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Author Topic: Beak Room 2023  (Read 710405 times)


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #6960 on: July 12, 2023, 08:22:02 AM »

66 heading to 73  cloudy and rain moving in.

PHYL  The study is doing Romans .  :o Paul is the master of finding 1 million ways to say the same thing  LOLOL   Warm day for you today.


KB   LOL  Loved the "West Virginia and "Mountain Mama"  label.     " Any of these Ohio"  Very funny.     Canadian lynx -  ;D   Outdoor keypad:  Comes in handy if your garage is attached and you forget a key  LOL  You put in your own password so it's pretty safe.  I also use it when someone is picking me up I go through the garage and just push the button to close the garage door.  Saves going through the door and storm door and locking them.

OLDGUY   Impressive drone footage really spells it out.

CLYNN  A definite theme today  - I like the umbrella wind chime  ;D  Your rain heading out way .  It never ceases to amaze me how we are all tracked on line.  Brave new world

LANI  So glad to hear that wonderful report on Aly - Oh to be so lucky to have a wonderful boss/family to make her feel comfortable.  I'm forgetting - did that bathroom leak ever get fixed?


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #6961 on: July 12, 2023, 09:11:26 AM »

Overcast - warming to 70 later.

Tsk - Yaay! You had a nice rain yesterday.  Okay, just read you are expecting more rain!

Phyl - No, never silly (what you lovingly say to your Maggie)!  :-* :)   Love the pics out at Two Harbors  ;D   "where is door dash" Lol! ;D   Thank you for Amy's blog. :)

Bazi - Hope your condition is a lil better today and that you feel better soon - in the meanwhile enjoy watching tennis! :)

Kb - Like the map - Lol  ;D  Gorgeous pic of Canadian Lynx!  Our neighbors have an outdoor keypad outside of their garage and they also have remote control too.

Oldguy - Interesting stats of the Jeep Cherokee!  Amazing drone footage in Iceland :o

Lani - Happy to know that Aly is settling in nicely.  :)

Karen - Yeah, most pets don't care for getting their nails trimmed! ::)   Just read the latest on Piper's collar - I foresee a new collar in the near future!

Puff - Thinking of you {{Puff}}  Did you own those high powered vehicles - a lot of HP there!!

Tig - You have a perfect set up for your garage and good your bro has his own code. :)

Clynn - Glad you are receiving rain - although I'm sure it will be nice when the Thunder quits. ;)   Awe, SF Ospreys - hope they are all safe!  Nice pic at Boulder County Fairgrounds  :)  Sending good thoughts for your Honey. :)

Hi LisaG!

Hi Lori - how are you, Destini, and your Dad doing - hope you are all doing alright. :)

Beakers have a nice day.

Later on this afternoon, Hubby & I are invited to our friend's for tri-tip sandwiches & homemade potato salad.  They are retired too, so its nice we can get together during mid week! 8)


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #6962 on: July 12, 2023, 10:09:54 AM »

Good Morning Beakers

Morning Puff, karen, and all   :)

Phyl - Haha, so true what you said about Pinterest!  When I leave the house, I tell B & M, I'll be right back!  One day, they might answer me!  ;D  Thanks for RRP blog, and cam pics.

tsk - That is great that you only have to go 1x a week.  I know you will be on top of those exercises. 

karen - That is good that you can call if you feel you need the PT again.  Sounds like Piper had a good vet visit. 

baz - Hope you feel better soon, and love your good night pic!

kb - The map....hilarious!!!!!!!!  ;D ;D  My neighbor has the keypad for the garage door. She loves it, cause she locked herself out of the house one day, and she keeps a spare key in the garage hidden.

oldguy - Thanks for the video.

Lani - Glad to hear that Aly is settling in nicely, and her boss and wife are good to her.

clynn - OMG, that is really BIG BROTHER spying on you!  Great pics of R&R and the Boulder chicks.

E4E - Thanks for the update on your sis, and hope she has a quick recovery.  Enjoy your lunch.  It sounds delish!


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #6963 on: July 12, 2023, 11:51:47 AM »

Greet the day with gladness and it will set the tone for a glorious day.
#BeAnIris.  :-*

Good morning Beakers!
Hi Lilbro, Blschue, Lori, Clynn, Tsk, Lisa, Karen, Oldguy, Puff, Eagles, Kb, Tig, Baz, Phyl, Peep, Jaspurr, Pink, Jilltosa, BL, Eburg, Weasel, Ezee, Bggolden, T40, ssrl, Maxie, Nrstooge, Omasawyer, Paulie and All

Lisa, I keep a spare key hidden in our garage too. I always have to remind myself where it is, and make sure the family knows where it is. Because I have this fear that one day I'm going to need it and I'll forget where I put it.  :-[

Eagles and Kris, have a good time with friends today, and enjoy the yummy Tri-tip sandwiches.  ;D

Tsk, no we haven't repaired the shower. We're considering other options.

{{{Karen}}} your humidity is awful  :P ... I've had to cut off a dog and cat collar at one time or another. And they didn't like the scissors either.... You'll find the right collar for Piper. Clynn's right about Piper, she's settling in nicely and feeling loved.  :-*

Clynn, Oh geez, Big Brother sees you online moment!  What an invasion of privacy... love the wind chimes... I love your posts of Rosie and Richmond, I pray other ospreys will stay away... cute pic of the BCF kids! LOL! ... send some of your rain over here.  ;D

Kb, I use our outdoor keypad several times a day and it's an attached garage to our home. It's where I keep landscaping tools and other items that need to be handy for outdoor work..  It's not a worry. It's very easy to change the security code anytime. I change mine twice a year. You can change it every day if you want.... love the Lynx, a good name for the jeep.  ;D

Phyl, thanks for Two Harbor pics ... and ATF auction items are fantastic!

{{{Baz, Puff, Tig}}}
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #6964 on: July 12, 2023, 12:02:36 PM »

New motor is done..2 remotes and the keypad...it's quieter and brighter lights...very cool..
Yes, Chris already changed the number of the keypad.at least he knows how to do that...follow instructions I guess ;) ;)....
We just found 2 keys to the door to the house from the garage...like the idea of keeping a spare inside somewhere...meantime I now have one on my key chain..I have locked myself out before with that door, but Chris is always home, but you never know!.

Interestingly, he assessed my garage door itself: It's solid wood with 4 panels....can't buy a replacement for less than 3-4 thousand with that kind of insulation today.....and mine looks good from the outside. The new motor tightened the closure when it closes too....like he said: Older is always better (and less clostly) than new...no reason to replace it.

Lani - I have to squeeze my SUV and lawn mower and tools and shelves and drawers and lots of stuff in my attached one car garage....not enough room on my lot and for most homes built in the late 50's and early 60's for a 2 car garage...Scott would leave his vehicle parked on the street or our almost 2 car driveway..

It's tight in my garage and could never have fit Scott's Lincoln Navigator inside it...or for me any bigger of vehicle.


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #6965 on: July 12, 2023, 12:15:48 PM »

EAGLES   Love poppies .   So far just some light rain - think the worst is going south of us.  Super big benefit of retirement is that you can have a life in the middle of the week  ;D.  Enjoy today

LISA   That is what I am grateful for with the keypad.  We have a spare key hidden in the garage too. 

LANI  Sure hope Iris is OK  Looked hopeful initially.

KB  Hiding a key in the garage is a MUST  You just never know.  Sounds like you had an honest garage guy.


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #6966 on: July 12, 2023, 01:24:18 PM »

New motor is done..2 remotes and the keypad...it's quieter and brighter lights...very cool..
Yes, Chris already changed the number of the keypad.at least he knows how to do that...follow instructions I guess ;) ;)....
We just found 2 keys to the door to the house from the garage...like the idea of keeping a spare inside somewhere...meantime I now have one on my key chain..I have locked myself out before with that door, but Chris is always home, but you never know!.

Interestingly, he assessed my garage door itself: It's solid wood with 4 panels....can't buy a replacement for less than 3-4 thousand with that kind of insulation today.....and mine looks good from the outside. The new motor tightened the closure when it closes too....like he said: Older is always better (and less clostly) than new...no reason to replace it.

Lani - I have to squeeze my SUV and lawn mower and tools and shelves and drawers and lots of stuff in my attached one car garage....not enough room on my lot and for most homes built in the late 50's and early 60's for a 2 car garage...Scott would leave his vehicle parked on the street or our almost 2 car driveway..

It's tight in my garage and could never have fit Scott's Lincoln Navigator inside it...or for me any bigger of vehicle.

Kb, glad your new door is up, Chris has got the key pad running too, and all is well. You'll be pleased  ;D .... with our HOA rules/regulations, everything has to placed in our garage, nothing can be outside. Trash bin not allowed in sight until trash day. And car can be parked in driveway overnight. Mike's SUV barely squeaks in. My car is comfortable. LOL! I have a two car garage with a small one available to park a golf cart. I have that as my garden area with a table. We keep our freezer and a small bar refrigerator in the garage too. It's tight but it works.  ;D You should have seen it when Aly's things were in the garage too.  ;D
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #6967 on: July 12, 2023, 01:31:49 PM »

New motor is done..2 remotes and the keypad...it's quieter and brighter lights...very cool..
Yes, Chris already changed the number of the keypad.at least he knows how to do that...follow instructions I guess ;) ;)....
We just found 2 keys to the door to the house from the garage...like the idea of keeping a spare inside somewhere...meantime I now have one on my key chain..I have locked myself out before with that door, but Chris is always home, but you never know!.

Interestingly, he assessed my garage door itself: It's solid wood with 4 panels....can't buy a replacement for less than 3-4 thousand with that kind of insulation today.....and mine looks good from the outside. The new motor tightened the closure when it closes too....like he said: Older is always better (and less clostly) than new...no reason to replace it.

Lani - I have to squeeze my SUV and lawn mower and tools and shelves and drawers and lots of stuff in my attached one car garage....not enough room on my lot and for most homes built in the late 50's and early 60's for a 2 car garage...Scott would leave his vehicle parked on the street or our almost 2 car driveway..

It's tight in my garage and could never have fit Scott's Lincoln Navigator inside it...or for me any bigger of vehicle.

Kb, glad your new door is up, Chris has got the key pad running too, and all is well. You'll be pleased  ;D .... with our HOA rules/regulations, everything has to placed in our garage, nothing can be outside. Trash bin not allowed in sight until trash day. And car can be parked in driveway overnight. Mike's SUV barely squeaks in. My car is comfortable. LOL! I have a two car garage with a small one available to park a golf cart. I have that as my garden area with a table. We keep our freezer and a small bar refrigerator in the garage too. It's tight but it works.  ;D You should have seen it when Aly's things were in the garage too.  ;D

I teased Rob today as my remotes have a second button for a second garage door!.....I said what? people have a 2 car garage?......Of course I know many do....these days new home have 3 or more...LOL
Garages fill up fast, me thinks!..


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #6968 on: July 12, 2023, 01:55:55 PM »

KB, LOL!  ;D
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #6969 on: July 12, 2023, 01:58:10 PM »

Speaking of garages....We have a 2 1/2 car garage but you wouldn't know it .  It's not me that fills it with S---!  Every spring or fall I take it all off the shelves ( empty cans?  3 of the same item?) to make some room on the shelves .  "Well I may need that"  sigh.  When Tim's SUV is parked you don't have access to the shelves. I have to shimmy sideways if I want "rose spray" for instance. Hmm.

I can't imagine LANI - Our 3  city issued bins would never fit in the garage but are "hidden" along side our house from the front view.  Reclycle is in the garage by the mudroom entry for convenience but garbage and lawn refuse are outside

KB  consider your second remote a spare  LOL


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #6970 on: July 12, 2023, 03:04:35 PM »

another two cents...
Camper keeps the second remote clipped to our desk basket and he pushes the button there on his way out the door ( rather than needing to enter on the keypad when he gets there, as I do). We keep the other on the visor in the car. The pedestrian door faces our home and that usually only gets used when I'm gardening, etc. for access to tools.
camper'sTIG - South Central MN
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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #6971 on: July 12, 2023, 03:30:23 PM »

Pecan Pie Pancakes and Pecan Pie Cookies!!!

Pecan Pie Squares!!!

Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie Cupcakes with Butter Pecan Frosting & Pecan Pie Latte

Hi sweet Beakers!  Rainy day, we need it!  Just a quick note to let you know I think about all of you every day and miss you terribly  :-\  I think about you often too Clynn!!! Love ya girl!  E4E-Destini is OK... she's a little blue today since she can't go outside but I think she will survive  ;D  Missing ((Star)) hugs for you.  Prayers for ((Honey and Maggie)) Lani, I love your goodnight post every day.  :-* Lisa, Phyl, Lani & Clynns wonderful pics & updates, kbs new animal of the day, Oldguys videos & updates, Bazi updates on Punkin and Punkin Jr, Karen and new pup Piper keeping her on her toes :), tsks Lulu little cutie, and all of the other updates pics and daily activities :) Oh yea and I am so happy to hear Jaspurr adopted Daisy and Piper!!  Piper was my favorite kitty!  I hope to see pics fro all of you.
Going through a nightmare with Grandma, she was put in a nursing home last weekand the family is fighting among 10 kids and it seems all some of them care about is getting their cut out of the will from Grandma's house.  She is not gone yet!  She needs $$$ to pay for the nursing home. I am at the point that I don't know what to do.  It's a long story and I feel that some people are disrespecting my Grandmother and it makes me very sad and angry.  :-\   Other than that things are OK.  Every one of you brings a smile to my face... love ya & prayers & hugs to Tig,  Lani, Clynn, Tsk, Oldguy, Lisa, E4E, KB, Bazi, pink, Blschue, T40, Lilbro, BrokenLug,  Nora, Jaspurr, Phyliz, EBURG, Karen, Jilltosa, Peep, Puff, Ssrl, Mass, Ezee,  Ginger, Oma, Weasel, Maxie, Lindy, Nanimal, Emyrauld, Nrstooge, Ruby, Paulie, F22Raptor, the Cheers group & ALL of you special eagle lovers!

« Last Edit: July 12, 2023, 03:32:51 PM by LORIDAVIS »
Lori Davis


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #6972 on: July 12, 2023, 03:53:04 PM »

Hi E4E  Hi Phyl I credit/blame my car choices on my two older brothers.  Both liked power cars.  But, learned too to treat them so you don't have problems.  First car ever was Plymouth Roadrunner BeepBeep.  Also had '87 Chevy Monte Carlo.  Lots of training from Dad and brothers.  For example - First driving lesson from Dad was when he picked me up after work at Jewel.  The car had a flat tire - No he didn't show me, he made me change it.  Brother Ed made me rebuild/change the carborator.  Ed also didbody and mechanical work for a couple local/national NHRA teams.  Brother Rod was the  show off kid.  Unlike Rod I've had one speeding ticket - on Iowa 18 highway leaving for home after ATF.  I've told this story before, but it bears repeating.  One story I've never talked of before was the time Ton went shopping with me, I needed the help or the watching?  Anyway ended up with my pig Buick.  Long, slow, big - no fun at all.  I've taken all cars over 100,000 except for that Park Avenue.  I think it was 90,000 and GONE.
I repeat -swear on the Bible - one speeding ticket since 1964. 

BTW  I've been following discussions about garage openers.  I have the setup with visor clipped openers for the car plus wall mounted control for the overhead.  Both have their selling points.  But returning to two weeks ago when I practiced 911 calling -they knew my address from the phone call and I trusted them with the code since I was to be found in garage.  Very handy indeed, I just sat and waited for them.



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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #6973 on: July 12, 2023, 05:38:04 PM »

Happy Day, Beakers!  :)

Thanks to all of you who sent hugs and feel better wishes my way.  :-* :-* :-*  I am pretending it is a little better today.  ;) It will be better, for real, soon. I hope.   :D  Meanwhile... Wimbledon!  ;D

Good night, Beakers. Peace. SED.

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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #6974 on: July 12, 2023, 05:44:26 PM »

Beakers, kids are gone and I have my rum/coke in hand...They were rather quiet today, it was rainy and they just calmly did their homework, watched videos and had lunch and snacks. Bella always finds other things to do, she played with stickers, and her LOL dolls for a while.  She went out with Papa to look at the tomatoes and flowers. They picked a little tomato and she brought it in. She spent a good bit of time washing it in the sink! :o

Puff, I have honestly had only one speeding ticket in my life too! 1977 in Columbia MO, for going 43 in a 35 zone. If I should get one tomorrow, I have certainly earned it over the years!! Don't the signs on I-80 mean 80 MPH?  That's what almost everyone does! If you go the speed limit you are passed by all.

Lori, all the pecan goodies! LOVE IT!  Only one is tainted with chocolate! LOLOL! Love the critters in their rain gear.   ;D  I can't imagine trying to put a raincoat on Harley...I would be a bloody mess... ::) ::)  Sorry to hear that your Grandma is in the nursing home. Inheritance problems can really tear up a family, I hope yours makes it through okay. My 2 sisters and I won't have any issues, we have all done very well and don't need anything. Of course, my parents have a lot more than any of us thought they had, guess that's from being frugal...

tsk, we have a two car garage and have NEVER had a car in it... And, like you, it's not because I am the one that fills it with S---! If I showed you a picture you would gasp. It is full of shelves with games everywhere, I guess Ed thinks I want to sell on eBay up to the day I die. We do have the snow blower at the very front of the garage, I hate opening the door. Also a big freezer and a fridge out there.

Lani, beautiful picture of Iris and love the words!

Wild Heart Ranch, Keebler  -  Dethroned…😂😂  “This staring contest is unfair! This dude’s eyes are sewn open!”

Raptor Resource Project - Mom in a dead tree near the N4 area

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