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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 2007574 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29340 on: January 08, 2025, 05:36:44 AM »

hi you guys its 8 here 11 in longyear 15 in ice

cali is doing good yesterday afternoon when she got up and i put her out on that rope then i looked back and there was her big wrap laying on the floor she was outside with nothing on her back paw leg. cali cali got her back in and in my room new neosporn etc and wrapped up . hole is filling in good. jim goes see that dr buzzard tomorrow for his blood pressure medicine check on it he is suppose to talk to him about mine. i may have to go see his dads heart doctor if buzzard cont to ignore mine say i dont need medicine. got a start of a headache now gets worse during the day and stuff. if that heart doctor sees my record on it and says i dont need it then i will say to him then i need something for migraine and shortness of breath . something is not right and my bp when i take it always in upper 130's 140's 150's sometimes 160's and some time 170 hypertension stage 1 and 2 jim goes see dr this afternoon told me to get together my record of my bp for last two weeks. everything i read says i have stage 1 and 2

« Last Edit: January 08, 2025, 07:11:05 AM by calhound »
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29341 on: January 08, 2025, 04:42:40 PM »

5:49  Cold all day today.  Buyer for John's car never showed.  I did get Odin home from the bus.  Poor Duffey had the runs in her kennel again, and had some stool on her in several places.  She did not like it, and it made Odin gag.  I tried to wipe it off with wet towels, but could not do it well.  She still stunk badly.  She needed a bath.
  Finally when Brian hot home he took over care of Odin and Duffey so I could go to Debbie's and return her bear bag from the Bear Center.  She gave me the owners manual for the Caddy and I put it in the car.
Well I guess I better get started cooking something.
CUL EV1 GBU, Israel, Ukraine, and Canada.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29342 on: January 08, 2025, 06:38:26 PM »

hi joho sorry buyer no show but maybe show up later poor duffey i have to clean cali up her antibiotics give her the runs but she has to have them when she is sleeping i put a pad made of of viva paper towels and sit that on top of a heavy bath towel cause deep sleep she will pee too. i have scrubber wash cloth i clean her with it. she is getting better every day today she went out on that rope i stand by door its 6 degree she gets cold so pee back in jim said dr buzzard looked at my bp readings said they are elevated he changed jims bp his legs swelling in two weeks jim and now i go back he will put me on some medicine he told jim do not give hers yours i will give her something else lot less than what you are taking i have this migraine almost daily now hard to do my life with it i get my implant friday dr foster will have script for pain pills maybe that will help with my painful headache i just put a fresh dressing wrap on calis back paw leg. she went to sleep i want to go to bed try to sleep away headache can you believe trump wanting to buy greenland not for sale gb you
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29343 on: January 08, 2025, 09:12:32 PM »

car buyer will come at 10:30 on Friday with her Dad and Debbie too. She is a friend of Debbie.  They have not seen each other for3 years.
I hope you are sleeping pain free now. I take Tylenol for pain.  It works for me.  I take lots of it sometimes.  Now though I take only 500 mg once a day.
I drove the Caddy down to get my mail today  It is fun to drive, and looks great inside and out.
Be well Cal. Good night and GBU
See you in the morning.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29344 on: January 09, 2025, 06:50:00 AM »

hi you guys its 6 here 28 in longyear 28 in ice we are getting more snow tonight 2 inches which we do not need i woke up at 2;30 am with a severe headache took my bp really high 159/95 pulse 93 i got up let dogs out back in went to the barn when i got back in jim got up and ask how i was i showed him my bp he said do you want one of my bp pills yes yes i do jim and i took it his old one i did not cut it down i took it. 5mg at 4;30am i took it at 6 i was feeding cats and calis wrap was off but at least in the house so redid all that made it tigher my headache still here but better some relief i took my bp 138/78 pulse 78. i will take another one tomorrow got to see dr foster and i cant go two weeks till time to see dr buzzard i just cannot if jims medicine keeps helping me i will cut it back but i will tell dr i took his you should of taken care of mine over a month ago when i ask you too told you bad headaches elevated all the time. you told me no then said i did not need it!  now you say it is elevated you need it and now if you want to switch me fine as long as i dont keep having these headaches. they cripple me

hi joho well yay car buyer will be there tomorrow. nice for debbie to get to see her friend. i tried to take stuff for headaches did nothing it is my bp being so high. jim said he had that too when he got on his medicine headaches gone i just hope this last and my bp gets lower so  no headache at all but this is better than what i woke up to been having daily for awhile. i got to work on our tax stuff get it ready for cpa all my animals pay our bills fill out personal property stuff etc pick up groceries today but not till 2pm only time they have all week is 2 4 5 cause extreme cold. i am tired of that suppose to warm up tomorrow 32 that is great but do not need anymore snow jim got it moved from driveway sidewalk huge mountains of it where he moved it people down the road plowed our road so they could get out take care of their cattle and they are doing a very good of that. lots of big bales out for animals. bet you did have fun driving that caddy! gbu

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29345 on: January 09, 2025, 09:55:00 AM »

joho are you watching president carters funeral? his grandson very good speaking of his grandfather showed trump sitting there nc good to see the other presidents my bp is 129/76 pulse 80 gbu president carter
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29346 on: January 09, 2025, 11:52:34 AM »

5:56 Yes Cal I have been watching.  I saw all the speakers.  All were very well presented.  Especially the grandson.  Carter was truly a remarkable man.  He , like me, outlived all his peers.  I was impressed that he and Ford made sure to write down each others Eulogy ahead of time.  So smart of them.  No one knows the future, or how long it will last.
I did like the looks of some of the ex-presidents and their women, but not all.  I kind of felt sorry for Obama, and where was his wife?  Is she not well?


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29347 on: January 10, 2025, 05:55:15 AM »

hi you guys its 28 snowing here 23 snowing in longyear 27 and snowing in ice

hi joho i wondered that too where was obamas wife so i just googled that...According to CNN, Michelle was unable to attend due to a scheduling conflict. Her advisers told CNN reporter Jeff Zeleny that Michelle is currently "still in Hawaii on an extended holiday vacation." oh well still on vacation.  i really liked joe biden talking how humble pres carter was simple house truly treated his neighbors and all nice and good lots of people can talk about doing that but he did that all his years he did that. god let him live for 100 years how lucky heaven is to have him i did like seeing all the living president hillary looked good i liked that too that ford and him wrote down each others eulogy. i have not taken another one of jims bp pill i dont think i will today hope i do okay i have to go see dr foster this morning get that implant put in hope i do not have a migraine. jim made me an app for tuesday at 3 pm not wait for two weeks dang dr buzzard you ever have a migraine i love my oral surgeon and dentist they never leave me in pain if i take another one if jims pills i will cut in half i feel like i need to do that so if i can wait till tuesday just let him give me something jim was not suppose to give me his medicine but i was suffering bad so right now its just the one i had a lot of practice treating sick animals lots of help from some vets i have lots of love for animals.

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29348 on: January 10, 2025, 07:13:20 AM »

5:27 Good morning EV1.  Got an early start today, because car buyer coming at 10:30 with her Dad and Debbie.  Plus with no mail yesterday I have no paper to read this morning.
I hope you have a very good day to day Cal.  It is winter everywhere it seems.  I feel really bad for the people in California threatened by the vicious fires there.
I really loved the dog shame with the loving look.  I will send to Debbie as soon as I think she is awake. I will also send a picture of Duffey looking at me the same way. I did add a screen shot from the North Eagle Cam of a cottontail browsing nearby in the dark.  What a good camera operator.  I think that bunny should get out of range of that camera mounted on our Eagle tree. LOL  It ran away a few minutes ago and I sighed.  Good.  NOW there are two bunnies there. Yikes. And then there were none, and I am glad.
CUL EV1 GBU, Israel, Ukraine and anyone who is suffering this morning.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29349 on: January 10, 2025, 07:35:32 AM »

hi,joho good luck on the caddy today yikes bunnies stay away from eagles! i did take another pill jim said take it helps you i do not need migraine today big wreck on highway in city two dead i have to hurry we need to leave extra half early for city awful fires in california i watch news at 2 am said a horse trapped but got rescued is safe what of all that is not gb all in need
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29350 on: January 10, 2025, 11:49:33 AM »

six deer are coming through the woods to snowman cam now.  car is sold, but not totally done yet.  she forgot to bring the money.  the dad and her drove around for at least an hour.  then we made an appointment to transfer title, but not until next Friday at 9 am.  So fingers crossed car is sold.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29351 on: January 10, 2025, 02:10:31 PM »

I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29352 on: January 10, 2025, 04:02:51 PM »

LOL yes Fingers crossed. LOL  Right after they all left Brian calls and says he got off early and will get Odin from the bus.  So I am free to do whatever.  The thig is the buyer has a hair appointment and Debbie says that will likely take all afternoon.  So heck!  I just went for gas and to see Billie.  He was putting on his boots when I walked in.  So that was a short visit.  Good to see he was doing good.  I went for a ride to the metro park to look for deer.  I found two.  One was way off and moving to hide.  The other stayed near to the road for me to admire.  Snow has started to drift down a little.  I saw at least five plows and salt trucks on my trip for gas.  Big snow is coming I guess.  Glad I am inside.  It looks foggy out my front window in the dusk, I know it is really fine snow falling.  The Indians say when snow is very very small it piles up many hands deep.  I guess we will see tonight.  Between the fine snow and the many trucks and plows I believe them.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2025, 04:19:01 PM by johoward »


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29353 on: January 11, 2025, 05:58:16 AM »

Bob Donner and the Eagle - UPDATE January 10, 2025

Boreal Owl
Bob Donner
Bob Donner
A familiar face to anyone who has gone to a LilyPad Picnic is Bob Donner. He has never missed one. His wife Sandie Donner is one of the planners and organizers. Bob’s multiple sclerosis finally got the better of him this past week, leaving a lot of us talking about what a nice guy he was. Tonight was the annual dinner for Bear Center staff and their spouses, and I heard a lot of that there. I can only imagine how Sandie is feeling. Our condolences go out to Sandie.

The Bear Center said it best on its Facebook page, saying “A longtime supporter of the North American Bear Center, Bob Donner, passed away unexpectedly over this past week. We are very saddened to hear this news and we want to send our thoughts and prayers to his family and friends. Bob was a staple attendant at the Lily Pad Picnic and was always happy to be a part of the event. His support for the NABC and his fellow supporters was inspiring. Bob is dearly loved and will be missed by many. Thank you for all that you have done Bob; rest in peace.”


A happier note today was the return of the eagle. I’m glad to see he’s still around. Out of nowhere there was a sudden flash of wings as he tried to grab beef fat from his pile outside my window, but with temperatures far below freezing, the meat was frozen hard in place. Later I saw him fly over and land in a big pine across the lake a little over two football fields from my desk, according to Google Earth. At that distance, he was only two white dots, but I’ve had him show up soon after putting out beef fat before and wondered if he sometimes watches from a distance. If he saw me go out to his feeding spot and dump some warm meat, would he know it’s time for another swoop? I put beef fat in the microwave to half cook. He was still sitting across the lake when I put the fat in place and went back to my desk where I might still be visible to an eagle. Within five minutes he caught me off guard as he swooped in but didn’t connect with the meat. As if he wanted to make another swoop, he landed nearby high in a red pine across the yard. By the time I aimed the camera he was leaping into flight to return to his spot across the lake. I warmed up more meat and put it out, but he’d tried hard enough and flew off.

Even though we all are sad about Bob, it was a happy day in other ways. The evening dinner was fun and a time for thankfulness and happiness, thinking about all the staff does to keep the Bear Center top notch with the support of their spouses, which is what I said when I got up to say my thank you. Still sad about Bob, it was a day of happiness to be with this dedicated group.

Happy Friday
Happy Friday

Then I saw this poster and thought the dinner was such a happy time that the poster fit this update about it.

Then a boreal owl, an owl I rarely see put a cap on the day by landing ten feet outside my window and watching me type, staying there for a striking picture in the night. Thank you owl!!

In many ways it was a Happy Friday, which made this poster seem appropriate.

And thank you all for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29354 on: January 11, 2025, 06:13:53 AM »

hi you guys its 9 here 5 in longyear 29 in ice cool not only did docs eagle see him from that far away but came back saw he put out more food. eyes like and eagle owl got its eyes on doc too. what a beauty god gives us lots of good

hi joho weather channel did say you are in for some snow we are getting more and freezing stuff tonight sick of it i tells you. i think temp be going up lots to melt lots of mud then spring non stop rain barn flooding mud. i will shut up watched david muir and la fires hard to watch  people actually started them is unreal. they caught one very soon after fire  homeless man with a flame thrower now how did he get that need to round up mentally sick i hope you get that car sold soon i see snow and ms goose rooting for their lions my mouth is sore from implant work. drilling those shots my bp is still holding out i see dr on tuesday get on my own pills jims came way down to 120/78 dr put him on new medicine 25 mg and still on old 2 5mg so lots of medicine jim is on. i thought that is what indy would probably have to take. i hope to get my back down to like 117/64 that is what it was when i woke up at 11 pm and took it. cali doing good i think her hole in her foot will be healed all up in a week

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb