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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1221801 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28725 on: July 26, 2024, 07:51:30 PM »

babies are in the window.  won't be here much longer.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28726 on: July 27, 2024, 05:30:12 AM »

Lily and Her Four Cubs - UPDATE July 26, 2024

Mallard family passes as bear eats
With the crops of juneberries (Amelanchier spp.) and blueberries (Vaccinium spp.) not doing as well as we thought, bears are hungry. Last evening, Lily and her four cubs checked an old favorite feeding site three miles from her usual haunts and were thoroughly occupied by food as people snapped pictures to send us. The people also confirmed the sexes of her four cubs--one female (with the chest blaze) and three males. It took two pictures to get the whole view of Lily--one of her head and the other of her healthy body.

Lily's female cub
Lily's female cub

Lily w/cubs
Lily w/cubs
Lily w/smallest male cub
Lily w/smallest male cub

I hope I get a chance to see her one of these days. It is always nice to feel that she remembers me and so calmly accepts me that she just ignores me and keeps eating as I take her pulse, stroke her back, and say the words she expects. She is the bear I most want to watch with a den cam and compare how she cared for cubs when she was 3 to 6 years old and now she would be 18 this winter or 19 next year when she should give birth again. I wonder if she has any gray hairs yet.

Deer on shore
Deer on shore

Out the window here, this group of ten mallards passed (top photo) within six feet of a bear that was resting and eating. The ducks didn't hesitate and the bear just looked and went back to eating. I thought there would be more reaction because a mother mallard with a single duckling made a bear back off a week or so ago. Some of the ducks and bears here are probably accustomed to seeing each other. It was the same for us on a pontoon ride with the recent wonderful course group. A loon paid little attention as we quietly passed by and a deer did no more than calmly look at us.

Good times.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28727 on: July 27, 2024, 05:33:52 AM »

hi you guys im not feeling very well i am very dizzy trying to finish my morning chores when jim gets up sending him to get me something for this.

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28728 on: July 27, 2024, 09:53:30 AM »

6:16 Nice scene.  That is where Debbie is today.  Did not see Karen yesterday.  I am concerned when I don't hear from her.  I sent several texts, but got no response until bedtime. Then only GN and GBU.
 I will send her your dog shame in a few minutes, and see what the day brings.  I know she is having trouble with her washer, and can't get ahold of Billie.  I can't either.  I am a little worried about both of them.
I just got back from blood testing.  For the first time in 45 years they said Dr. Miclat ordered a urine test too.  They also said they could not make out the directions at first glance.  He is a kidney specialist and always has tested my urine in his office, which is also a dialysis facility.  I have some doubts, but will do as I am told as usual, and hope for the best.  I had to take the sample jug home.  I will take it back to the clinic soon.
My niece sent me a good article about black bears inhabiting North Bay County, CA for the first time ever. The article is in the North Bay Nature publication.
Bye for now EV1. GBU, Israel, Ukraine, and all who are suffering.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28729 on: July 28, 2024, 05:39:26 AM »

hi you guys its 70 here tv cam is online soon they will be flying out that door if not already sure do grow fast. heat is heading here

hi joho hope karen and billie are okay and karen gets her washer fixed. hope you did okay on your test.

hi paulie jim got me some dramamine and i was not dizzy anymore. one last for 24 hours so i got till 11 am for this one to wear off. i did not go feed my moms cat yesterday jim did cause i was afraid i would fall down those stairs. so will see today. hope you are better

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28730 on: July 28, 2024, 01:30:56 PM »

5:12 Really quick for me. Nice but very hot today. 87 degrees at 2:30 pm.   Saw Karen last night.  She had to buy a new washer.  Hers broke, and we could not get ahold of Billie for two weeks.  Don't know why yet. I should go see him soon, but am still a little coldish.  So I will stay to myself for a few more days.
Deb says she is doing good in FL.  I am glad to hear it.
Now I think I will go get some lunch.
CUL EV1 GBU, Israel, and Ukraine.  USA USA GO


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28731 on: July 28, 2024, 05:51:24 PM »

cal, Good to read that what Jim got you is helping your dizziness. I don't know where your mom's cat is but you definitely stay away from stairs when dizzy.

We're feeling about the same. It's taking a while to get over this for some reason. Me cold symptoms and very congested sinuses. My husband a nasty cough. My head stopped pounding. We both have the extreme covid fatigue. We're not used to feeling so tired and dragging for almost a week now

I hope your dizziness and whatever caused it is gone now.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28732 on: July 29, 2024, 05:34:37 AM »

hi you guys its 80 here humid we are under heat advisory till thursday night feel like 107 maybe 110 hotter tomorrow how can that be oh 115 maybe i hate summer have to drive all the way to the city in a little bit then on down to dr plattes be gone all morning i hate that hope everything will be okay here i will worry

hi joho good karen got a new washer now she should not have worry about it for along time mine is i think like 14 years old at least and used alot i did not get the warranty again not spending the money on that just get a new one when this one quits. like we did our stove which i miss my old stove alot. i too am happy debbie having a good time if you are still coldish yes keep to yourself a little longer.

hi paulie my mom cats are down in the basement in the back bedroom and bathroom down there lots of stairs to get down there. that dramamine sure as help i took another one yesterday at 11 am for today they last 24 hours i got to drive to the city i took my blood pressure at first it was sky high 182 what i had not used it for a couple of years so i changed the batteries and then it read 124 usually mine is 118 so little elevated but not 182 i hope this dizziness is gone cause that is really bad and it scares me. almost enough to see the doctor. hope you and your husband get better i know i feel that dragging my feet i dont know what is causing my dizziness ra was dizzy she said her doctor said thought it was allergies.

i gotta go

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28733 on: July 29, 2024, 07:52:03 AM »

5:43 Nice morning.  I will be on baby sitting duty this afternoon.  Odin needs a ride to and from his preschool in Westlake.  Debbie does this for him, but of course she cannot from FL.  So Brian asked me to help.  I have told him many times that I would be glad to help him take care of his boys.  Nick and Odin.  I love to do things with them.  Odin calls our time together adventure time.  He is a delight to be around.
Well I better get started for the day. 
Please be super careful Cal.  That dizziness when driving can be a killer.  I had that for a while after Joan died.  I think it was anxiety, but never got a real diagnosis.  Seemed to go away gradually on it's own.  I have heard that fluid in the ear can cause this.  Billie's Dad, Bill, had what he called Vertigo.  He eventually died of heart failure after a few years. 
Bye for now GBU EV1.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28734 on: July 30, 2024, 05:34:32 AM »

hi you guys it is 77 here and it is hot and really humid out yesterday it was so hot heat index was i think like 110 more today house barely stayed at 71 where i had it for this hot week and barn did good at 72 indys new farrier suppose to be here tomorrow at 3:30 and jim is telling him he has to do indy in the barn. i saw neighbors horses yesterday when i came home from dentist and they were under a tree for shade and sweating alot. radio was begging people to bring in their pets but i know lots did not. let them sit out in this and wear a fur coat.  dr foster took no time in getting my implant ready for dr platte dr platte office i was really early so had to wait for about 40 min and while i was in the waiting room i tried to look at a magazine but felt dizziness would come on so i did not tried to watch tv but the same so i did not i tried to not panic. i go back aug 12th get my new tooth. my bottom teeth are small and close together dr foster changed my deal for it dr platte could not get his fingers in there so he grinded off the sides of my other teeth one a crown and other was not i was upset really cause my teeth are fragile and doing that i felt not helping them now the opening is bigger i was going to ask him but i just left that i hope the new tooth will fill up all that space now i guess it will since they took the impression for new tooth after the grinding.

hi joho listen i am worried about this dizziness so far that dramamine keeping it at bay i remember my mom telling me when she was living out in vegas how dizzy she got and polly told me too finally she let polly take her to the hospital where she has two heart attacks they paddled her back twice she had congestive heart failure i remember me and my grandmother flying out there and mom was so swollen from fluid so i am worried. i got so many depended on me jim has no idea what all i do he really does not. jim not crazy about having to do alot of stuff not every day. one of my favorite places to be was at my grandparents house on some weekends.  your grands will remember these times forever

tv cam is on both kids are up i was happy to see them this heat is so dangerous and today will be worse than yesterday how is that possible and it will be this hot for them babies too.  break on thursday night into friday still in the 90's but not all this humidity i heard on the radio yesterday phoenix az firefighters police etc carrying body bags filled with ice water see someone laying out from their heat use that on them get them to hospital.

hi paulie hope you are better today hope your weather better than here

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28735 on: July 30, 2024, 07:50:46 AM »

wow wee its hot i did my outdoor stuff and barn again outdoor stuff sweating bad poor birds and other poor animals but i put out cold clean water for the birds and food big water and small bowl all by side door on sidewalk and i let my big bushes  grow over it covers whole area and smokie too. heard on indies radio roy cooper dropped out
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28736 on: July 30, 2024, 07:56:04 AM »

5;16 73 mostly cloudy at 8:43
Sorry to hear Roy dropped out.  He is very "Presidential" in my view. A real WINNER.  I did not see him as Veep though.  Maybe later.
Deb's favorite place to be.  At the seashore where she is. LOL
Great day with Odin and Nick yesterday.  Both were very good boys all day.  I will get them tomorrow all day too.  I am glad.
I am well today.  Hope to see Karen and Bonnie later. 
No coffee or cereal yet.  Coffee is getting cold.  So I better get going.  Cal, you have to pull over right away if you get dizzy while driving.  Just put on your four way flashers and pull to the right as far as you can.  Be ready all the time, and stay in the curb lane as much as possible.  That is what I do.
Now coffee is real calling.
Don't see anyone or hear any foot steps in the TV barn this morning.  Other RRP cams going dark this Friday.  Good bye babies of 2024.
 So CUL EV1 GBU, Israel, and Ukraine.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28737 on: July 30, 2024, 12:15:09 PM »

hi joho in my office feeding my two office cats and talking to them petting them i thought that with roy cooper all along no not vice but pres and if he had been harris vice then no pres if she ran again if she won and sure she would he would not run against so another 4 years he does alot for his state so guess good he is staying put he is a WINNER to me too i read on allergies and said they will cause dizziness so i am looking for pennys benadryl I would pull right over if i became dizzy i do stay in that slow lane unless someone in front is like way way slow then i pass on the highway lots of people around here very very old and drive like 20 mph this little old lady in little red car is one. once jims friend was coming here he called said he was behind this little old lady going 20 jim said is her car red YES well take your time.   i feel okay today i took my dramamine at 11 am i think if i get stressed out that does not help. got to pick up groceries in the morning ordered earlier got everything at walmart hope they have everything cause then i do not have to stop at harps just head home in this heat and stuff just get home get it unloaded farrier left jim a text i will be there tomorrow at 3:30 pm dont forget oh we wont you will be doing indy in the ac barn cause he aint standing outside in what they say more 114.  i dont see tv babies right now got to go get the mail oh sisters car that i use to get mail sits outside it will be hot hot hot
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28738 on: July 30, 2024, 05:07:56 PM »

I scrolled back a ways on the TV cam.  At 4:27 earlier I saw one come to the door and take off into the great outdoors.  I think they are GONE GONE GONE, and I am SAD SAD SAD that all the babies are grown up.
I got up off the couch after watching the Olympics for a long time, and almost could not stand up.  My head was tight and I was very dizzy.  I held onto the counter.  It went away in a few minutes, but it was very debilitating and scary. I took a sugar and a Oxygen reading.  Sugar was 195 after lunch and ox was 95 %.  So not them.
  I did not take BP.  It is too much bother.  I just drank some water, because I know that low BP causes dizziness, and drinking water makes it go away quickly if that is the cause.
Mine was probably due to some left over mucous in my ears or sinuses from my cold that is almost gone.  I still have a trace that makes me sneeze now and then.
I am really binging on those Olympics.  Quite a variety of sports on today.  Yay for Simone and the girls.  They did great. Even the boys got bronze for the first time in many years.  They were very happy like if they got GOLD!
Good luck to all of our babies as they explore their world.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28739 on: July 31, 2024, 05:06:01 AM »

hi you guys its 80 here humid another over a hundred day farrier comes at 3:30 pm today if he will not do indy in the barn then i dont know what indy needs his hooves done real bad but it will be at least 111 they said maybe more.

hi joho i was going to ask you what your doctor said about dizziness cause i know you see your doctor. i felt like it was coming on when i was in the barn yesterday but i fought it and it did not come but i feel like im on the edge now with it. i do have ear issues read that could cause it so i dont know i do know im am tired of worrying about it like that one night waking up and spinning so bad i cried now it is here. i rewatch that metal horse that was just the coolest and lucky her for getting to ride it blew me away https://youtu.be/lRdT7p-gdwM?si=zVAUDGCDgG8lxQi9 tv cam is off and guess they took off although knowing them they are coming back and forth but it so hot and humid i hope they found a cooler place to be maybe at night they go back to the barn yes simone and the girls did great so did those boys

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb