commenting within this community.
"Our human compassion binds us the one to the other - not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future." - Nelson Mandela
May we keep Robin and the many animals who have come through our care in our hearts and minds.
💗From all of us at Toucan Rescue Ranch
I'm heartbroken