Royal Albatross update - 5/1 13:01
Weigh day (instead of Tuesday)SP chick is now the heaviest chick in the colony.
At 101 days old chick weighed 10 kgs this morning, thanks to his 2 breakfasts.
Also, Mum L was in at 16:23 this afternoon. Albatross - 5/1 Early morning wingercizes, and a parent arrives!
It is likely to be chick's Mum, L. Enjoy your breakfast SP chick.
Then a couple of hours later, Dad arrives with breakfast number 2, video below. Albatross - 5/3How is this for a perfect landing in windy conditions?
GLY arrived in grand fashion, to feed his #RoyalCam chick, yesterday.
Includes a brief close up GLY and SP chick, later on in Dad's visit. Albatross - 5/4 9:03Don't forget to paddle scratch.
Damp/wet chicks can attract dirt & nest material, just like SP chick did this morning. check out the highlight videos. Here is the latest one of GLY arriving in that 30-knot northerly.