Royal Albatross cam - 7/16 Yesterday's neighbor interactions
NTF North Top Flat chick paid a short visit close to Manaaki before she made a quick exit.
Manaaki also snipped at a few strands of grass as if to say that's mine Afternoon Beakers!
I had a rough start this morning. Sadie and I left early as always for our walk and joined our hiking group.
Then a rabbit ran in front of us and before I could prepare, I was flying over two dogs and smack into the sidewalk.
I hurt my hand and knee and pride... But, other than that all is well and so is the rabbit!
Two of my fingers on my left hand sort of jammed and knuckles are swollen. So typing is taking longer. Left knee is swollen,
but I'll live.
... And our internet was done 4 hours today. It's back on for a bit (on/off). I guess there are repairs being attempted a couple of blocks
away at one of our community substation or whatever you call it. They've been working on it since 7am.
Mike is coming home a day early, he may need to live for California in a day or two. In the meantime, he's doing the Costco/Trader Joe run in Scottsdale
for me before he returns home.
Oh God, internet keeps going on and off. I'm cutting and pasting this post.
I'll catch up with everyone later.
Take care and watch out for rabbits!