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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1122210 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27555 on: October 25, 2023, 06:36:15 PM »

hi joho numbness wore wow he really numbed me up this morning he does such a good job like dr westman use too new tooth feels so good looks so good a crown not new tooth empty hole next to new crown will be my implant replacement kelces are lucky but taylor is too its warm here big huge rain indy was scared hitting metal roof loud still rainy but not heavy but more tonight tomorrow barn will flood im sure i feel lucky to have you and neva too and bear friends when i saw that eagle awhile back fly across indys pasture i thought keep on flyin jim says eagle could kill penny brownie i said i do not think so! 140 lbs apiece crazy nuts no they would take an eagle out now cali she has a temper she is about 60 lbs but i go out with her jim said eagle get you oh jim shut it up!

hi neva game one friday i will watch what i can years back when my dad lived with us i took care of him we watched baseball watched the diamondbacks dad loved their pitcher randy johnson the big unit he was something! new crown feeling great i love grass carp fish they are very smart dr platte said his could feel ground vibrate when he walked to his pond mine i would call out to them have floating catfish food be like jaws when they came.

I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27556 on: October 26, 2023, 04:58:05 AM »

Lucky, Holly, Fox, Sharon, and More - UPDATE October 25, 2023


 Holly in den
Holly in den
 Holly out of den
Holly out of den
Lucky in den
I remember Lucky and Holly lying close with their noses almost touching a few days ago. More recently, they couldn’t seem to find comfortable positions. Holly made a quick movement with her hind leg and Lucky left, making me wonder if space was the main issue. Today, Lucky and Holly came to the fence calmly and peacefully standing side by side. Later they both entered Den 1, leaving us wondering if they can settle down together in the space available. Holly seems to be calling the shots on whether Lucky can stay. Lucky keeps trying. They are together in Den 1 at this moment.

Again, Sharon’s Bear News from October 21 is as informational and full of great pictures as ever. https://bear.org/bear-news-october-21-2023/

With more information from feeders who know 3-year-old Fletcher well, I believe we can now say the one bear still visiting here is him. He is here now.

Red Fox
Red Fox
The red fox creates excitement each day with his visits as he patiently sits knowing he has trained us in the way we should go and will get what he expects. We jump to do just that.

The two high officials from the Central American country were stimulating company today at the Bear Center. Both have been around the world, visiting with leaders of other countries and getting amazing insights into how the world works. We’re going to keep in contact and see what might be feasible. Their goal is to divert young people from gang life to a life involved in wildlife. They have already made big gains in their country and are looking for ways to go bigger. We’ll see what develops.

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27557 on: October 26, 2023, 05:16:43 AM »

hi you guys its 66 here 48 in ice 57 in kviv 69 in the barn up to 77 today but i told penny should change this weekend love the update pictures i asked bear people about lucky being able to get in another den they said yes two other dens open since holly is the boss right now lucky is back in but what if she changes her mind again in the middle of a blizzard those two are a soap opera. everyone should maybe just have their own dens. holly she has dog eyes just want to pet her give her a kiss. wow zee pictures of fox

ford has a tenative agreement with uaw workers. still has to get approved then voted on by uaw workers.

hi joho i heard on the barn radio rep voted that man in heard too anyone for giving more aide to ukraine or now isreal boo is out. sure putin heard that too.

hi neva

hi alice

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27558 on: October 26, 2023, 09:38:49 AM »

It has been brought to my attention and TY Alice today is natl mule day asked if we will be celebrating it of course we do every day now!

As for the relevance of the date itself, Mule Day is held on Oct. 26 in recognition of Oct. 26, 1785, the day when a Spanish donkey ordered by George Washington arrived to create American mules

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27559 on: October 26, 2023, 10:48:59 AM »

5:01  Happy Mule Day Indy.
Thanks Alice for pointing that out and sharing the interesting origin.  What would we do without you? We really appreciate your well chosen jokes too.  Just so you know.
No news again today.  I have just been fooling around on the cams all morning.
 I will go out soon around the block for my mail.  I did look at my email from the postal site.  There is only one piece of mail showing.  It is junk mail.  However, I do get my paper by mail these days.  So it is a worthwhile trip, and I get a little exercise too.  I will have some reheated lunch afterward while I read some of the paper.  My fridge is packed with leftovers from my Crockpot dinner and from neighbor Lorrie. 
Tomorrow I will go to lunch at Olive Garden with a few remaining classmates from The Columbia High School Class of 1957. Wow! 66 years have passed, and I still recall lots of memories of those high school days.  They were the best!
I will say bye for now and GBU EV1 as well as Israel and Ukraine. 


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27560 on: October 26, 2023, 05:51:31 PM »

  Santa Rosalia ...  27:20      81°   (3:30  pm)     Sunny, and no wind.

Cal     You are right about an Eagle not trying to get one of your dogs.  Predators have to avoid being injured when they are hunting, so they eat big animals if the animal is dead already, and catch small animals live, the talons doing the killing,  I had an interesting conversation with a expert on Predator Birds once when a Great-Horned Owl went after a Dachshund that I had before I had Maddie.  The man that I spoke to doubted the Owl (largest Owl out here) could have lugged Hansi off, but if he used his talons on the dog, Hansi's muscles and neck and back area would have been torn up and the hit might have broke his neck.  I doubt the eagle would be stupid enough to go after your girls.  It would be too risky for the eagle.

Joho     It sounds like you have some nice plans for tomorrow, 
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27561 on: October 27, 2023, 05:26:03 AM »

Hi you guys its 64 here but saying temps to plummet late this afternoon and no rain till tomorrow afternoon and into the night but may be snow instead i hope sick of the mud and barn flooded but not real bad got pellets down and now no rain so that helps. saw on the weather channel places it was 17 and showing snowy areas. its 38 in ice 63 in kviv 68 in the barn. i gave those 3 raccoonies dry dog food always fill up 5 pans 3 pans of water and some cookies my possum she came out was up high on hay looking at me i give her a twinkie for one and then some fancy cakes and heading back to indy he was having a fit feed me a raccoonie got up the hay and taking away possums fancy cake she was scooting back upset i took my cane and whacked that raccoonie on her big fat butt she got down so i had to stayed there and make sure possum got her cakes.

hi neva your right about eagle not thinking of picking on one of my girls be one crazy eagle thank goodness that owl did not pick on your hansi! i would worry about maybe cause she likes to go but danger she runs fast to that back hidey hole it is pretty hidden back there too. not big enough for any dog or fox etc big raccoonies can get thru though. i know you say predators have to avoid being injured but i have seen on the highway red tail hawks so driven on their prey just zoom out not looking for cars at all. so far when i saw that cars were able to brake for them.  eagle for after the girls like going after jim or indy or sweets  :) diamondbacks game one at 7 pm at texas against texas rangers

hi joho hope you have a good time today and eating at the olive garden! i know you will like that and seeing old classmates. wish my mail would of been junk yesterday got our tax bill and day before that house and all our autos insurance.

hi alice i told jim you said it was natl mule day and would our household be celebrating it and he said like i did we do that pretty much every day that is one spoiled mule!


gb ukraine gb all animals and gb all of us
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27562 on: October 27, 2023, 09:27:15 AM »

hi you guys well temp is now 45 i put heat on in barn set for 50 still 66 in there turned off big fans no heat yet in house jim gone all day so heat still off ac still running in my room ford and uaw got a tenative agreement uaw told workers go back to work right now on tv fox four news its red friday and everyone wears chiefs stuff or red this one man comes on i think a former chief player he had on a red tee shirt that said in white letters go taylor swift boyfriend  :) marcus officer he is a field reporter he was at arrowhead parking lot wearing big coat and hat he says to guy wearing tay shirt are you a swifty? man says you look cold you should go inside marcus says dont change the subject are you a swifty man says YES yes i am been one since 1999    :) marcus says okay now i will go in
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27563 on: October 27, 2023, 02:42:12 PM »

5:33 Yes, I did have a nice reunion lunch.  I took a little album of wallet size high school senior pictures.  It was appreciated by all who looked at them.  Good memories, and several related how each looked the last time they saw them.  Usually at a reunion.  Some related their health status.  Seems I have been very fortunate health wise.
I stopped to drop off a lot of old hearing aids at the shop that has my Yamaha 650.  I told them I would give them to the mom who can't hear good when I came to get my bike. This never did happened.   Been three years now and no bike.  So I gave up and just took the bag of hearing aids to the daughter for her mom.
 Well Joyce did not make it to lunch, and was supposed to.  I am worried for her safety.  Betty was going to stop there on her way home to see if help is needed.  Betty has a broken arm and a broken leg.  So she took Sam with her to help if needed.  They will not call me.  I will call all of them later to check in on Joyce.
Twenty minutes until 4 now.  Feel tired.  Want to go out for Friday fish at 6.  So I think I will grab a few winks soon. First I will check the cams, and emails.
CUL EV1 GBU and GB Isreal and GB Ukraine.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27564 on: October 27, 2023, 03:38:30 PM »

  Totem ...  26:30        81°  (12:52  pm)    Sunny, and no wind.

I hope all is well with everyone.

Cal    That Owl was intending to get Hansi.  I was standing on the porch and it didn't see me, but saw Hansi as he walked across the yard.  The Owl swooped down, next to the porch at my shoulder level, heading right for Hans, and we saw each other at that moment.  The Owl changed it's flight path and flew up to the roof of the neighbor's house, and watched us from there.  The man who I discussed all this with told me not to let him go out alone and for me to stand out in the yard where the Owl could see me.  He said he doubted the Owl could lift Hans, but the hit and his talons could damage or actually kill him by breaking his neck or back.  Hans was a Miniature Dachshund, but on the large side.  We still have the Owls going through here at night and early morning, and they often go through here in pairs, but not always.

I will be sure to watch some of the Series.

Joho      Sounds like that was a good get together of a nice group of people.   Has that shop ever bothered to explain to you why they are not working on your bike?  Larry and I went through something somewhat like that with a car that needed some repair.  It was frustrating. 
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27565 on: October 27, 2023, 04:13:05 PM »

hi you guys been in the barn longer someone up the road firing his gun also four wheeling good combo maybe drunk too i big fan off its cold house furnace is on 65 ac still going in my room but indy very upset so i turned fan back on its loud sat with him starting to get dark dont hear gun so turned off fan came in doing my inside stuff but stopped here joho you have something to prove its your motor bike? surely you did not leave it without that i know dont call you shirley really you want jim to call that place? i hate stealin they are stealin dont forget nevas diamondback playing tonight game one in texas where my die hard texas cousins live shhhhhh

hi neva wow owl was out for your kid a mini too but yours was chubby missys mini josie is very small cute but small i bet that owl made eye contact with you and thought oh sh** wow owls out hunting in pairs dont like that i hear a hooty owl at times see them on fence post maybe been in barn all day but if she comes out when i am done for the day she goes in garage you raptures go away except scout but he goes away for winter my barn swallows hummers gone jim home said stupid young ford workers talking about voting new contract down they want to make fifty dollars an hour jim blew up told him you got a job lined up paying that no you got benefits at another job no you will cause this to lock us out and working a scab job low low pay no benefits for two years and we will beat your ass! joho jim get your bike back okay i got to finish feeding so i can watch diamondback!
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27566 on: October 28, 2023, 05:02:10 AM »

hi you guys its 33 here 39 in ice 51 in kviv and 50 in the barn. i watched some of the game last night i did like seeing pres bush throwing out the first pitch.  fell sleep but heard on the radio in the barn earlier diamondbacks lost  5-6 so close game. my cousins i am sure were pretty happy with the win. i like both teams name i like texas having the rangers make me think of the wonderful lonesome dove about texas rangers gus and woodrow and the others.


gb ukraine gb all animals and gb all of us
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27567 on: October 28, 2023, 05:10:17 PM »

 Baseball Catch ...  22:23    84°  (2:44 pm)   Sunny, clear and windy.

I hope that everyone is doing well today.

Cal     I did watch a couple of hours or so of the game.  Got to hear about different players and see George W. toss the ball out.  I am a fan of his because of his sense of humor, so I was glad to see him.  Then I went on to watch another program that my daughter and I watch -   Chicago PD.  I am sorry they lost the first game, but there is time to win it.

Hi Joho   
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27568 on: October 29, 2023, 01:02:04 AM »

Hi EV1,
 It is late here.  Almost 2AM.  I missed the first series game.  Don't know why.  I did see the second game today, or last night, I should say.  It was a blow out.  Now both have won a game. So still even up. Good luck Neva.  I will be rooting for the Snakes, but they will need to get a few more runs. Yay Buckeyes. 8 and 0.
My bike is safe, but not yet fixed by a long shot.  I talked to the shop owner, and do not have a lot of hope they can fix it.  I do have the title.  The owner offered to find a buyer, but I told him I still want to ride.
Bye now I better turn in before the sun comes up. LOL CUL EV1 GBU , GB Israel, and GB Ukraine.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27569 on: October 29, 2023, 05:15:18 AM »

Change is in the Air - UPDATE October 28, 2023

Red fox
This morning, the beaver lodge stood out brightly with its first dusting of snow of this fall. Could the snow be a factor in Lucky and Holly settling into their den for the night, or was it just that they found a better way to jointly share the limited space in the den?

Beaver Lodge with the first snow of the season

A big change in the last few days is the barren look of the forests with nearly all the leaves suddenly down. Tamaracks (a.k.a. Larches (Larix laricina) are now the main color with their yellow needles.

Some things stayed the same. The intermittent snow showers of yesterday did not deter the usual visit by 3-year-old Fletcher in the dark of night or the red fox visits both day and night.

Blue jays
Blue jays
Hairy woodpecker
Hairy woodpecker
A big change here is the feeding spots being overwhelmed by the flock of blue jays that has grown to fourteen (7 shown in the picture). With so many blue jays, I didn’t realize at first that another flock had also grown. When the sun was going down and the blue jays left, I realized that our flock of chickadees had suddenly grown from two or three to at least a dozen that had waited unnoticed in the trees until their competition left and they could swarm in fast to gather energy for overnight. Today, with our feeding sites expanded for the chickadees to find, they still had to compete with the occasional woodpecker like this male hairy woodpecker that is looking alert as a female (his mate?) flew in to feed nearby.

In the next few days, we’ll see if Lucky and Holly will tuck in together for the winter and how long Fletcher will continue his visits.

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb