Pera and MpMom - thanks for info and pics.
I'm going to pass on the vid showing SE16 trying to "bury SE15's head." That isn't a new behavior for SE16. I saw SE16 do that when they were just a couple of days old, and I was concerned if SE15 was going to be ok when I saw it that first time. I posted about it and that it looked like SE15 was only able to get up that time, way back when, because a parent offered food which distracted SE16 away from being on top of SE15's head. I've also seen SE16 perform that maneuver a few days ago. I couldn't tell, and wondered both times, if it was intentional or accidental. The nest cup seems small and depp, which puts them so close together. That's good for warmth and safety, but... I'm not watching live cam often anymore for several reasons - in part because of the lighting issues already discussed - so it's good to get the overall status updates in Forum. I will try to return to watching the dark live cam view some when I think SE15 has gotten older and stronger so that SE15 can give as good as s/he gets and can do a better job of keeping SE16 at bay. I'm also going to hope the rain isn't non-stop the next few days and doesn't last too long - so hopefully they will have some time to dry out here and there. These cute little ones have a long way to go developmentally, and I am pulling for both of them all the way.