Clynn, fun pics from Erin, especially towel animal made for guests ... sweet mama tiger/cub... terrible fires, loss of wildlife, prayers for all involved.
Kb, adorable baby cub ... I do the same with my plants too.
Karen, I hope your ent md appt helped the vertigo. Safe travels for E22.
Lisa, glad AC repaired ... I bet kittens were tired after their visit at the AC. I can't believe how fast time is going by for the little sweeties.
... geez, they are spaying and neutering pretty early aren't they. They didn't do that with Misty.
Tig, gorgeous eagle, Camper takes great pics, especially little bird nest boxes over water.
I'm having trouble with my keyboard letters stopping mid typing. I changed battery but. that isn't the problem.
Tsk, yummy dinner
Phyl, pretty sunset pic
Oldguy, thanks for plant info ...Maru
Puff, thanks for ATF update. you're super
BL, terrible smoke situation.
Eagles, We're busy, but fine. I went to a new dentist this morning. Our former dentist moved to the valley. I think I'm going to like her and her staff. I'm having trouble typing on this keyboard. I don't know if it's the keyboard or the forum. It's taking me forever to type this post without errors.
I'll update you tomorrow in a pm.
Good night!Sweet Eagle Dreams, Baz, Lori, Karen, Puff, Tsk, Oldguy, Lisa, Lilbro, Eagles, Pink, Clynn, Kb, Tig, Blschue, Phyl, BL and Pip, Godiva, Peep, Jaspurr, Ezee, Eburg, Lindy, RubyRed246, ssrl, Firetruck, Weasel, Jilltosa, Maxie, Masswatch, Paulie, DeborahG, MpMom and Pete, laniebelle, OnEagleWings, NWarg, Garmohoff, Nrstooge, WendyC3, Tigeag, T40, Ginger, Cwellsla, Nanimal, Bggolden, Nora, Rewrap4u, Eaglesrock, Teamcarnes, Seabeeinch, Walton, Sparky, Tulsaducati, Omasawyer, izzysamlikeseagles, bustopbird, Neva, Yank, Linda.L, smrf, nhJane.
Thinking of and missing, Peep, Jaspurr, Jilltosa, Wilson, Godiva, MpMom and Pete, Marrymo, Keystone, TxTeacher, Smb, Naimoj, Thyla/Anne, D7Birder, Indy, Neva, Smb, Alice, and those who have not been with us for a while.
Prayers For Tsk friends Jean and Dennis, Jicaji, Tim and Tsk, Eagle's Kris, Lori and her grandma Clute, Puff, Tsk's friend Pam and Hubby, Karen, Maxie and Larry, Camper's daughter, Ed's sis Gina, Tsk's Barb & Tom, Baz great niece and family, Peep's friend's family, Clynn's DIL's mom, Ed's friend Greg, Tsk's friend, Puff's brother, Masswatch hubby Jamey, Pip's Dad, Ezee, EagleFanDave, Tim's Uncle, Paulie's granddaughter Madison, Emy and family, Clynn's mom and Ed, Lori's grandmother, Tim's son and grandson, WW JW, Keystone, Jilltosa, Eaglesrock cousin Michael, Thyla/Anne, Neva's family, Weasel and family, and All here in need of healing and comforting.
Special Prayers For Tsk, Phyl, Jim and Maggie, Karen, Blschue and family, Eagle's Kris, Lori and family, Phyl's BIL Danny and brother Dan.
Special prayers for All God's creature great and small, For SWFL Harriet, Star, Maggie, Little One and all those like her, Dunrovin Harriet, Hellgate Iris, TRR rescue babies, The Fairy Penguins, Berry Mom, NEFL Juliet, Romeo and Samson, Lucy and Larry, Salt River wild horses, Alaska Bears and Wolves that they be saved, Decorah, E2/D1, Dr Rogers and Black bears Shadow and family and Wildlife Research Institute, and All God's creatures great and small.