Well y'all made me get up and check again - while my #2 tea brews.
Lisa Lots of cavities in that cute bag, might be too heavy this year for Sydney to carry. Did you include a toothbrush?
Clynn No big shedding of the crimson yet. And ground is solid green under the ash trees.
Saga of the outside. Yesterday plants brought in: 3 hybiscus, 2 swedish ivy (trying to save them, special variations, don't ask I forgot names, second winter save for one). There's a hugh wandering dude that I'll have to prune down. Small pots of oregano and purple curly basil, and a freebie plant I got with something else I bought, it's small so I should have room while I find its name. Emptied the annuals, pots in garage til 2024. Just for those wondering -- Inside my rec room is 20 x 15 with 4 windows, back laundry room is L-shaped with space for table and ironing corner maybe 15 x 15 with hanging hooks from ceiling, 3 windows. Should be enough inside room???!!!
Looking out the window for plant happenings I was overjoyed to see the fountain is back to being a fountain. Spent to much time cleaning it out so it was a fountain again, playing in the wind and cold water yesterday. Wasn't working when I finally gave in. You should see all the birds bathing in it this morning. I will have to find someone in spring to powerwash and set back up. The birds also noticed the yard feeders I filled yesterday, and the stale Ritz crackers I threw on the patio.
Room??? Sure, got 8 rooms and half of an unused garage space. Ton wasn't able to help me directly - but that other half of the garage will be helpful (I will continue to work at eliminating that aforementioned "stuff" space/room.
At one of my appointment this past week md asked me if I had thought of moving/downsizing. Heck No! I'm not done yet. I need my space, I need my stuff, I enjoy so much more than I regret.
I need an aspirin! (oops but I can't) Let me get back to my 2nd cup of cold tea.