Red Tailed Hawks Cornell University Ithaca NY home of Arthur & Big RedWelcome "L3." The Cornell Hawks' third chick
Haven't checked on them yet this morning... L1 L2 & L3 from Tuesday. 'Napkin please'
chick L4 is on the way... see pip.
L1 L2 & L3 from Monday, L3 hatchday "lower right"
L1 L2 & L3 from yesterday. My crop is BIGGER than yours... chest out.
Third Red-tailed Hawk Egg Hatches, Siblings Tussle In the Nest – April 25, 2022 via cornell lab bird cams
Welcome to the world "L3." The Cornell Hawks' third chick hatched around 2:22 A.M in the early morning hours of April 25. Later that morning, Big Red takes a break from the nest to reveal three chicks, one egg, and L3's empty eggshell on the edge of the nesting bowl. Watch L1 and L2 engage in a bit of sibling rivalry while hours-old L3 works on getting its bearings. Watch live at
Arthur 'on the left' brings lunch for Big Red
A little history on the couple and also see the RRP thread at Red is banded on her right leg. From banding records we know she was banded in nearby
Brooktondale, New York, during her first autumn in 2003.
Arthur was first spotted on
Cornell University campus as a fledgling in 2016. He is unbanded. The pair first spent time together in April 2017, after
Big Red’s previous mate,
Ezra, had died. The hawks completed their first breeding season together in 2018.
Big Red’s former mate
Ezra and her had raised successful broods every year from 2012–2016. He died in March 2017.