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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1124290 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27225 on: August 15, 2023, 09:26:44 AM »

I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27226 on: August 15, 2023, 02:13:19 PM »

  Yellow Slider ...  27:12     93°  (10:46 pm)   Sunny w/ clouds and windy.

I hope that your day is going as you had hoped it would.

Hi Cal  &   Joho   I didn't mean to make anyone feel bad with my news.  I consider you two to be friends, and if we lived in the same place, we might sit down for coffee or whatever, and trade the latest news.  My diagnosis is just a fact of my life and I am doing okay and feel pretty decent.  I just have some things to deal with.  Almost everyone eventually has some things to deal with, of one kind or another.  I will just take it one day at a time.  Right now, I am taking one medication to help with the tremors.  I have had this for a while, but chose to ignore it until my regular doctor said I needed to see someone.  I have to watch out for falling.  That is probably my biggest problem at this time.  I have family that care that are with me. 

Today is such a lovely day, weather wise.  Only 93° and quite breezy.             

Cal   I love the umbrella/lamp that is next to, and over the bench.  I love it that someone would choose to spend money on making a piece of public art like that.

Joho   How is your day going?  Good, I hope.    About the age thing, I am lucky that I am in my 80s.  Michael J. Fox, the actor was diagnosed with Parkinson's when in his late 20s.  He has been dealing with the progression of this for something like 30 years and it is progressing over time.  Can you imagine that?  As for me, at 81, how much longer do I have anyway -  I am not worried ... it is in God's hands anyway.  We all are.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2023, 02:16:05 PM by neva »
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27227 on: August 15, 2023, 06:00:45 PM »

hi neva yes michael j fox dealing with it for thirty years his medicine helps him i feel like me you bunch of us have lived longer than what we have left to live. i wish i could just walk maybe someday i will find a doctor that can help me im happy you got a doctor and your family that street lamp is cool and helpful like that handrail neva your my oldest decorah eagle now bear friend we go wayyyyyyy back i know for sure if we lived close to each other oh yes at your table for talks and whatever! and my table maybe my barn maybe go for a ride i will drive i would love that you are the nicest kindest friend xoxo
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27228 on: August 15, 2023, 10:27:28 PM »

Hey! wait up you guys.  I want to take coffee with you too!  Before I need to go that is. Which, yes, is sooner rather than later I think.  I could not walk for a long time, but after four surgeries now I can and I do.  Thank you God. 
Living closer would be very nice for sure.  It was really a hard trip to Ely and you guys are further I think.  So I can't just "pop" in as Mary says. This chat does seem to help us be close.  Also, looking at the same cams brings us close too.  The vulture cam is off today. Don't know why.
On chat with Marge this evening I met a new chatter, Jogger, from Australia.  Where it was only 2 degrees C. at about six Eastern.  We all got a good look at Tasha around the pond.  I missed it but I think they had seen Lucky and Holly too.
Just got home from Billie's.   Had a nice visit with him and his dog, Sam. 
Talked to Mary on the way home.  Won't see her today.  She is busy.  Maybe tomorrow after  we both get off duty we can visit.
Eyes are getting droopy.  So CUL EV1 GBU and GB Ukraine


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27229 on: August 16, 2023, 04:53:18 AM »

Mothers, Cubs, and Others Interacting - UPDATE August 15, 2023

Bears playing
With more mothers with cubs showing up, it was a great day of watching and listening to bears play, eat, argue as we all learned their vocalizations and body language. Seven-year-old Lucy and her three female cubs were a special hit. Another hit would have been 23-year-old Donna and her three but by the time we all arrived we didn’t see her.

Lucy w/cubs
Lucy w/cubs

Another thing of interest was checking on the eagles’ nest and the two eaglets. Four days ago, we found both eaglets out of the nest, soaking wet. One was in a tree, the other sitting on the rocky lake shore. We found them because both were vocalizing constantly. We hardly hear them vocalize from the nest, so we suspected they were telling their parents where they were and that they were hungry. Today one was back sitting in the nest and the other one nowhere to be seen or heard. Then it came flying in and landed in the nest. As it did, the one in the nest hunkered down, and the one that landed bowed its head, pointing its beak down, which made us think maybe it was saying I mean no harm. We’ll look for more such interactions to see if there is a pattern or if I might be dreaming.

 Eaglet bowing
Eaglet bowing
A good day that led to many good discussions.

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27230 on: August 16, 2023, 05:10:46 AM »

hi you guys its 58 here happy face here 58 in ice 86 in kviv and 62 in the barn  nice update seeing moms play with their kids but then later be family break up which is not nice not at all and very soon bear murdering time starts i believe first of sept all the way till middle of oct which is some messed up stuff there. good juvies got back in their nest sure parents dropped off some food for them guess amy shut down tv cam i did see both in there before shut down. hope they will be okay. it will be up in 100's again this weekend and next week so at least those tv kids can get out of that barn now if they want.

hi joho yes at the table too i dont drink coffee never i would bring my diet dr pepper. we all are far away from each other but dont change being friends. i just checked tv cam again its gone i got that donkey cam but when i leave my office put it back on jps front street key west cam my cat in here lays on his blankets and watching it. all the people cars etc. i know i need lots of work done on myself but i got so many depending on me all day long i go from one to another.dont see how i can just go unless go and come back and continue with my chores my foot that big toe leaning way over and other toes following i was  in pain but could walk somewhat after surgery now no balance cant walk my knees one swells bad other grinds. just stuff.

i gotta go dogs howling

gb maui gb ukraine gb all animals and gb all of us

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27231 on: August 16, 2023, 09:34:00 PM »

6:22  Hi Y'all.
Just got back from Mary's.  Was a very nice visit.  I am happy.
Nick was along all day, but did not feel good.  He had a bad headache most of the day.  We did get to see Bonnie for just a second on our way to my house to get him an aspirin.  She seemed in good spirits.  She was not wearing the boot she has had on for weeks.  I could not find out why she had that on.
Now I will wish you all well and say good night.  GBU and GB Ukraine.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27232 on: August 17, 2023, 04:33:28 AM »

hi you guys its 67 here 58 rain in ice 87 in kviv 71 in the barn

got to go get gas for mower and mow dogs yard find time for that will be over a 100 sat sun and next week hate summer

kitchen coyotees  howling in the kitchen

gb ukraine gb maui gb all animals and gb all of us

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27233 on: August 17, 2023, 03:11:18 PM »

  Elephants ...  34:56     102°  (12:12 pm)   Sunny w/ clouds to the east.  "Rain coming soon", it says.  .. really?

I hope all is going well with those who read here.

Cal    You hate summer and I hate the thought of real winter, but something tells me that if these Climate changes keep up, I may start to hate summer too.  I have actually told Michelle that one of these years, she may have to consider moving somewhere else.  She is considering northern Arizona, which is out of the desert and into the Plateau region around Flagstaff.

Joho    I hope your day is going well.
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27234 on: August 17, 2023, 04:40:32 PM »

hi neva in my office feeding my two cats in here mr kitty and sweetness mr kitty hurt his front foot leg few weeks back it was swollen he was limping i think he jumped off this big box with a new computer in it had that new computer for over a year now still not hooked up no time it was on top of one of file cabinets. he is alot better now i put down a thick blanket for him and he and sweetness lay on it. put their food right in front of them is the temp alot better in flagstaff/ yes climate change is really bad not looking forward to over a 100 again and all next week too. ready for winter ready for oct 16th bear murder season over my moms birthday rues birthday too was my grandpa birthday and my first mom in laws birthday. i love fall back on clock should leave it there i like season of thanksgiving and christmas dont go anywhere but like it no snakes no mowing may have to shovel but just my sidewalk to the barn. cats ate all the can food i just dumped some dry and they are eating that now. yesterday i left the door open and he got up and went out and into jims room he wanted to see jim get out. he walked aways then laid back down jim was afraid to pick him up so i did brought back in here sweetness be so lonely without him he would miss sweetness too they really love each other.
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27235 on: August 17, 2023, 10:50:20 PM »

Finally got to do puzzle. 6 minutes 6 seconds.   Going out at 6:30 or 7:00 am to get Nick is curbing my morning rituals. At six I di see Marge sign off and she put on some Luck and some Holly videos.
I did see your posts. EV1. I did have a good day.  Mostly watched TV at Brian's house waiting for Nick to wake up.  Then drove to a few places for drugs, coffee, cheese, and peanuts.  Then my house for mail and my lunch finally at after 3pm.  I did give Mary a beep, but she never hears it. So I will not do it anymore.  I sent her four texts between 3 and 5 PM and did not get a reply yet.  Finally after 11 tonight I sent a message, and did get a reply.  She had a good day, and her two dogs, Maggie and Molly, are OK.  Her sticky floor from last night is now ok after three plain water washings.
 I have been trying to get her to join us on Jewel, but have not heard any comments on it.  So I don't think she comes here.  Gettin tired so CUL EV1 GBU and GB Ukraine


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27236 on: August 18, 2023, 04:59:56 AM »

hi you guys its 57 here 58 in ice 88 in kviv 65 in the barn so nice out but that will change starting tomorrow under heat advisory an be 100 plus into next week.  mr kitty just got up went to the litter box taking a pee. he even covered it up  a little he came back an did not just flop back down.

hi joho how old is nick is he your grand i forgot why you are watching him cause debbie went somewhere

hi neva

i saw on the world news now real estate people trying to buy up that burned town in maui. people are upset said we are not for sale. i swear.

gb maui gb ukraine gb all animals and gb all of us

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27237 on: August 18, 2023, 06:25:31 AM »

Nick is 12. My great grandson.  He usually stays at Grandma Debbie's while dad works, but Debbie is far away this week on her seaside vacation.  So I am substituting for her.  Nick is pretty responsible for himself.  So for me it is more like a nice outing than a big responsibility.  I think today will be my last to get up early and go see him.
Now I have to get going.  So CUL EV1 GBU and GB Ukraine


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27238 on: August 18, 2023, 04:56:10 PM »

No bragging today. LOL 7:43 on Red Admiral Butterfly.  Nice day here in Ohio.  In the 70s all day and dry.  Lake very rough with North wind.
Did very little today so far. Nick was with his Aunt Shannon.  Everyone else was busy all day, but me.  I napped.  Finally got to do puzzle just now.  Still feel sleepy.
So will go nap or cook Not sure yet which.  Hoping someone would call to go see deer in the fields.  It is time.  I will drive.
Bye for now my friends. GBU and GB Ukraine.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27239 on: August 19, 2023, 05:16:47 AM »

hi you guys its 66 here but will be over a 100 and for the weekend and all next week no rain but intense heat. 60 rain in ice 90 in kviv and 71 in the barn

hi joho i saw on weather channel lots of wind for you yesterday. is debbie coming home this weekend?

hi neva i also saw on the weather channel lots of talk of hurricane hillary. looks like you could get some rain from it. i hope not flooding rain says california will get flooding rain.

gb ukraine gb maui gb all animals gb all of us

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb