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Author Topic: Southwest Florida Eagles (Pritchett)  (Read 56499 times)


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Re: Southwest Florida Eagles (Pritchett)
« Reply #30 on: January 22, 2021, 03:37:07 PM »

SWFL It's official! We Have A PIP!

I see it!!! I think I saw it moving!!!

SWFL Eagles ~ It's Official ~ WE HAVE A PIP! E17 Is On Its Way!!  1.22.21  https://youtu.be/8Q93U91gflM
Lady Hawk - We have a pip!! First sighting of the pip is at 08:32:13 - a better view is at 09:46:36 and our confirmed view at 12:30!! How exciting to see E17 on its way!! Today is day 37 for egg #1 - right on schedule. M15 was on the eggs during the pipping and no doubt is just as excited as we are! ?? Thank you for watching! Video captured & edited by Lady Hawk Thank you SWFEC , hosted by Dick Pritchett Real Estate, for allowing us the opportunity to view these amazing eagles. Link to cam: https://dickpritchettrealestate.com/

Official SWFL post today...
Jan 22, 3:17 PM
wskrsnwings (Admin): TODAY'S MOVIE: (wskrsnwings)
https://youtu.be/xu7Wx1iWAHA or http://bit.ly/2Y4LBXN
We Have A PIP! 1st Peek At 8:32AM On M15's Watch & Harriet Away On Break 01-22-21
Lori Davis


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Re: Southwest Florida Eagles (Pritchett)
« Reply #31 on: January 22, 2021, 03:52:30 PM »

ACCEPT TRUTH even when you dont like it


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Re: Southwest Florida Eagles (Pritchett)
« Reply #32 on: January 22, 2021, 08:07:09 PM »

SWFL amazing footage...
2 pips in one day and also the camera was recording as the 2nd pip appeared!  See my recorded gif below of the pip appearing, it's 5 seconds long, just look at the bottom part of the egg to see it.  See video also! Cool stuff.

Egg #1 was laid on 12-16-20. Egg#2 laid on 12-19-20. Egg #1's pip was viewed for the first time at 8:32am. Egg #2's pip was viewed for the first time at 2:15.

Via SWFL site...
On the nest:Harriet 7:25pm Night falls on another day of firsts. Egg 1 PIP was first seen at 8:32am. Egg 2 PIP was caught on cam1 at 2:15pm. Harriet brought a squirrel to the nest. She incubates while M15 stands guard on the outer attic. Sleep safely Eagle Family

1/22/2021.. SWFL Eagles ~ Watch As Egg 2 PIP's. Real Time Then Slow-Mo
https://youtu.be/s1eMLlWZA00 via ladydeeagle55
Egg #2 PIP'd Today also at 2:15:08 ish. Watch closely and you will see the crack appear. Fascinating to watch in real time and slow -mo
Lori Davis


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Re: Southwest Florida Eagles (Pritchett)
« Reply #33 on: January 23, 2021, 01:39:37 PM »

SWFL hatch update video & gif ;)

SWFL Eagles DOUBLE HATCH IN PROGRESS!! Egg Tooth Seen Chipping Away Shell AMAZING! 1.23.21  https://youtu.be/lz-IS0H15Kg via ladyhawk

Both egg #1 and egg #2 are both working hard at hatching and coming into the world! We have amazing closeups of both E's with their egg tooth seen chipping away at the shell. It is like a race for who will come out first!! Egg #2 is seen in the beginning pipping under M. At 1:47 & 3:39 & 5:42 nice views of egg #1 hatching with egg tooth seen!  At 7:50 & 11:20 we see egg #2 hatching with its egg tooth breaking out! Be sure to freeze the screen at 8:59 and you will see both eggs hatching together (included in my ending scap!) What an exciting day!! Thank you for watching
Lori Davis


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Re: Southwest Florida Eagles (Pritchett)
« Reply #34 on: January 23, 2021, 05:38:52 PM »

ACCEPT TRUTH even when you dont like it


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Re: Southwest Florida Eagles (Pritchett)
« Reply #35 on: January 23, 2021, 07:01:16 PM »

E18 below, E17 on top

Thank you Shep!!! :)
Lori Davis


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Re: Southwest Florida Eagles (Pritchett)
« Reply #36 on: January 24, 2021, 06:57:50 AM »

Awesome coverage Lori. Thank you so much for sharing


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Re: Southwest Florida Eagles (Pritchett)
« Reply #37 on: January 29, 2021, 03:19:12 PM »

SWFL Nest - Eaglets Removed for Suspected Avian Pox Infection 1/29/21 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6l7_8iFD3Uo&ab_channel=PaulK

SWFL Nest - CROW Intake Video of the Eaglets 1/29/21 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xPjwjx0gRs

"The SWFL eaglets were removed from the nest this afternoon by CROW (Clinic for Rehabilitation of Wildlife) for a suspected Avian Pox infection. This video is from their intake cam. Thank you to the staff at SWFL and CROW for their keen observations and timely intervention. Hope they can be treated and returned soon."
« Last Edit: January 29, 2021, 03:21:27 PM by T40cfr403 »
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Re: Southwest Florida Eagles (Pritchett)
« Reply #38 on: January 29, 2021, 04:02:37 PM »

SWFL Nest - Eaglets Removed for Suspected Avian Pox Infection 1/29/21
https://youtu.be/6l7_8iFD3Uo VIA PAULK

The eaglets were removed this afternoon due to a suspected Avian Pox infection. M15 was on the nest when they retrieved the eaglets and returned after. The video on both cams was stopped by the owners for a few minutes during the actual retrieval.  I have included Cam 1 first,  then Cam 2 at 5:35 ET.The eaglets were removed this afternoon due to a suspected Avian Pox infection. M15 was on the nest when they retrieved the eaglets and returned after. The video on both cams was stopped by the owners for a few minutes during the actual retrieval.  I have included Cam 1 first,  then Cam 2 at 5:35 ET.
*This info is from the cam status update:
 - CROW will be removing the eaglets from the nest this afternoon for rehab, treatment and hopeful re-nesting as soon as possible. They did confirm a possible infection and worked with the local/national wildlife authorities for approval.
- Crow quickly and successfully removed the Eaglets. M15 flew around the nest tree, came back and is looking around. Hopefully they can be treated and re-nested. We will provide updates as we know more.

*Further information from the Facebook Page:
- From FB -Earlier this week we started to see some changes in the eaglets eyes and while unconfirmed until a proper exam can be done, is most likely Avian Pox or another type of infection. Luckily, thanks to the quick action of CROW - Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife, Inc. and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service- they will be removing the eaglets this afternoon for treatment & rehabilitation.
- We are hopefully for a quickly re-nesting back to H & M and successful recovery for these 2 little ones.

Jan 29, 1:01 PM
Sue_Lyons (Admin):
We don't know yet what is wrong with their eyes and can't speculate. We will wait for CROW to let us know the outcome of their evaluation.
Lori Davis


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Lori Davis


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Re: Southwest Florida Eagles (Pritchett)
« Reply #40 on: January 29, 2021, 04:22:51 PM »

Reposting for SWFL thread ... thank you CLYNN!!!

Oh no, hate to hear about the SWFL kids, I hope they can treat them quickly and get them back home to their worried parents. I looked on wskrsnwings FB page
and found these pictures. Wow, definitely a problem.

Lori Davis


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Re: Southwest Florida Eagles (Pritchett)
« Reply #41 on: January 29, 2021, 04:23:31 PM »


Another pic of SWFL, so you can see the size.
Lori Davis


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Re: Southwest Florida Eagles (Pritchett)
« Reply #42 on: January 29, 2021, 04:30:33 PM »

SWFL around noon when I was watching them on TV youtube... ((E17 & E18))  ((Harriet & M15)) take care lil ones!!!  We love you!

Lori Davis


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Re: Southwest Florida Eagles (Pritchett)
« Reply #43 on: January 30, 2021, 04:56:07 PM »


E17 & E18's First Feeding At CROW  https://youtu.be/a6xNU4Wj9q4

After receiving the examination by the veterinarians and initial cleanup and treatment of their eyes, E17 & E18 were given food by one of CROW's Wildlife Rehabilitators. They are fed torn and cut up mouse pieces that is weighed out according to their body weight to ensure they each get the amount of calories they need. While in our care, they are being fed four times a day. you will notice that the rehabilitator is wearing a veil to cover her face. This is to prevent the eaglets from imprinting on humans. We also administer their eye medications before their feeding to limit the amount of human interaction.

One more... Miss Sassypants

Wiping off their faces after feeding :) Looks like E17 a little snippy with the napkin ;)
Lori Davis


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Re: Southwest Florida Eagles (Pritchett)
« Reply #44 on: January 31, 2021, 07:09:02 AM »

SWFL E17 & E18     Dinner for 2

4pm feeding at CROW yesterday

FB Update via CROW (Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife)
E17 & E18 from the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam  Feeding time! These two eaglets have had very healthy appetites and are eating a lot. Our rehabilitation staff currently has them on a feeding schedule of four times a day. Each feed, which consists of chopped rat, mouse or quail pieces, is weighed out based on the body weight of the eaglet to ensure they get the needed amount of calories to keep growing.
One of the biggest concerns for our team is imprinting on the young eaglets. To avoid this, the staff wear veils that hide their faces. We also administer any medications right before or after they are fed to minimize the amount of human contact we have with them. They certainly are quite messy eaters.
Lori Davis