{{{CLynn}}} oh I sure hope {{{Honey}}} waits for your return. Wishing you and Kelsey and wonderful time with your Mom and aunties. Tks.
Boulder County nest looks good
{{{Puff}}}Hi Tig exciting story to share. All's well that ends well.
Tsk what a cheery greeting this am; that african roller looks like a rainbow bird for sure. Loosing Maggie is really going to be painful for me. Wish there was a
'Tech Cafe ' of sorts here. From what I've read 3rd clutches aren't common. But do occur---for our Easterns at our house---quite common.
Karen best wishes for Piper and good report from vet. Wouldn't fret too much if you have her in a carrier. IMHO
Be safe on the freeway---close calls yikes!
Lisa pretty flowers this AM; surely Jeff will share his laptop w/you.
KB adore that tiger cub this AM; Jeep all fixed and ready to hit the road. Good as new breaks make one feel secure-not too over confident.
E4E pretty happy daisies this AM; hoping all's well w/your sis; in her absence, wondering, will your mom be w/ you?
Lani we do have bluebirds flittering and fluttering constantly---year 'round. Tks for Royal A. update ---plenty of chow today.
Looks like Manaaki will have same markings, great photo of them. Hoping Aly is doing well.