pera, Thank you for the updates.
I just now read all the comments on that official FB page under the most recent post/article there, and looked at all the comments with each of the new pics taken from the ground. I am going to stay positive and hope SE17 keeps flying up off the ground to safe places.
From that FB post/article, and the comments from people from the cam group and people who have watched from the ground there, it sounds like SE17 has been visited by the parents while he was at the salt marsh, so that's really good news... though the ravens still harrass him when the parents aren't there. They said in the comments that SE17 flew from the salt marsh towards the trees of the reserve and couldn't be seen after that but was assumed to be in a tree. Someone posted a photo in the comments under that most current article too showing one of the parents on the ground standing next to SE17 in the salt marsh. There was also a pic posted there of one of the ravens standing on the ground behind SE17 in the salt marsh area and the raven was pulling at one of SE17's tailfeathers. Poor baby... So apparently from that post, at least three people went out and watched SE17 for a few hours today to check on him and report back, and they got those pics they posted on that public FB page (all can read it and see the pics - no FB membership or log in is needed) and said they didn't witness the parents feed SE17 while they were watching but it didn't mean he hadn't eaten or been fed. I just wish they would say if they noticed if he looked like he had anything in his crop... I couldn't tell from the pics...
Anyway, I think it is very positive that he has been located by the parents and that they are helping to defend him against the ravens some of the time at least, and that he was able to fly back towards the reserve from the salt marsh... so since they said the fence between the two areas is 6 feet high, that means he is flying up at least higher than that, so he should be able to get up on tree branches and out of the way of any animals on the ground.
Stay safe and fly high, SE17.