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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1875198 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28215 on: March 21, 2024, 06:11:03 PM »

 Puzzle  40+  Had to leave house before I could post, and then have lost it anyway.    76°  Sunny and breezy.

Cal     That is funny - the dog family trying to find a tree.      Another good thing about Zoos these days are that so many of the good ones are involved in breeding programs with the goal of keeping endangered animals from going extinct.  Animals like Cheetahs for instance. 

Joho     It sounds like you have a nice evening planned out. 

« Last Edit: March 21, 2024, 06:23:14 PM by neva »
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28216 on: March 22, 2024, 05:23:22 AM »

hi you guys its 38 here 31 in ice 55 in kviv and 60 in the barn

hi joho i picked up my antibiotics yesterday i got ten it came to 1.49 i thought of debbie  :( what kind of insurance does she have for stuff big spend down she has but big cost of stuff for her too. doctors need to think about cost of stuff for some.

hi neva yes a good zoo is good for that for sure fight extinction. your we need to talk is so funny.  :)


gb all animals and all of us not so fast putin
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28217 on: March 22, 2024, 12:52:27 PM »

WOW! 3:51 Really snappy.
 Spent two hours on computer trying to get tickets to go see the Celtic Women next Thursday in Cleveland's Playhouse Square Ohio Theater.  They have only phone tickets.  I am not at all familiar with downloading tickets to my new Android phone. YIKES! HELP! Oh never mind.
 I found a tiny note that says I can produce my picture ID at the time of the program and get seated.  That is what I will do.  Sure hope it works.  Also, hope it works to get me into their parking garage.  They sent me a ticket in an email, but it will not print.  Since I don't know how to get on my phone yet, I will try to photograph it.
Now I am getting pretty hungry.  I started this quest several hours ago.
I am praying that all who enter here find peace and comfort as needed today.
GBU, Israel, Ukraine, Tweety, Larry, Alice, Debbie, and all those who are suffering.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28218 on: March 23, 2024, 04:45:15 AM »

hi you guys its 28 here 30 in ice 50 in kviv and 60 in the barn jim came by yesterday for an hour he told me at hospice people who work there was behind me and said mr room 12 is still hanging in there jim turned around gave them his mean look and said hateful like that is my dad they shut up he said they work there but do not take care of his dad. i dont think they meant anything bad by that but i did not say anything.

hi joho hi neva


gb all animals and gb all of us not you putin
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28219 on: March 24, 2024, 05:00:52 AM »

World Bear Day, Our National Bird, and More - UPDATE March 23, 2024

Bald eagle looking up at mate
World Bear Day respects the mission for bears that so many of the people who follow these updates carry. The purpose of the day is to bring attention to the eight species of bears that have long been misunderstood and promote respect and coexistence with these sentient beings that contribute so much to our ecosystems by dispersing viable seeds of their favorite foods throughout their ranges. I know I’m not saying anything you all don’t already know. It is a day like this that makes me thankful for all who share hearts for bears by being part of this communication.

 Bald eagle
Bald eagle taking meat
 Bald eagle wiping bill
Eagle wiping bill
Today, with bears not up and about in this area yet, it was our national bird that stirred excitement with its presence. My wife Donna came to the WRI to see the eagle that several times daily swoops in to grab and go with a piece of meat—mainly ham fat. After waiting an hour to catch the action, the eagle swooped by while we were not looking, but she got to see it flying straight away with a treat in its talons. She had to go. Minutes later, the big action started with swoop after swoop. I was ready for its last swoop but missed the big action by a fraction of a second. The eagle flew into view, I clicked but was a hundredth of a second slow and caught it headed away with its talons full. In the foreground of the picture you can see the extravaganza of eagle food with a helping of it in tow. It landed nearby, ate the food, wiped its bill (photo) and looked up (photo) at what I think is his mate flying over. The show ended with the swooping eagle joining that eagle and flying wing by wing off over the horizon.

Fisher w/apple
Fisher w/apple

Another highlight was the fisher coming in good light and taking a piece of apple put out to see if he’d take it. I like the photo of the apple in his mouth. The fisher was maybe four feet away ignoring the camera clicking in the full length door window.

Common redpoll juv
Common redpoll juvenille

Yesterday, a first-year common redpoll showed me the patch on its head that is red by its second year, but in their first year redpolls go golden as this one posed to show.

Thank you for all you do—especially for bears on this World Bear Day.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28220 on: March 24, 2024, 05:49:25 AM »

hi you guys its 42 here 36 in ice 48 in kviv and 68 in the barn  its 68 in the barn cause yesterday when i went out at 2 am sweets was fine he was fine till i went out at 7 am and he was at the other end down by indy all covered in hay like he roll and fell he could not get up sick again i went back in got my phone came back out and called vet at 8:30 when they opened megan said she would call me back she did at 11 vet had his meds together same as before 3 polio shots a day one worm shot and liquid wormer once a day i got back home and went straight to the barn started his meds cleaning up all that hay around him he was shivering so i kept turning up the heat till he was not 68 went in the house fed everyone back to barn sweet laying on his side i used his coat to make a pillow and put my coat over him he was sleeping jim came home at 5 his dad died at 1:20 yesterday afternoon so its sad but he was not going to get better and he did not want stay like this jim had the two painted ponies his dad wanted me to have the christmas one and another one i will never look at  them same again or pops russell stover candy i got him or a cherry pie i use to make for him. so i told jim sweets is sick again our vet had told me when i said i need to worm him like every month he said not will not have to worm again well bull to that jim remembers him saying that i google found goat wormer its a liquid tons of review all 5 stars and all them people worm their goats once a month i use to give pearls wormer going to worm indy today so will get that worm him every month. this morning at 2 am when i went out he was bette was laying up his head up not shivering and i put out some hay and he was eating it i put his water bowl by him he did not get a drink but maybe has did his polio shot will do wormer in a bit friday i put my little bird in that big bird cage and she flew to the top perch she flew over to her water and her feed and desert shell.  we are under a high wind alert that is what cause our power to go out for hours so i am worried about that told jim no furnance in the barn might have to bring sweets in. god please dont let us lose our power  i got to go lots to do

hi joho hi neva

gb all animals and gb all of us not you putin


« Last Edit: March 24, 2024, 05:51:35 AM by calhound »
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28221 on: March 24, 2024, 09:02:26 AM »

Dear Cal,

My deepest sympathy to Jim and you on the passing of his father. God bless and rest his soul.

Also I hope Sweet's health improves for you and he feels better soon.

Take care.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28222 on: March 24, 2024, 10:50:31 AM »

Dear Cal,
I am so sorry for your loss of Larry.  Even though it was a while coming and really expected, even hoped for I guess,  I was not really prepared to hear it.  I am having trouble seeing my keys through my watery eyes.  I will say CUL EV1 now GBU and all who are suferring.  Even Sweets.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28223 on: March 24, 2024, 06:14:45 PM »

7:16  I finally took the time away from March Madness to do the puzzle. Thanks Cal.
Wanted to go to Chatham Firemen's Pancake Breakfast today before 3pm, but just laid around instead.
Too bad, because it was the last day today.  This is the the first year I have missed in a long time.  I also missed the one in Lafeyette Twp.  The only one I was aware of was in Columbia Station this morning.  I have been disappointed there in the past.  So I skipped it. Plus I do not have anyone to go with me on Sundays.  I am out of touch with Brian and his boys.  I did take the boys for pancakes last year to Chatham.  They seemed to like it.  Of course we did go fishing that day too.
Was a pretty day all day. Never got real warm, but it looked good.  My car is a mess.  We had some snow yesterday, and I went to Columbia to mail a box.  Must have been a lot of salt put down for the snow. I may go get a $4 cash wash when I get hungry.  It will be clean then for about two days, but for only $4 I'll take it.
No word from anyone yet today.  Karen goes to church every Sunday.  Then out to lunch with friends.
 She said she would get me some palms today, so I expected to hear from her.
I am worried for Debbie.  I have not heard from her.  She usually sends me a picture of one of the shelter dogs she cares for on Sunday.  She was not well yesterday when I called her at noon.  She is off duty this week, because Matt's parents are in from Rio, and will care for Bash at his home.  Deb will get some rest.  Maybe we will spend some time together.  I hope so.  She needs to get better. God help her to heal. Please. 
I want to say Happy Easter to you all on this Palm Sunday 2024.  GBU Ev1 Thank you god for the blessings you have given us and for bringing Larry to your comfort.  Bless his soul.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28224 on: March 25, 2024, 05:18:28 AM »

Eagle, Fox and So Many Redpolls - UPDATE March 24, 2024

Bald Eagle
The eagle finally did what I've been wanting it to do-let me click when it was about to grab and go with a piece of ham fat. The head kind of blends into the overcast background, but I was happy to see the feet extended with talons ready a millisecond before contact. Pure luck. He came swooping in. I reacted as fast as I could, and he was gone in a second with only two clicks a fraction of a second apart. I thought I'd missed, but checking a minute later, there it was. The second click showed him heading away with little visible.

Bald eagle pair
Bald eagle pair

He is spending more time with his mate-at least here. March is when nesting begins, and I think I know where the nest is because when he and his mate fly together and disappear, it is toward the nest we visit in summer on the pontoon ride during the July-August courses. One of the stops is at the very visible, decades-old lakeside nest where we see eagles raising young in most years. Today, his mate joined him when he got another piece of ham fat and flew to a tree at the edge of the yard to eat it. The mate landed partially behind the trunk of the tree but was visible just long enough to see that both had their beaks open. I don't know if they were making any sound and what open beaks mean, but soon they flew off without either eating anything. They circled a bit together before heading off toward the nest that is in a bay just around the corner from the den where Lily gave birth to Hope.

Red fox w egg
Red fox w/egg

The nice male red fox comes regularly for his egg, ham fat, mini-muffins, and more. I like this picture of him picking up his egg because it shows his very bushy tail that he undoubtedly uses to tuck his muzzle into when it is cold.

The redpoll number has grown from one to nearly a hundred to at least 160. Here are some of them at one of the feeding areas peacefully feeding tight together as usual.

Redpoll flock
Redpoll flock

I'll be gone a couple days to get my left carotid artery cleaned out and will be back on Wednesday happy that the blockage was caught and could be fixed.

Looking forward to getting back.

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28225 on: March 25, 2024, 05:39:46 AM »

hi you guys its 49 here 36 in ice 47 in kviv 68 in the barn. nice update hope doc does okay with his surgery

hi joho sorry debbie so sick do her doctors think she will just come out of it? my dentist who passed away and i just really liked him so much told me once pancakes are the worse no value at all i dont eat them so i said okay i just remember him saying that.

jim has not done awhole lot helping me yesterday i was in with sweets he was laying on side crying i told jim he needs to be rolled up sitting up like jim said he is old might be his time so i told jim just go back in the house i am working so hard trying to get him better again do not need your negative thoughts i swear i liked it when he was gone and by myself also him being gone meant pops was still alive. after jim left i got sweets in an up position his head now up  and he stopped crying put some hay down in front of him and he was eating.  jim wanted to go fishing he was gripping about yesterday spending the day at the church for his dad funeral which is wed and he said i might as well cancel fishing trip looking at sweets i said not sweets fault and i am sure your dad did not plan on getting cancer going in hospice and dying to spoil your trip i swear. i better get some help today. so this is the third day on sweets medicine getting ready to go back out do the wormer shot and liquid already did shot one of polio stuff.two more left for today he was still laying up and using his horn to scratch his back. happy to see me i went in to do the shot syringe some water in him and he laid down had his head on my lap. sob i love him. so hoping he does better today he is a little better than yesterday i think.  jim was mad at his sisters said they were at their dads house throwing stuff away he said they knew he was mad  told them he is not even in the ground yet looked at me i said i am not saying anything if i do you will take up for them and really i dont want a bunch of junk  here so its okay with me. need to get it ready to sell not just yours its their too.  i hear jim downstairs hear my cats crying he is feeding them telling them your mom spoils you.

i gotta go feed the dogs back to sweets

god please help debbie sweets dont want to overload you so if could just them for now

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28226 on: March 25, 2024, 09:10:39 AM »

5:23 Happy Easter Cal these are special pancakes.  They are made from locally grown and locally milled Buckwheat.  Google Chatham Ohio fireman's Pancakes for the history.
Yes God no over load, but if you can add Cal to Sweets and Deb for your blessings do.
I am going to Debbie's to iron my favorite flannel shirt she got me for Christmas.  I finally had to wash out the food drips which Mary pointed out to me last time I saw her, and it came out wrinkled.
She says I can come over soon, and I will.
I think a fishing trip is a way to mourn Cal.  It was my way to mourn for Joan. I believe she helped me catch my biggest catfish ever.  Just sayin' FYI.
Meanwhile you MUST be extra careful, and keep your phone in a pocket.  Please!
OK I will say CUL EV1.  No Pressure God.  Just bring your grace and comfort to one unruly, but loved Goat (Sweets), one much loved and needed Grandma (Debbie), and one  dedicated and much needed animal Mom (Cal) for today.  GO GOD!!!!  The rest of us will try to get by on our own just for today by wishing each other Happy Easter in your name.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28227 on: March 26, 2024, 05:32:14 AM »

hi you guys its 36 here 37 in ice 47 in kviv 70 in the barn

hi joho i will google those pancakes someday when i got time jim is checking out going fishing one of the guys will be heading back to florida friday funeral is tomorrow so only one day to fish and he said cabin are all rented out this week he told jeff can find something down there so i dont know i am trying to be careful but you know. i should get my phone but you know. yesterday i was filled with hope for the first time since last sat sweets drank a whole bowl of water when i went in at 2:20 am he was shivering and i saw he did drink all night i think he moved over will have to ask jim when he gets up since jim saw him at 8 or 9 last night. he would not eat anything no drink i got down with him gave him his first polio shot for the day and his ears are cold.i put my coat on him its pretty warm in the barn. he is right under a vent too. i kissed his cheek hugged him  he does lay in hay when he is good so maybe need jim picked him up somewhat i will put hay under him. i was crying trying to not give up hope.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2024, 05:34:24 AM by calhound »
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28228 on: March 26, 2024, 09:51:13 AM »

6:59  Sad for Cal. Did see Debbie and Karen yesterday.  Debbie had some news and Karen fed us.  That's about it for news.
I am praying just for Sweets today.  Sounds like he needs it most, and Call too.
Bye now EV1.  CUL


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28229 on: March 27, 2024, 04:28:32 AM »

hi you guys its 25 here 30 in ice 51 in kviv 70 in the barn spigot leaking again in the barn it has been for awhile i have to keep trying to shut it off over and over and hope it finally does sweets had his head and is alive that is about it he did not drink water had to syringe it he is alert i dont know what he did last night but he did get himself turned around his temp was good yesterday 102.4 now it is 100.4 so it fell i cannot stay awake and do chores 24-7 i just cannot. have a hard time getting around short of breath no way can i go get something done or see what is wrong jim is leaving to go fishing right after his funeral not back till late friday night so on my own once again. last day on sweets shots i thought about looking for another vet but i cant do that on my own really i need help.  sure will be happy when that guy with jim gets back on a plane. been taking the night shift for month now i think his sisters and their husband should of rotated that night shift not leave it to jim for almost a month brett worried about shelly getting raped at the hospice then you stay with her.  sorry you guys i am just i dont know so this morning that spigot would not stop that constant drip pretty steady stream i put the garden hose on it and had gotten down and cleaned that dirt around that hole leading out of the barn and shoved into that and out and down let it run out there not inside the barn. will tell jim what the water bill will be could of just paid someone to come and fix it.

hi joho is debbie better? hope neva is okay i got to pick up groceries in a bit ordered sweets stuff and food then have to unload all of it head to barn and etc.

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb