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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1121991 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28770 on: August 09, 2024, 06:39:38 PM »

Hi cal, I hope all's good with you. I hope your temps are lower and more comfortable for you and you are feeling good.
We are finally feeling better like ourselves again. Today is first day we can say that. Took 3 to 4 weeks.
Debby storms and high winds and heavy rains came through my area last night and today. We got dumped on. Clear skys now.

Hi johoward, I read at top of page you said about tornados. Debby was a nasty hurricane and storm afterwards.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28771 on: August 10, 2024, 05:18:14 AM »

Becky’s Family Minus One - UPDATE August 9, 2024

Bow’s 6-year-old daughter Becky let us see her 3 cubs well enough to determine that they are a male and two females, but we have yet to get an ID picture of the second female. For ID pictures, we try to get pictures that show their muzzle patterns, eyebrow patches, and other markings like chest blazes, scars, etc. None of Becky’s cubs have chest blazes even though Becky has a distinctive one. We’re looking for an opportunity to getting an ID picture of the second female and a family picture of them all together for comparison.

 Becky's female cub
Becky's female cub
 Becky's male cub
Becky's male cub
Bow, the 22-year-old grandmother of Becky’s litter had only one cub this year, which makes us wonder if this will be her last litter. We hope she makes it at least another two years to learn more about the age they have their final litters.

For 25-year-old RC, the great grandmother of this lineage, we’re watching to see if she will have another litter in 2025 after having a single male cub last year when she was 24.

We’re still trying to learn the sexes of Ursula’s two other cubs after getting a picture of one that is a male.

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28772 on: August 10, 2024, 05:32:27 AM »

hi you guys its 57 here 56 in iceland

Hi joho i hope your storms are done you got hit hard. lots getting hit chiefs will play their first preseason game tonight at 6 pm jacksonville jaqs when do the brownies have their first preseason game? did you remember to ask your doctor about your watery eyes and did you help you with that and your cough?

Hi Paulie! so good to read you guys are good again! yes cooler temp helped my hand with authur. just nice to have cooler weather nice for all animals and wildlife. i think hotter temp coming back i know it is august days are shorter too so getting dark earlier and that is a good thing.  i saw all the rain you got hit with. debby time for you to go.  did you get vaccinated for this new covid? i have not gotten one since covid first came out and we go that i think j&j said only needed the one we got ours thru a drive thru too. in another town. had lots of military there to help and only so many at a time in that big parking lot. i will be getting my fly shot at the end of this month. i go to my walmart pharmacy for my shots if i need anything else they will tell me. i like getting them there in and out

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28773 on: August 10, 2024, 10:01:38 AM »

6:07 About avg for me.  I did get to spend some time with Karen last night.  She made me  some  real burgers with the works and some beets.  While she had a fake burger or veggie patty .  Then she asked if I would play some rummy.  She said she wanted to get even for some of my wins.  Well that did not go her way.  In four hands I was over 500 and she had less than 200 points. So we watched some Olympics. Debbie and Mary are getting home finally.  Debbie first then a day later Mary got the electric back on.  Only losses I have heard of is from Mary.  She lost her food from the refrigerator.  Her freezer food was still frozen, and she thought it was OK.
Browns play the Packer today in Cleveland at 4:25 PM.  Go Browns!
CUL EV1 GBU< Israel, Ukraine, and all who are suffering.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28774 on: August 11, 2024, 05:34:42 AM »

hi you guys i dont know what the temp is its nice out

hi joho i saw brownies was losing i fell asleep watching chiefs woke up later on saw chiefs lost  saw brownies lost too but just preseason and i hate it when someone gets hurt on just preseason hate for anyone to hurt period

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28775 on: August 11, 2024, 10:05:52 AM »

Hi cal, Good about your lower temps and that it helped your hand too. That long stretch of very high temps that covered all the states was way too oppressive for too long.
We got the initial covid shot then the booster too. We stopped after that. So no to having had the booster shot for the covid we just had. I don't think it matters because my daughter and her family, and my son and his wife all had the most recent covid shot and they still got it. In fact my husband and I caught the virus from them.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28776 on: August 11, 2024, 11:51:00 AM »

hi paulie your right not make any difference on getting another covid booster we did not just the one i spend most of my time at home but jim is out and he could of given it to me we practiced being careful.  i lost my cousin to covid when it first came out jim lost his best friend missy my friend lost her dad to it and so forth. i will go get my flu shot saw i wrote fly shot lol well i need one of those. walmart give me your fly shot yes long period of time with such crazy high temp and that humidity ty god for ac you be careful with that covid stuff paulie
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28777 on: August 11, 2024, 12:49:32 PM »

6:10 Feels good.  Very nice out .  75 degrees not too windy.  What a change. Hard to stay in and watch the Olympics when it is this nice.  Yay for USA!!! Lots of close calls and still win.  Men and women. Yay!!!  Next Paralympics.
Did not see anyone yesterday, and probably not today.  I may go to outside concert in the county amp theater or maybe a beach concert in Vermilion on the lake.  Or not.  We will see.
I am well. Doctor says he is proud of us for living this long.  I gave him the credit.  He gives it back to me.  Now you guys, about this shot business.  My Debbie and my Mary are both in the medical field, and they do not give me any slack on shots.  They both make sure I know when and where any kind of immunization is avialable.  I then make sure to get them all. 
The last time was funny. Mary sent me for a shot.  I went to Drugmart near me for a covid shot.  Lady says none are due right now.  She sent me away.  I went to the next Drugmart down the road and they gave me the booster no questions asked.  Just go in that little room over there with that lovely young pharmacist lady.  That is another reason for me to go there.  It is a very pleasant experience for this lonely old man, and I stay well, and my family does not worry, and I will not get my friends and family sick, etc., and etc.  Why would you not go???  Yes, I hear some do still catch it a little, but they don't DIE!!!  So Do everyone around you a favor.  Get all the shots you can. Bye for now CUL EV1 GBU, Israel, Ukraine and all who are suffering.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28778 on: August 12, 2024, 05:57:22 AM »

hi you guys its 66 here heavy rain and thunderstorms lighting all over  i have to drive to the city in a bit to dr platte get my implant tooth put on. then i will not have this hole on my bottom teeth. i hope rain lets up for me when i go.

hi joho i get whatever shots my pharmacy tells me i got those shingles shot pneumonia shots they never had the booster for covid not for that one time shot we got said we do not need it  i will see what they say end of this month when i go for my flu shot.  have a good day

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28779 on: August 12, 2024, 07:43:11 AM »

6:04 About my avg again. Watery eyes are slowing me down today.  I guess I will have to call my eye Dr. again.  Eye drops are not making a difference.
Did not see anyone again yesterday.  Just hung out on the couch and watched the Olympics and Cape Fear.  Yikes!  I had forgotten how horrible this movie was.  I mean the bad guy hitched a long ride under the car like a flea or a tick on a dog's belly.  Yikes!
The Olympic coverage was good though.  Some real competition with the women's marathon amongst all the beautiful hype. Saw too much of Snoop for my taste.  It was like he owned the Olympics and showed up and did what ever he felt like doing for two weeks. Seemed too much to me.
  I liked that the Saturday Night Live cast was in charge of filling the time for us.  They all did a good job.  I am glad they are over.  I did not get anything done for two weeks.  I feel guilty for missing out on visits, shopping, cleaning,  and etc.
Even my posts on here were shorter and scant of info due to the Olympics.  Sorry.
I will see Odin John Nick and Karen today.  Maybe Bonnie too.  I have her Reese cup in the cupboard and will take it to her this morning. Debbie has an appointment at her dentist today.  So I will bring Odin home to Debbie's from preschool at 4PM precisely.  He is so adorable!  What a character. LOL
Karen is working this afternoon at the gift shop.  She will come over for some chili after work.  We will watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy after dinner.
Now I will cruise the web a little and get going. CULEV1 GBU, Israel, Ukraine, and those suffering.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28780 on: August 13, 2024, 05:12:19 AM »

Good Sightings, Good Times - UPDATE August 12, 2024

Snowball - M. Fitzpatrick
Today, Margaret Fitzpatrick took the best picture I’ve seen of 1 ½ -year-old Snowball. To do that, Margaret brought her cell phone here from New Zealand as a black bear field course participant and took this picture that dwarfs the pictures I’ve ever taken of Snowball with long Nikon lenses. Way to go Margaret!

 Jewels cub
Jewel's cub
As Margaret took the picture, Snowball’s 15-year-old grandmother Jewel rested nearby on the forest floor while her two female cubs Journey and Judy rested high in a white pine.


Yesterday, I got a call that Colleen was at a feeding site with her four female cubs. I rushed over. There she was with her distinctive notch in her right ear. 21-year-old Colleen is 24-year-old Donna’s first daughter born back in 2003. I didn’t take ID pictures of her cubs, though, because other cubs were in the same tree. Amazingly, Colleen and her family were one of 8 families present with a total of 23 cubs—the most families I’ve ever seen in one area. Instead I took ID pictures of an unknown mom to send to other feeders who might be able to identify her.

Unknown Mom
Unknown Mom

 Cub of unknown mom
Cub of unknown mom
 Female cub of unknown Mom
Cub of unknown mom
Good times and now with the bear course in progress, good sharing of unforgettable moments. The wild sarsaparilla crop is very poor, extending the lack of wild foods, and making me thankful that people in this nature-loving community are feeding the bears to keep them out of trouble. The ages of these bears is a testimony to the effectiveness of diversionary feeding in years like this.

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28781 on: August 13, 2024, 05:25:48 AM »

hi you guys its 67 here rain is coming barn already flooded on one side from heavy rain yesterday i drove in to the dentist. finally get there to get my new tooth and told tooth did not come in i was pretty upset sara said be here between 10 and noon it was 9:15 so i went on back and was asking about this new and final implant i hope for awhile dr platte has said when my crown fell off he could do it but then he wanted me to go see dr foster again should of told me earlier so now i go see dr foster tomorrow long drive back to the city i love the update pictures. so good to see jewel and her new kids and snowball what a cutie getting big and how funny lady took it from her phone and from new zealand jewel you grands and kids are a jewel.

hi joho i did not get to see much of olympics i saw pieces here and there i would of had enough of snoop too saw tom cruise riding a motorcycle the stars of the oympic are of course people actually in it. not cruise snoop saw a picture of mick jagger with his young son but they were just watching it still i really like that metal horse on the river seine at opening of it. that was cool.

hi alice xoxo

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28782 on: August 14, 2024, 05:27:50 AM »

hi you guys its 72 here feeling humid too our weather woman says under heat advisory today starting at noon crud i should be back home by then got to drive all the city again only farther now to dr foster see if he can do another implant i am sure he can get this broken off molar from losing my crown months ago.  says rain coming so i hope not driving in a storm yet again.

hi joho i hope you are okay see you did not post yesterday not like you. please be okay i saw on the world news yesterday at 5:30 with david muir and he was back too trump bad mouthing UAW and unions and now uaw filing charges that musk hate unions and him and trump agreeing on that. ca still loving trump and i know for a fact he has came crying to jim to help him with stuff inside the plant and the union came to his aide. schools starting up over in kansas soon around here too i saw some school buses yesterday be fall soon  :)

i gotta go

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28783 on: August 14, 2024, 03:47:34 PM »

I am OK.  Just busy. GBU EV1


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28784 on: August 14, 2024, 05:21:40 PM »

4:37 finally got to it. Really nice out all day.  I love August! All the produce stands are loaded and days are great with cool evenings too.
 Busy day.  Got up very early and took 6 dogs and 8 cats the vet for surgery.  You know what kind. Now they will be "adoptable" as Debbie would say.
I have a dinner date for some good ribs soon at 6:30 so I will need to be moving on now.  GBU EV1 Israel, and Ukraine.
I miss our baby birds.  Come on January and eagle cams.
Bye now!!!!