SWFL Eagle Cam Article via Southern Living Magazine Beloved Florida Eagle Cam Returns For Another Nesting Season With New Mate For Widower Bald EagleBuckle up, y’all. By Meghan Overdeep Published on October 3, 2023
Our favorite reality show is back with a brand new character. That’s right folks, the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam (SWFEC) is up and running for another season of high-flying bald eagle drama.
M15, who became a single father after the loss of his longtime mate, Harriet, back in February, has returned to the famous Fort Myers nest with a new female bald eagle (F23). Both have been seen delivering nesting materials and are showing strong signs of a possible courtship. But only time will tell what this year holds for the mighty M15 as this nesting season begins.

For its highly anticipated 12th season, SWFEC now features a new setup including two ultra-high-definition 4k cameras “placed strategically in the nest tree.”
For its highly anticipated 12th season, SWFEC now features a new setup including two ultra-high-definition 4k cameras “placed strategically in the nest tree.”
Camera 1 will again have the functionality to pan and zoom in on the nest, “giving viewers an up close view into an eagle’s ecosphere.” Camera 2, the “Nest Cam” will feature eye-level footage of nest activity.
“Finally, a 360-degree video camera returns after sustaining damage last season during Hurricane Ian,” a news release proclaims. “This camera will also allow viewers to jump into the driver seat and experience real time 360-degree views of M15 and any future eagles in the nest.”

According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the bald eagle nesting season lasts from October 1 through May 15. Last year’s eaglets, E21 and E22, hatched in January.
Ginnie Pritchett McSpadden’s family has been hosting the live feed from their property since 2012. Bird lovers tuned in that first year to watch Harriet and her then-mate Ozzie 24/7. Harriet took up with M15 shortly after Ozzie’s death in 2015. Harriet and M15 were together for eight years before the female’s disappearance (and presumed death) in early February 2023.
With Harriet missing, thousands tuned in to watch M15 raise E21 and E22 on his own. Despite the odds, M15 succeeded, and both eaglets fledged in March.
We can’t wait to see what this season holds for M15 and his nest. Visit SWFLEagleCam.com to watch this next chapter play out in real time.