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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 2045456 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28245 on: March 31, 2024, 05:25:07 AM »

Birds All Aflutter - UPDATE March 30, 2024

I have never seen so many birds here ever. The redpoll flock doubled again to more birds than I can count—guessing over 300. Too many to feed all in one feeding area, so all I could get in a picture was about 200 on this feeding spot with many waiting in trees and feeding in other areas. I don’t know if it’s the recent snow that made them come in such number. The flock of crows also grew too large to count easily but it is over 60.

 Oregon Junco
Oregon Junco
 Hoary Redpoll
Hoary Redpoll
Mixed in are birds we seldom or never see here. One is the Oregon Junco that I have no record of seeing. They are the same species as the Slate-colored Junco that are common here. They are just different populations of the widespread Dark-eyed Junco. The Oregon Junco generally lives in the far west mostly in Oregon and Washington and winters in the southwestern states, while the Slate-colored Junco lives coast-to-coast across the boreal forest of Canada and winters across the United States.

The other unusual bird here now is the Hoary Redpoll—named for its grayish white color. They come down in small numbers with the darker, browner Common Redpolls when the redpolls are here in large numbers like this year, but they come from farther north.

 Redpoll waving
Redpoll waving
 Redpoll male
Redpoll male
Sometimes birds do things that seem friendly if you stretch your imagination, like the Common Redpoll (female or juvenile) that is waving at me or the Common Redpoll male that just seems to have a friendly look in his eye. I can only dream.

 Pileated woodpecker female
Pileated woodpecker female
 Pileated woodpecker looking
Looking for food
The female Pileated Woodpecker paid a visit and landed where there is often suet, but we removed the suet and the screws that hold it so the Bald Eagle wouldn’t trip as it swoops by for a grab. So the woodpecker flew to a tree where there are many little holes where woodpeckers have looked for or stored food. The female is used to seeing people here, so she didn’t worry when she was looking into one of the larger holes and I pried by having the camera look into the hole, too, but there was no food stored in it, so the woodpecker headed elsewhere to look.

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28246 on: March 31, 2024, 10:13:14 AM »

Yes Happy Easter EV1.
Thanks Cal for the beautiful greetings.
I did the puzzle just now.  Did it pretty fast too.  5:08
Now I will get ready to go to Debbie's with John, Brian, Shannon, Debbie, Matt, Bash, and hopefully Nick and Odin.
Bye now. GBU


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28247 on: March 31, 2024, 10:34:26 AM »

Happy Easter Cal, Neva and Johoward

Cal, I love your Easter photo.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28248 on: March 31, 2024, 10:40:07 AM »

hi joho been in the barn for hours i pulled sweets head over used his horns he pulled a back foot in i was able to get him upright laid down next to him he put his head on my hip we dozed off indy at back door there looking thru wood slats i told sweets there is that munchie mule stuck a graham cracker thru that slot. sweets got second wormer he is alot better have fun today! he is upright jim came home said he is sitting up! i cant believe how much better he is in 24 hours
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28249 on: March 31, 2024, 10:42:27 AM »

hi paulie! sweets so much better not walking or drinking on his own yet but eating some and laying up head is up happy easter to you! love your photo!
« Last Edit: March 31, 2024, 10:44:22 AM by calihoula »
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28250 on: March 31, 2024, 06:19:33 PM »

Lori Davis


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28251 on: April 01, 2024, 05:49:57 AM »

hi you guys sweets went down again yesterday so that new wormer only worked for a short time his eyelids not red at all like they should be clear sign of worms he has not peed pooped ate a little but cant sit up laying down i was crying yesterday afternoon jim said im bringing him in the house we got augies stretcher with big wheels on the back and jim put him on it took him out of his stall by his front door and i could not jump down at all from it jim carried me out pulled sweets around to front door i lifted the back up over front door theshold he was in  we have two couches in the living room jim slept on one i did the other sweets on big area carpet next to us. he was afraid at first but then did good he drank a little for jim we had hay for him jim heading to vet today when they open at 8:30 i told him tell them women you want to talk to the dr period. do not come come without some wormer he took a picture of sweets eyelid. i wrote all the stuff going on i was upset saying i dont want to lose my goat cause of worms and he has a vet. jim knew i could not do another night in that barn this is so much better having him right in here jim went out and checked on indy. i got to go

god please please let this vet help sweets please
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28252 on: April 01, 2024, 10:49:39 AM »

Cal, So sorry to hear about Sweets yesterday. Very good Jim is home to help you and Sweets. You two .. three of you really .. are a team for sure!! Hoping Jim has success speaking with vet today and getting more help for Sweets.

My prayers to St Francis of Assisi continue for healing for Sweets continue.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28253 on: April 01, 2024, 11:58:51 AM »

hi paulie right before jim,left for vet sweets peed! i had pee pads under him and thick viva paper towels so over joyed he peed i got more under him he peed again! belly no longer distended and he slept jim said oh no you dont you wake up sleep tonight but i said no the boy is tired so jim went to vet he said there is a really hard worm to kill why first time he gave me five shots for sweets he got better back to ramminh but jim told hi, only lasted three weeks and vet said the safeguard i bought is same as his liquid wormer but give 15 cc not 5 it said to triple it but jim said  its says you can overdose but really it said dont underdose jim read it wrong but i backed down did not want to overdose vet said give one thiamine shot 15 cc liquid wormer not 5 and it did say on a goat give 3 times the amt rotate his then next time use safeguard and five burner shots then in three weeks do all that again keep doing that so i did his shots he cried with burner. broke my heart but i have to do it rather he cry for little bit than be sick jim said we brought him in now on dry area clean boy is sleeping his head on his pillows jim sleeping on couch right next to him. i got everyone fed litter boxes done indy done sweets listening to tv its on all the time like barn has radio going but lots easier having him in the house for sure. will take a few days last time he got up on day four got up good on day five and i will do all this every three weeks not let him get sick i hope. yes ford off today for easter jim asking sweets if he pooped again he is awake i need to see if the boy needs a drink wants something to eat. thank you for st francis i told jim your school church same name    :) 
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28254 on: April 01, 2024, 12:26:46 PM »

paulie he did not want any food syringe a drink in him he is tired sleepy vet says he is sure its this one bad worm hides in test and have to use this burner shot and it can come back and looks like it did so just treat him for worms every three weeks first time my vet told us you wont have to worm him again i told jim i dont believe that but boy this worm came right back at first vet low dosed sweets second week jim told him we are afraid he will die sweets so very sick so then vet aggressive with his treatment i miss my old vet ed loved ed
« Last Edit: April 01, 2024, 02:44:15 PM by calihoula »
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28255 on: April 01, 2024, 12:30:29 PM »

Cal that is wonderful news about sweets! Again you and Jim are a good team. Very good news from to the vet advising about the meds and dosage. Awwww to your boy being inside nice and comfy and near you and Jim and even has sound going like in the barn. It definitely sounds much easier for you not being in the barn. And wow! You got all of your other animals fed too.

You're welcome for the prayers of course.
After sweets good health has returned and after everything you've done in the past for all your beloved animals you should be able to be called a vet too with all the knowledge you've gained!  :)

Now that you've got everyone fed it's time for you to try to rest now too while you can.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28256 on: April 01, 2024, 12:34:20 PM »

Cal, Oh okay. I just read your last post. Geez that is a tough worm! Very good to the aggressive treatment. I'm very sure you miss your old vet! Stay strong. I'm sure you will and you'll be veeery happy after you've kicked that nasty worm to the curb!!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28257 on: April 01, 2024, 02:43:25 PM »

hi paulie im getting ready to do my last feeding everyone one more time to check indy big bad storm heading here. sweets watching hgtv 100 day dream house nibbling on hay i put on his pillow. i learned a ton from my old vet ed a ton been to his and pams farm he had maybe still does a mule named jack cats dogs cattle sheep goats alpacca two of them do you have any pets?

hi joho where are you are you okay?

hi neva     
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28258 on: April 01, 2024, 03:16:26 PM »

Hi ev1.  This is a very special day for many reasons. Happy Dingus Day.  Watch out for it is also April Fools Day.  Sweets is watching TV and improving.  Cal, did old vet Ed bring his pets into his house and give them a tv?  I don't think so. That is pure Cal, and her loving accomplice, Jim. You guys are a wonderful team. A lot like Noah. LOL
Debbie took Bash to do his thing at the library this morning.  He likes to hold onto the edge of a big sheet of cloth that they call the Parachute.  Each child holds up a small section of a sheet all at the same time.  It is a cooperative exercise.  I guess some Mom got after Bash about the way he was doing something and set Debbie off.  Debbie is a very good verbal antagonist.  I think she told this Mom she could stay in any of three places for free;..".in your lane, out of my business, and over there"!
Yay Sweets keep it up.  Get UNRULY  you can do it!
Yay Bears are playing on Bear.org Cam 4.  I think it is Lucky and a girl, but I am not sure which one. Bye for now. GBU all.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2024, 03:23:14 PM by johoward »


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28259 on: April 02, 2024, 06:12:10 AM »

hi you guys its 42 here raining 35 in ice 74 in kviv and 60 in the barn. jim turned down the heat in the barn sweets in the house now indy is fine with 60 

hi joho! so funny what debbie said to that mom good for her! i hope she is feeling better. jim went to bed last night he had to go back to work this morning so sweets pretty much had me up all night fixing his pillow giving him water with a syringe he still does not want to drink from bowl just nibbling on hay nothing else but last time it took 4 days for him to get up some and eat and drink really five he did poop but did not pee. pouring down rain last night jim said barn did not flood not yet anyway. he left for work came back afraid he did not shut barn door all the way he went out there this morning for me he can go alot faster and helped me to not have to go. i dont know if ed or pam brought any of their pets beside cats and dogs in the house sure he did not bring jack in. yesterday afternoon i came in here to work on our mo sales tax and no internet when i went to connect i just had a feeling it would not and it did not saw on my modem internet light was red not green. had many storms go thru one was around then so i thought it was out cause of that i called i was in my room he wanted me to check modem had to come all the way in here told him hang on yelling at penny and brownie get back trying to open that gate and sweets in living room yelling at cats in here get back finally got in here went thru a boatload of stuff then he was going to write up a work order i kept saying i feel like its on your end then he says oh i just saw on the tier the fiber was cut in your area so it is out due to that. i knew it. he was sorry said they usually stay with it till it is fix. so good this morning it is fixed jim said we need groceries i know jim i will order this morning pick up tomorrow. his sister listed pops condo today i think she and brett heading to calcun soon. her job is taking everyone there. sweets is watching the local news right now. i have to do his shots soon pretty cool on bash and kids with that sheet and love it at the library. i asked my library to get me a book they did not have and they did it is in so need to go to my ipad open up my libby i need to get moving lots to do. i gave one of my old cats an antibiotic and he scratched me bad on my left wrist and now i took an antibiotic cause looks like getting infected and really hurts too.

gb all animals and all of us
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb