Hi everyone,
Many of us are still are still gobsmacked and so astounded by this breeding season for Iris! Frankly, I did not think she would successfully breed again, so this season has been a special gift!
Many of you are wondering about what things will be like now that Sum-eh has fledged. She spent quite a bit of time today flying up and down the river getting the hang of her newfound freedom. I watched Iris flying behind her, calling loudly, like a very proud but nervous mom! It reminded me of a parent nervously chasing and calling out encouragement to their kid when they are first riding a bike without training wheels.
But Sum-eh will return often to the nest, as she did today. Flying around was tiring work, so she promptly had a nice nap. Finnegan will continue to bring in fish to the nest, and Sum-eh will come back home for meals for a while! She will also spend time perched on trees looking down in the river at fish, and making her first dives into the water - all important steps in learning how to fish.
Expect Antali to spend more time wingercizing, and fledging might come in a week or so.
Best, Erick Greene and the Montana Osprey Team