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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1126110 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27090 on: July 19, 2023, 10:03:04 PM »

I know you two are right about easy does it, but I am just too old to wait.  I feel like every day is wasted if I don't do something for or with someone. 
I don't know what Cal is talking about "stealing".  Nobody is stealing anything. Cal, please take another look at what you saw as stealing and let me know what it really says.
I did stop in briefly to see Mary on my way to Debbie's this evening.  Mary was working hard in her yard most of the day, and I felt like I was intruding again. I did not stay long.  She wanted to do more work even though it was getting late, so I left and went home.  I wanted to stay and help her until the sun went down.
 I don't know yet when I will see her again. It is almost 11 o'clock.  I asked her an hour ago if she would like to go with me tomorrow if it is rainy.  No reply so far.  Like I said, texting sucks.
Good night EV 1 GBU and GB Ukraine


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27091 on: July 20, 2023, 05:31:36 AM »

hi you guys its 77 here 56 rainy in ice and 79 raining in kviv 74 in the barn ac been running. i just saw on our local news that swatter arrested. showed his picture not the same picture as what jim showed me yesterday on his phone and now they say this guy did all that to get his friend outta of work. not payroll shortage so good jims said not confirmed. processor again stating big charges for this guy

hi neva yes bad way to start ones life what a stupid act. just stupid. wonder what his family is saying. jim just came in i said that man you had on your phone not the one he said ya i saw that and the man who did that zachary something jim said he does not think he even works at ford his friend who he did that for to get out of work does work at ford and jim showed me his picture young and dumb too. his picture had a bunch of pencils sticking out of his nose. i said ya he looks like a ford worker.  did you get that rain? just so hot for you so hot and humid here too. go out and sweat pretty quick. indy has been in the ac barn he may be a mule but he does not like humidity at all and his fly spray out there just sweats off and he hates flies jim pushes oh he needs to go out but last time indy ran to me let jim get him and indy almost ran to the barn door. i told jim you sit out here with him but no indy in nice cool no fly barn. i hope it cools down soon at least getting thru july head in to august then sept.

hi joho i mean by stealing like what neva said a nice comfortable  relaxed friendship no pressure what you post sounds like big pressure you put on mary like you dont have much time and its gotta be her just gotta be. im only seeing your side wonder what mary thinks. sounds like from you she likes to rest likes her me time too. if you dont give her that then i call that stealing.

gb ukraine gb all animals and gb all of us

man arrest in ford swatting
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27092 on: July 20, 2023, 06:38:49 AM »

Ok Cal, No more stealing.  I will stay right here with you and Neva and wait for her to call.  She just has so much to do every day, and so many friends interrupting her. Which she loves.  It is like she is the Queen of her corner kindly dispensing love and understanding to all who wander by.   She is consumed by the end of the day. She has no time for herself until way after dark when she has no energy left.
 She can barely even keep up with her phone and Facebook notes. 
I was amazed this morning.  I sent her a note on messenger telling her to look in here, because we are talking about her.  Then I clicked off and went to bed until now.  This morning I see that she answered my note last night within a few minutes, but I missed it by just a second.  Seems I always miss her messages.
 Last night she was disappointed that she had not finished trimming her hedge.  She was tired and could not do it all like she used to.  I would do it for her, but she won't let me.  She takes it as a challenge to maintain her beautiful yard and she does not want any help.  She asked me if I am not bored, because I no longer have to do yard work.  I don't miss it a bit.  While I could not walk I became used to doing a lot on here and driving around to see different places.  This has grown old now.  Joan has been gone now for a while and I want to be with people more than in the past few years.

Well coffee and cereal and lots of pills and BG reading are waiting.  So I will do puzzle later when I am awake more.
Look!!!  I am addicted.  So I did the puzzle before I hung up.  Time is not great at 5:15, but not horrible either.

CUL EV1 GBU and GB Ukraine
« Last Edit: July 20, 2023, 06:58:56 AM by johoward »


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27093 on: July 20, 2023, 07:42:37 AM »

hi joho i was cleaning up indy poop got to go to town bank deposit business get jims money i wish i did not have too everywhere is a drive but its rural living. i like doing my own stuff too like my me time but yes end of day i am stumbly drop stuff worn out get up couple times at night feed kittens feed old muffy cat jim helps with indy poop when he gets home but he is doing ac stuff too so i will manage. but at our hospitals got volunteers one pushed,me in a wheelchair to my mri once big help really they do lots you could do volunteer work also animal shelter i cant cause i got one here i run. i need to mow dogs yard but cant today i cant imagine not having ton of stuff to do have so many lives depending on me winter nice no mowing no checking every single bowl of water saving moths in it or bugs. no heat humidity local weather saying get ready extra heat next tuesday wed 111 with humidity i hope indys farrier ben does not reschedule then! indy not be happy out in that tied to hitching post. got our propane contract a month ago so no big elec cooling bills in winter heat already paid for. good no more stealing.  :)
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27094 on: July 20, 2023, 01:42:30 PM »

hi you guys its hot humid here now weather says be extra hot humid all next week  :( but less humid little cooler friday sat maybe sunday so wish farrier ben would come and i need to get my mowing done news said swatter guy pleaded not guilty

hi neva my nickname for you is the negotiator your a great one!   
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27095 on: July 20, 2023, 01:50:12 PM »

a handrail
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27096 on: July 20, 2023, 05:18:34 PM »

Hi EV1,  It is six pm already.  I am on my own again all day except for you guys.  I am starting to think of what is for dinner.  Not sure yet. Started to get a Marcos pizza last night.  Never made it. Went home and cut up a tomato and onion on a bologna sandwich instead.  Did that again at lunch today.  Now though I am out of both tomato and onions.
 I don't feel like going out for food now.  So I will probably have some Campbell's chicken noodle soup and cheese and salami on Nickle's Italian bread.  I love that big soft bread, and not just because it sticks to my catfish rig either.
My couch was spotted.  I took off the covers and put them in my wash load.  To get them back on I put them in 40 gallon garbage bags from Debbie and used my Oreck cannister vacuum to suck them down to a pancake.  Then I easily put them back into the covering.  I cut the outer end off the plastic bag to let them expand, and zipped them in.  I left the bag inside.
 Now they are clean.  I did this because I could not turn them over.  They have a Velcro strip to hold them in place.  I hope the plastic inside does not make me sweat when I am lying on the couch in my favorite position. Napping! LOL Not sure what is next if it is not comfortable.  Debbie already says get a new couch due to age.
 I hear lots of thunder right now.  So I will sign off and go watch the storm gather.
CUL EV1 GBU and GB Ukraine


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27097 on: July 20, 2023, 05:43:51 PM »

  Fall Sky ...  32:55     111° (back porch)   Sunny, hazy clouds, windy.  Yesterdays potential cloud build up blew away - no rain.

I hope all is well in your day.

Cal ...  first of all, I LOVE that piece of art, it is brilliant! 💕  (handrail)  Thanks for posting that.   

You've given me something to think about - negotiator.  I had not thought of myself as one, let alone a good one.  Thanks.  Maybe raising my five gave me some practice. 

Joho  ...  You know a lot of people, friends and family.  In your case, it sounds like a blessing, and Mary is one of them.  Maybe gradually you will see more of her.  Give it time and patience.   My two oldest friends don't live in Arizona.  It is computer with one of them and snail mail with the other... or phone.

"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27098 on: July 20, 2023, 05:53:41 PM »

hi joho laughing your favorite position on couch napping lol i was trying to follow what you did i have a great value cheese pizza single serving cooked in my top dresser drawer fed cats first got my cooler with quart jug of whole milk on ice for kittens when i get back up in few hours but all four kittens in red wagon with their mom! but that scared one hid behind tub i put out two plates of food set them back by that tub filled up milk bowl for them. i left so that one could come out eat be with family. i saw marcos pizza commercial boy looked good we do have one around here. not sure where one is at but if not around here forget it.  be safe i will watch weather channel when i finally got done i could hardly breath got in cali also has breathing problems she went out hurried back in ran in my room extra cool in here she got on the bed laid down her breathing much better mine is too. im starving tired

hi neva! i knew you would like that art!
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27099 on: July 21, 2023, 05:23:48 AM »

hi you guys kitchen coyotes going at it its 66 here lightbulb is very dim going out so kinda in the dark  here. its 57 in ice 77 in kviv and this awful hot weather belongs in moscow where satan lives. now he blew up that grain ukraine trying to send out to poor world people starving there. can only nato stop him and can nato really do that stop him. i woke up in the night banging kittens playing hard. last night when i was done in the barn for the night a big mom raccoonie either had some foster kids or babysitting she had 9 kids. she was sitting on her butt legs apart pan of dog food eating away enjoying that fan blowing cool air on her. i dont think some of them ever leave. this morning 19 in the barn more outside the door on sidewalk cookie

gb ukraine gb all animals and gb all of us


Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27100 on: July 21, 2023, 07:21:24 AM »

6:57 Lamp reminds us Fall is coming.    Good dog.  He helps mom not to miss out on life on the weekends.  Then sleeps because his job is done. I was up at five or six, but could not stay awake.  So now I am getting a second start on this beautiful morning.
Nice to see you all here.
I did not see Mary, or anyone else all day yesterday.  We did have a loud and very wet storm roll through lateish, but it is all dry this morning around here.
 My little posies that Debbie put in for me are doing better.  They seemed to be less robust than I expected.  My favorite garden administrator, Mary, has recommended daily supplements of water.  I will do this when I water my patio garden consisting of one potted cherry tomato.  I gave Debbie a fist full of ripe ones and have not heard any comments from her. I will ask today how she liked them?  If she liked them as much as I do there will be additional plants next year.  Maybe a few at her house too. LOL
OK now all that same morning stuff is waiting.  So I will say CUL EV1 GBU and GB Ukraine


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27101 on: July 21, 2023, 08:44:52 AM »

hi joho indy went out at 6:30:am its really nice here cool 67 weather lady says enjoy this be bad next week i saw on the weather channel last night big storm for you good you are okay. yes that dog did its job mine stay up maybe went out im getting ready to get her back in the barn get indy in around 9:30 more rain later today wow showing heat next week well barn ac doing better it gets to 82 but lots better than 110 and humidity out in barn bucket full of water from humidity they raised people property taxes in jackson county 75% people upset filed claims against it many will lose their homes proscuting attorney filed charges against them for raising it mayor lucus mad over this he filed charges too greed in worse form putin stuff.
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27102 on: July 21, 2023, 03:26:02 PM »

  Lamp ...  28:18   106°  (1:02 pm)   Clear and sunny.  Light breeze.

I hope all are having a good day.

Hi Cal  ...   I have a friend in Des Moines, she has a smallish home and pays nearly twice what I pay.  We can't figure out why, and I hate to think what would happen if they raised it.  She is 86.   I'm glad to hear that the people are fighting it in Jackson Co.

Hi Joho ...  During summers like we are having, sometimes even the cactus and other desert plants suffer, burn shrivel a bit, and we really need to water the ones on our property.  Hard to believe, but true.  As I watched the weather on the local news last night, a guy came on to remind people that their cactus also need a bit of help.  In my mind, I had sudden images of Sand Dunes.  What if our normal desert growth eventually died out?  🫤 
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27103 on: July 21, 2023, 06:10:55 PM »

hi neva for sure everyone needs to water the cactus and what else may need it your normal growth died out

and lots of jackson county people are elderly and lots not lots of money we have our place paid for but home insurance taxes alone like having a house payment then got elec propane pet food etc i would think homes be cheaper in iowa i hope they do not raise hers! our gov in mo did a bill if you are senior getting ss cant raise your taxes but catch is up to each county to do that course they want the money
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27104 on: July 21, 2023, 10:20:52 PM »

Another very long day alone waiting for answers that never came. Now I can't wait to go to sleep and let this crummy day end. 
Tried to do one thing.  Change my furnace filter after two long years of use.  It is a huge $35 filter.  I was told by some furnace man that a standard filter could replace it.  So I bought the nearest standard size there is.  It does not work.  I had to put the old one back in.  Now I need to find a replacement filter.  This one was put in by a furnace repairman who came to do a recall repair, but never did it.  He said it could not be done.  So he put in the filter , shut the door, and charged me $45.  After two years of miscellaneous banter, a young guy that did not know it could not be done did it in about twenty minutes.  Now I have a brand new filter I will never use and can't find anyone to give it too.
I did do one other thing.  I went to Drugmart for a prescription and some bread and milk.  Even this was a flop.  I got the prescription and the last loaf of their white bread, but they had none of the milk I use.  I went to get a tomato for sandwiches.  Of course they had none today.  I did buy some green beans for $3.50.  First time for me.  I ate a bunch of them for dinner.  I boiled them with chopped onion for 10 minutes and put on lots of butter, salt , pepper, and some parmigan cheese.
What a wasted day.  Beautiful weather all day, but I did not even ride my bike.
I did look in on the bears and chat with Marge some.  It is nice to finally see the bears out and about again.  Tasha was out on Pond Cam. Something was troubling her. She kept running off into the woods. Well that is all I have to say right now.
BTW water did seem to perk up my posies.  I imagine it is harder to tell if a cactus is responding to sprinkling.  GN Now.  GBU and GB Ukraine.