Royal Albatross 8/11 This afternoon Manaaki at 203 days old, was weighed and supplementary feed 600ml of rehydrating fluids and 1 kg of fish and octopus. Yum!
🎥In case you missed it, here is Manaaki's recent GLS attachment with explanations. holding an Albatross chick with their GLS device.
The devices are very small and attached to the S-S band with a very small cable tie. Kalinka from Parker Conservation helped with the attachments. Thank you. credits: Kalinka Rexer-Huber
Royal Albatross - 8/9
Wind and WingsManaaki used the winds to help him with his wingercizes, and strengthen those flight muscles.
He also attempted a jump or two while hopping about.
Clever chick.
A Black-billed gull dropped in to look, too.