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A Shy Marten, a Swooping Eagle, and a Good Day - UPDATE December 5, 2024
Pine marten
Excitement started before it was light enough for anything more than an ID picture. A pine marten stopped by for the first time in a loongg time. From its small size, it had to be a female. I hope she was happy with the peanuts she was eating back in a shadow until she stuck her head out in the light for a quick click. I hope she comes again.
Bald eagle
Bald eagle
Bald eagle takes flight
Bald eagle takes flight
Then, having seen an eagle pass over the last couple days, I put some five pounds of beef fat outside my desk window. Ravens flew close but didn’t dare land so near. Then there was a startling swoop and the fat was gone—like we saw over and over earlier this year. An eagle! It must be one of the eagles that nested a mile south of here this past summer and made many swooping visits. Also, like the eagle of this past summer, it later sat up in the big pine across the yard with its eagle eye on my desk window where I was aiming the camera at him. Eventually, the eagle took flight, heading this way for a final look/see before heading off for the day. I want to see more of him, too.
Then, at the other end of the size spectrum, a chickadee reminded that there are more chickadees visible now than I’d seen at any one time all summer. Somehow, it made me think of the Christmas song “You better watch out. You better not cry. Better not pout. I’m telling you why. Chick-a-dees are coming to town!’ –or something like that.
Thank you birds and animals, and thank you all for all you do!
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center