Eagle Village!December 17, 2022 Saturday
Young eagles a-plenty just kept coming and coming.
Gabby spends all day away from nest.
3 Visiting eagles - my guess - are ages 2 or 3, 4 and 5 years old.
My guess is the 3 year old is female and the 4 year old is male.
2 of them arrived together aa if they're friends, one was chuckling, vocals
They act like a mated pair - but the 3 year old is too young -
Lady hawk video -
A Juvie (V5) & A Sub Adult (V4) Arrive in The Nest together V4 a sub adult flew in to the nest and was immediately followed by a juvie (V5). They had a brief interaction on the nest with the juvie chasing V4 out to the branch and then V4 took off.
V5 looks bigger than V4 - juvies are usually larger than the adults due to their longer flight feathers. But it could also be that V5 is a female with its larger size as well. There is no way to know the gender of this young eagle at this point. I believe V4 is a male due to its size, its behavior and its high pitch vocals. V4 will return later in the afternoon along with Gabby.
https://youtu.be/Q8u12pZdMxYKANSAS 1994 SUCCESSFUL NESTING BY A PAIR OF BALD EAGLES at ages 3 (fem) and 4 (male)