Here's a Facebook post from the rehab facility where SE21 is receiving care: Ground Raptors
December 31, 2018 at 2:17 AM ? I feel like royalty has arrived here at HGRC!
Those of you who know SE21 understand how this lovely young Sea eagle has been followed by people around the world from the day she was laid.
Thanks to the fantastic work by the good folk at Sydney Sea-EagleCAM, hundreds of us follow in real time the lives of two White-bellied Sea Eagles who live and breed in the semi urban environment of Sydney Olympic Park.
Their nesting and breeding provides endless super interesting hours of the best live reality show around, and when we see that first pip it is spine tingling to witness one of these magnificent birds begin their life journey.
As a raptor rehabilitator the information they provide me with is priceless.
This year the surviving chick, known as SE21, fledged some weeks back. Thanks to the cameras it became apparent that she was infected with a protozoan parasite called trichomoniasis, commonly seen in pigeons and doves which are then fed to the young. This weakened her and one-day a few weeks back the ever vigilant folk at Sea-EagleCAM spotted her caught in a tree by one wing.
She was rescued by the awesome team at Feathered Friends in Sydney in a night time rescue mission, led by Bird Life?s Judy Harrington who provided authorised escort and supervision into the dark forest area.
Left alone she would have died.
Ravi from Feathered Friends, and his team, began her immediate rehabilitation under veterinary instruction, and continued their great work until she was deemed well enough to move onto here for her next stage of recovery.
She has settled in nicely, is eating well and appears content. She has overcome a lot, but that said there is still a long way to go in her rehabilitation process. By the very nature of being a wild bird in care it is always impossible to predict the future.
I took a short video of her so you could all see her on the last day of 2018. [Note: see
video on the FB page -- link at top of my post]
Whilst she does have a large fan club, she has joined many other raptors I have in rehabilitation at the moment, and time simply is in short supply. She will receive exactly the same respect, attention, care and love as my other charges. Unfortunately there is no time to be her fan club manager though!!
I would really appreciate if everyone could be patient with my updates on her, and just except those as the only way I can keep you all up to speed on her progress. Any questions will be answered in the following post.
You all know how much I love teamwork, learning and sharing knowledge, but this has, and will continue to be, the ultimate collaborative process between all organisations involved. I am super pleased how well it has all played out from our human perspective! Great contacts and new friends have been acquired as a bonus.
Happy New Year everyone, especially to all the birds in care, their carers and those who care!
[Note: This is a
video recorded from the cam that someone posted in the comments and it shows the trichomoniasis lesions on SE21:]