Archives > Peregrine Falcons 2022

Spartan Stadium, Michigan State U

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June 14, 2022
Only Stella in the box overnite.
No sign of Sprite so far
Sparky ( Gus ) is all over the place, up down all around
5.30 am  both Sparky and Stella watching cam left, screaming
Good bet a parent is feeding Sprite offcam

Shep, one of the fledglings visited the un-fledgling at daybreak.  The "un" is wingercizing like crazy, so won't be long.

My view using YouTube doesn't have sound, so I'm relying on the visuals to tell if they are screaming!  Parents may stop bringing food to the box to encourage fledging, don't you think?

Juvenile peregrines are gorgeous -- so colorful.

Yes I agree
When I say they are screaming, I see them and just KNOW   8)

Sparky is all over the place
Flies up to visit Stella, goes to boxroof, goes on top of cam - anywhere he pleases

Parent(s) still feeding the juvie that is still in the nest box.  Maybe a partially eaten pigeon carcass this afternoon.  Juvie snatched it and ate some. Later a parent bird came back to feed the youngster.

See GSB Forum for sad news about one of the eyasses there.

Thanks for getting pics


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