I was Wrong! - UPDATE March 18, 2024

Eagle swooping in
close up
zoomed in close

I was wrong in guessing that the bald eagle had moved north to a nesting area when I hadn’t seen him or her for a couple days. Today he was back big time. I saw an eagle fly over low but didn’t see it good enough to even know if it was an immature or adult. I got some chicken pieces and put them in his grab and go spot, sat down at my desk and within seconds—whoisch—he swooped by, taking half the pile in a quick grab. Minutes later he grabbed the second half. He made several more trips, making me wonder if the small, cut up pieces were slipping away from him. I don’t know, but I didn’t see him eating when he landed. On the 21st some ham fat will be arriving for a bonanza.Bald eagle
Bald eagle

I liked the picture (shown above) of him taking off, showing his wings coming down tilted so we can see them front to back and also see his tail cocked upward and in view. I looked up on Google what their wingspan is, and it was more specific than the 80 inches I saw in a bird book. Google said 5.9 to 7.5 feet. Doing the math, that is 70.8 to 90 inches. The wings look huge in the picture. But I also liked being able to see his eyes and talons, so I cropped in so we can see that in more detail, too. And then on the branch. I hope he keeps coming.
The raccoons apparently are still lying low without a sighting in person or on a trail cam and without the sunflower seeds being cleaned up overnight.
Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center