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Author Topic: Beak Room 2023  (Read 834846 times)


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #5550 on: May 31, 2023, 08:15:53 AM »

Good Morning Beakers


clynn - Love your Good Morning pic!  I am sure Kay is thanking you all from heaven for doing all of this. 

tsk - I would have a hard time too choosing a kitty, and just say....I will take them all!  :)

Phyl - Love the pics from Flyway showing GSB! Aww, your bluebirds!

Lani - So sorry to hear that Aly did not get the house!  What will she do for housing?  Did she work with a realtor to find a house?

E4E - With this kitty fostering...I might take up drinking!  ;D ;D

A pic of sweet Lizzie....this one will not try to eat the wet food yet.


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #5551 on: May 31, 2023, 08:33:12 AM »


These guys lowered a ladder into a well where a bear was stuck...Voila!

Hot morning here,

Tig - all the storms around the Twin Cities were to our west and our east.....I fear a repeat of the last two summer's severe drought.
Am already tired of hand watering and sprinkling but that's what I need to do once again all morning.

No walk for Ollie today as it's already too hot for a black, low to the ground pup....watched John walk his malinois about an hour ago and he returned post haste in about 10 minutes with her panting...and she's not black or low to the ground..


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #5552 on: May 31, 2023, 10:27:36 AM »

Phyl, thank you for the bb report!  Very interesting!   As a teenager I spent many afternoons on the North Avenue Beach!  Great time getting a tan and trying to achieve a sun bleached hair do! Oh my!
The beginning of wrinkled skin!

Tig, MD prescribed drinking 64 ounces of water a day and keeping feet   elevated
To reduce  edema.  Seems to work!   Currently on glass one of five!   Ight not work whike fishing!

Forgot trout and catfish while listing all the fish goodies! Thanks Tsk

Lani, prayers for Aly  finding a good place to live! Wish i could help!

Clynn, I am so happy your work at Kays is winding down!  You have been a godsend to Kay and her sister for a long time!   Enjoy the kids today!


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #5553 on: May 31, 2023, 10:58:11 AM »

CLYNN   The end is in sight!!  You have been an invaluable asset to Debbie - Diana too.  I very often have to wait to post as your post is clearing  LOL

TIG  Sorry you are under the weather.  Makes everything harder.  Hope you catch some fish today tho.

LISA  Muffins look good  ;D  So funny about that recipe.  A gal brought flourless baked banana nut muffins that everyone asked for the recipe.  Could throw some Ch Chips in and don't think there would be a problem.  ;D    " Take up drinking"  LOLOL  And look at those daggers on Lizzie.

KB   Bear not hurt enough and was able to climb out...It's brutal here today and AC on for the first time altho house is still cool enough at 75 for it not to kick in.

Break is over - back to some cleaning on this scorching day


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #5554 on: May 31, 2023, 11:00:03 AM »

Bloomington, MN Police Department:

Yesterday, our Animal Control Officer responded to a call where an owl was stuck between 2 fences. He was able to retrieve what appears to be a great horned baby owl. He located the tree the nest was in and was able to place him back on a branch within that tree. #learningtofly #notquiteyet #GreatHornedOwl #whatwilltodaybring
Some fun facts from the MN DNR "Nicknamed the tiger with wings, the great horned owl is a fearless and feared bird of prey. It is one of the few animals that will kill a skunk, and it may eat more than 4,000 mice per year. Great horned owls have long eye lashes."

Way to go!....Bloomington is the suburb I grew up in and only a mile or so away from me now.

Second picture is the recovered and placed one...


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #5555 on: May 31, 2023, 12:04:52 PM »

Lisa, I am a big fan of black kitties but after watching pictures of these babies I have 3 favorites!  The two tabbies who seem to have opposire personalities and one of the black and whites!   I tried to send the pictures to a friend who is a cat lover and could not!  Is there a way to fix this? Love allthe pictures


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #5556 on: May 31, 2023, 01:10:14 PM »

KB   What an amazing rescue.  wonder if they did video?  Would be interesting to see how they did it.

Our weather gal said only remote chances of a shower any where today.  Guess what?  This time my backyard has smiled - We just had a 5 minute fairly hard shower  ;D ;D  We'll see if we get any more

Thanks KB
« Last Edit: May 31, 2023, 01:19:43 PM by tsk34 »


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #5557 on: May 31, 2023, 01:18:09 PM »

KB   What an amazing rescue.  wonder if they did video?  Would be interesting to see how they did it.

No video as this was just an Animal Control officer in the city of Bloomington.
I'm sure he just picked it up with gloves on and removed it from any fencing....they get stuck in soccer netting etc. frequently.
He may have even had help from the homeowners to identify the location of the nest.
Compared to other rescues this one in my opinion would have been an easier one...otherwise they would have called in the local Raptor Center volunteers.
I'm still happy to give kudos to them however.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2023, 01:19:48 PM by kbshcb »


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #5558 on: May 31, 2023, 03:28:09 PM »

Our Birthday Girl  KAREN

Karen, glad all worked out regarding the HH and PT people yesterday. You're looking very spiffy on your birthday!   :D  I hope your birthday was extra special this year now that you're home again!  Woot woot!  :D

TSK, thanks for posting Karen's picture.  :)
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called the present."   ― A.A. Milne

"Hope for the best and accept what comes." ― President Jimmy Carter, on Aug. 20, 2015, during press conference at The Carter Center


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #5559 on: May 31, 2023, 05:05:36 PM »

Tsk luv the cacti at sunrise  :-*

{{{Tig}}}  🙏 's

Hi NR !  nice to see you. Hurrah! Opreys back  in the WF nest.  ;)

{{{CLynn}}} Y'all have worked so hard to help Kay and Debbie. I'm sure it hasn't gone unnoticed and is  deeply appreciated.  I love catfish! Esp rolled in cornmeal and pan fried---like Mom did.  :)  Hope you and Munchkins had loads of fun today.

Lisa Banana Espresso Chocolate Chip Muffins look  delish and sinful!  ;D  Tks for Lizzie's photo. A cute name for a cutie-pie kitty.  Vokda and OceanSpray 100% Cranberry juice blends are a good over the rocks.  ;)
"Every new day begins with possibilities."
President Ronald Reagan  at  the 1985 Geneva Summit

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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #5560 on: May 31, 2023, 05:06:28 PM »

Karen  Unlike you, I had no beach, as a teenager, just the blistering hot desert, Coppertone and a sprinkler. All summer long I spent my life outdoors.  I kept my naturally jet black hair  tied up in one of Dads work bandanas so it wouldn't sunfade.  Wore sunglasses of the day. And, yes---went topless in the backyard. OMG! 
I was truly a  Califonia Girl---of the desert ;D    I think all that Syrian/Israeli / Native American ancestry helped, surprizing no Melanoma to date.  ;)   

KB good out come for bear.  ;)   Wonderful outcome for GHO too.  Tks for sharing.

{{{Lani}}} rotten that realtor won't give her leads on houses. Just only appartments.  🙏 's

"Every new day begins with possibilities."
President Ronald Reagan  at  the 1985 Geneva Summit

#Istandwith Evan


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #5561 on: May 31, 2023, 05:20:54 PM »

Cane Ridge Blue Birds Update:
For May 31, 2023

While he was out this afternoon doing yard work, he checked NB #1 (nesting box). All chicks are gone with one lonely egg, probably not viable. What happened  to hatchlings #4 and #5  can only 'guess'---maybe died or got crushed and removed.
As per my request the unhatched egglet was removed and carefully placed in a lower willow branch as an offering to 'Nature for Her' (God)    benevolance and mercy.

From  2021 Nesting Season:
Thursday, 7-29-21.
"Every new day begins with possibilities."
President Ronald Reagan  at  the 1985 Geneva Summit

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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #5562 on: May 31, 2023, 05:41:14 PM »

The shrubs ar e planted. Pretty handmade  outdoor  boxberry bushes  in nursery style pots.    LOL to support the illusion, we water them for appearances sake.
 HOA   ;D
While Jim was doing all this---digging up 3 dead bushes and planting 2 and filling in one.
I pulled out the bag for the outdoor tall kitchen bin and relined. Tied up the old bag---tight! Then cut labels off the Amazon pkgs and popped the bubble wrap--- ;D ;D ;D
 and broked down the boxes and all. Carried all this and smaller bags to the GFL mini dumpster. Rolled it out to the curb for tomorrow. Or whenever they get around to collecting because of Memorial Day. Collected and sorted thru the day's mail/shredded. 
Fix Jim a tall Pepsi w/ modicum of ice and set in freezer for later when he came in and cleaned up. It'll thaw while he rests and watches the news. And, I get cleaned up myself.
I'll serve up  cubed steak in breadcrumbs pan fried with a creamy muchroom-horseradish sauce tweaked with mustard. Homemade mashed potatoes, medley of peas/carrot matchsticks seasoned in butter. Garden salad. Water, vino or beer or hard cider. Choco cupcakes. And yes I'll write a few lines , bike or walk. Probably read Nat Geo History Magazine as there' an interesting article on Vindolanda (located along Hadrian's Wall in UK seperating U K from Scotland) and the correspondance sent from it. This will be good research.  ;)
"Every new day begins with possibilities."
President Ronald Reagan  at  the 1985 Geneva Summit

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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #5563 on: May 31, 2023, 05:44:45 PM »

kb - I just caved and turned on the AC.  It was nice till around 2pm, and started to get too hot.  Glad to hear the owl was recovered. 

tsk - I wish I had one of those muffins for real this morning!  Yes, those lil daggers hurt like you know what, and I have some scratchy looking hands from them, too!

karen - Was Jeff's pics not shareable on Facebook?  They should be, I think. 

Phyl - That does sounds like a refreshing drink! I had to LOL......The shrubs ar e planted. Pretty handmade  outdoor  boxberry bushes  in nursery style pots.    LOL to support the illusion, we water them for appearances sake.  HOA  ;D  Dinner sounds yummy! 

Have a good night, everyone!


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #5564 on: May 31, 2023, 05:53:10 PM »

Phyl - That does sounds like a refreshing drink! I had to LOL......The shrubs ar e planted. Pretty handmade  outdoor  boxberry bushes  in nursery style pots.    LOL to support the illusion, we water them for appearances sake.  HOA  ;D  Dinner sounds yummy! 

Have a good night, everyone!

Nothing grows in the front bed.   And, the HOA demands shrubbery.    We' ve spent hundreds over the years , no luck.     So they get outdoor quality  artifical. And, they can be ...  ;D  ;)
"Every new day begins with possibilities."
President Ronald Reagan  at  the 1985 Geneva Summit

#Istandwith Evan