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Author Topic: Mn DNR Nongame wildlife, Peregrine Falcon, Bremer Bank Building, St.Paul, Mn.  (Read 44008 times)

Nora in IA

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  • May 30, 2020 Great Spirit Bluff

So I did some reading back in this thread.  "Arcadia's Dad is Lewis, born in 2003 at the Fargo nest, banded black/green 76/P. Lewis's Dad was the legendary Dakota Ace, banded black/red *H/D. His Mom was Frieda, born at the Alma, Wisconsin nest in 2001, banded black/green 24/A."  I didn't know she was out of Dakota Ace.  I used to watch him at Fargo when they had the cam!!

Speaking of Dakota Ace, here is a good history of the peregrines at Fargo and Dakota Ace. https://dakota.audubon.org/fargo-falcons-bank-west
« Last Edit: May 10, 2020, 12:32:57 PM by Nora in IA »


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Still only 2 chicks as off this late morning.

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Last night

this morning


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Banding will happen June 2nd, time TBD.


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Jackie, do you know what if anything has happened to the 2nd chick?
I'm sure I'm just worrying for no reason, but sure would like to know.


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Info that SGB got was Trichomonas got the baby.  Surviving one seems to be doing fine.


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Self feeding and doing great

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{Jackie, do you know what if anything has happened to the 2nd chick?
I'm sure I'm just worrying for no reason, but sure would like to know.}

No I don't.  I was notified late the day it died, but had already gone north to band chicks.  I was in contact with the DNR, and she notified me that the chick appeared to be having seizures, but that once I had someone retrieve the carcass, that it could be disposed of without a necropsy. 

Who are the initials {Info that SGB got was Trichomonas got the baby.  Surviving one seems to be doing fine.} that mention that they heard the bird had trich?  To my knowledge, the bird was never examined by a pathologist/vet.


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FYI, the tiercel fledged this am.


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The tiercel at this site was found dead yesterday, cause of death:  collision.


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As at the Multifoods site, we also have confirmed occupancy by a new tiercel.  This year's male is TommyHawk b/g H/33, a 13 year old male that had previously been found on territory at Cargill plant, Savage, MN.  He is paired with Arcadia b/r B/05, a nine year old female who has nested here since 2016.  The camera is also live and can be followed at https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/features/webcams/falconcam/index.html


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First egg was laid last night, confirmed early this morning.  The 2022 season is in full gear and looks very promising.