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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1126492 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27000 on: June 28, 2023, 09:06:39 AM »

6:41 monument.
Hi again.  Not much to report for yesterday. Went riding around a lot.  I was trying to find a lost puggle, Chloe,  who is visiting from Florida and wandered away amongst huge farm fields and big woods.  Did not find her.  I did talk to her Mom.  She is still lost.
  Did stop in at an isolated farm stand out in nowhere land south of Spencer.  Got some  very hard peaches just to help out, and had a nice discussion of flowers and grand children.  The owner was familiar with Deb's Popcorn Plant.  She had none, but said had heard that the Amish growers were promoting them this year.  She confirmed that $8 for my big cherry tomato plant and for Deb's Pop Corn plant was a very good price.
Did not see Mary.  Will not see her today either I guess.  She is on a road trip South with her sister.  I did not ask where they are going, but I did hear Mary will be riding shotgun so she can enjoy the vistas as I know she like to do.  I don't think she looks in on this site regularly as she never comments on it.  I think she would have something to say if she heard me regularly talking about her. I like her a lot. She is brave and honest and beautiful.  She loves all animals, including those most would rather not see.  You know, the ones under the logs and leaves.  She also loves her plants and her covered back porch with the several nestlings in the awning.  She especially loves tiny Molly and dresses her up every day for style and warmth.  Molly has just a little hair, and seems chilly most of the time.

I did get out early this morning and get my blood tested.
Also, I will go see my foot doctor at 2pm today.

Now it is ten o'clock.  Lorrie says mail is in my box down the street.  I know what it is because I signed up for that free service showing on my email what is on the way for today.  I see it each morning.  You can do it too.

I wonder what the temps are in Greenland and Kiev and the barn?

Bye for EV1 GBU and GB Ukraine


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27001 on: June 28, 2023, 09:22:49 AM »

5:44  Go to see you Cal.  I missed you.  Was like I missed my coffee or something. LOL


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27002 on: June 28, 2023, 12:20:22 PM »

hi joho in my office now trying to do some bookwork for ac business as been getting ac calls will have to do the sales in a few days lol temp in ice is 54 and raining that 54 sounds good rain not so much 69 and thunderstorms in kviv and it is 76 and ac running in the barn when i look down on computer its just says for my temp hot and humid well got that right. i know you like mary but remember awhile back when you said she has been on her own has lots of her own stuff going on you will need to be patience well you have to be patience very nice she has a sister she can enjoy a road trip with and take her little dog i am happy for her. you too have lots of stuff going on. i did sign up for post office deal i love it joho! daily digest see what is coming in my mail every some say not much so i do not bother having to drive down there open the gate etc.my little birds 3 in nest on front porch are getting big small nest really sometimes a parent in there and once jim said one of those babies going to fall out i looked it was  a parent kids were okay. but i always leave their fan going on high and they do like getting that breeze on them.  when i went to walmart other day saw firework stand firework stand over and over  :( like everyone has one even harps its so dry here calling for some rain friday i hope cause fireworks will start a fire.
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27003 on: June 28, 2023, 04:02:50 PM »

  Garden Lantern ... 29:10    106°  (1:31 pm)  (Back porch)  Sunny, and thank goodness it's windy.  Where is the rain???

I hope that your day is going well.  Mine is, so far.

Cal ...   I'm not looking forward to the neighborhood fireworks, and it is so dry, I really don't think it should be allowed.  I always worry about the possibility of someone starting a fire on someone's roof or in their yard.  Not to mention the effect on the dogs.
I had a German Shepherd (Gretchen) once that got very upset by it.   

Joho ...  What is a Puggle?  -- a Pug x Beagle cross?  I hope they find her.     Cal gave you some very good advice. 
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27004 on: June 28, 2023, 06:13:30 PM »

hi neva its 96 here but real feel 105 awful just being outside filling water bowls heading to barn soaked in sweat barn was just at 82 but really its 105 so 82 lot better my dogs scared of gunfire wont go out fireworks very same  thing yes neva worry about fire hate fireworks watch them on pbs. i hope they find that dog too.
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27005 on: June 28, 2023, 07:26:16 PM »

Yes Neva, exactly. Pug and beagle cross.  I will let you know if I get any news on her. This same family group lost a dog for three weeks last month and got it back.  So there is hope.
Mary is kind.  I will wait, I will wait, I will wait, for her.  Little Mary's fav. song.

I am very glad you like the mail viewing service.  I do too.

My Mary is now on her way home from that long car trip I told you about, and she is not alone.  She is bringing Maggy her new Boston puppy.  Mary is a real Boston fan.  This is at least the third for her that I know of.

I will be driving to Ely on Friday morning.  It will take me two days to get there.  I will be in Ely or at the Institute until Sunday 7/8.  I will try to wave from the gate area when on BTS and /or the deck as often as I can.

Now I must go make dinner.  Dinner will not make itself you know.  It takes after the dirty dishes that way.

Got to go to dentist tomorrow.  Mary needs a new dentist and was going to do a meet and greet, but I think she may stay home with her new baby and Molly.

Well bye for now my friends.  GBU and GB Ukraine


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27006 on: June 29, 2023, 04:46:46 AM »

Juneberries and Blueberries in Abundance - UPDATE June 28, 2023

Juneberries (a.k.a Serviceberries, Amelanchier sp.)
With the scarce rain through most of June, we were worried about the berry crops and the bears, but apparently there was enough rain at the right time to produce what the pictures show here. A favorite early food Juneberries (a.k.a Serviceberries, Amelanchier sp.) looking robust. The bushes are loaded.

Lowbush blueberries
Lowbush blueberries

Blueberries come later and last longer but are doing fine already—good plump Lowbush Blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium).

Deer in summer coat
Deer in summer coat
So now we know why the bears have been slow to show up—mainly the juneberries. We’ll see what develops.

A couple other odds and ends out the window:

White-tailed deer are now completely shed out with the new short hairs of summer with no underfur looking sleek and a nice color.

Mallard ducks that come for grass also find the yard a place to rest. Here are a dozen spaced out taking it easy. One male still retains a lot of his mating plumage but the rest are a combination of females, juveniles, and males in non-mating plumage, all of which are hard to tell apart.

 Raven Juvenile
Raven Juvenile
Raven fledglings have been out and about the last week to week and a half with enough juvenile plumage on the belly to recognize them as such, especially when they beg food from their parents. The young ones seem more trusting, standing on the railing with me at my desk in plain sight and them just looking and not flying away as most adults would.

Watching for bears.

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27007 on: June 29, 2023, 05:05:10 AM »

hi you guys! so happy lots of food for the bears and whoever. rain is scarce but heat is not. its 54 and raining in ice and 69 storms in kviv and its 75 in the barn. water from ac runs into that big poop bucket has ran over i knew it would saw when i woke up at like midnight so hot out still. when i went out the door that intense heat humidity hits you in the face ac was off when i went in but back on as i as i was heading out. awful today too but i think maybe rain coming weather channel said tomorrow big hail not good rain good tomorrow so not sure yet but another scorcher today i have to go to town bank get gas would like to try to wash my car get out and hold on to the car use that wand deal.

hi joho i so hope they find that dog upsetting they have done this before.  how exciting you leave did you say tomorrow? will worry about you till you get there. i will look for you at that time please be careful but have such a good time! hay you can text me joho do that. i will put it here you got there okay. tell dr rogers we said hi we love him.  good take you two days take your time.

hi neva when i woke up in the night i saw on the world news them bringing up looked like quite a bit of that sub said they thought human remains found too. i thought nothing was left of it but pieces. looked like a harness deal they had.. i am sure it was still fast for them to go. little raven so cute all them ducks and deer what pictures such a happy place.


gb ukraine gb all animals and gb all of us

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27008 on: June 30, 2023, 05:05:40 AM »

hi you guys its 74 here but another 100 day  :( 54 and raining in ice 76 in kyiv and it was 75 in the barn. yesterday morning it was weird weather it started out sunnny was 83 on my car therm i went and wash my car first it was tricky cause cement was wet i was holding on to the car and when i pull the trigger on that wand really came out almost knocked me down so finally got that done then i was getting really dark radio talking about storms up north from city i was at the gas station and lady came and got my money so i would not have to go in she smokes she was out there smoking. the clouds were like that underwood video and it got so cool outside i looked at my car temp from 83 to 68 just like that. and then it rained not long but rained. later sun back out and hot and steamy.

hi alice yesterday afternoon i was sitting in the barn on a bucket back by the ac where another buckets catches all the water. i had seen one of those kittens in a hay tunnel where a fan goes too and its nicer in the barn. i said hi kitty it did not come out. so sitting there i saw it come out and eat some puppy chow i put in the pans it then came out headed toward maybes pan and oh boy ate the rest of her can fancy feast so now i know they can eat. today making an appt with my vet to get mom fixed.

hi joho you have a safe trip and text me on my phone.

hi neva i heard some places cause so dry no fireworks we are suppose to get rain this weekend so will see but right now it is bone dry here too. that rain yesterday did not amt to much really.

gb ukraine gb all animals and gb all of us

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27009 on: June 30, 2023, 05:53:58 PM »

  Crane ... 26:48    104°  Sunny, w/ slight breeze.   (temp at my house)

Hi Alice.  I hope all is well for everyone.

Cal    I wish it would rain before the fourth, but I am doubting that we will get any of the monsoon rain any time soon.  The only small bit of rain so far has been down in the southeast corner of the state where practically no one lives.  🫤      I can imagine how hard it is for you to wash your car.  My daughter drives my car now.  It occasionally goes through a carwash that she likes.

Joho     Have you left already for Ely?  If so, I'm sure you'll have a great time, and we can't wait to hear about it.
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27010 on: July 01, 2023, 06:25:55 AM »

hi you guys its well cant see big fat cat in the way but earlier pouring down rain it was 75 in the barn 54 in ice 80 in kviv

hi neva joho said he was leaving yesterday would take him two days to get there be there tomorrow. we got lots of rain and maybe get some more fire marshall ask to not do fireworks in mo due to drought but it was not a ban so you know but rain now. wish it would rain on the fourth. i have driven thru a car wash in years so i am not sure about doing that really. but it was very hard washing it by hand very hard. i cant believe it when i see it in the garage not been clean i a long time. i hope you get some rain i hope that queen valley place with the mules and that mule man gets some.

hi alice i set a live trap yesterday when those kids mom howler came in to eat i went out and set it by the hidey hole where they wait for her. course they took off but i set it she ate and i was by the door watching to see if she was heading back out. she ate more looked for mice laid down clean her paws got a drink when she was heading out i went back out and caught one i had my phone on me called jim said let the dogs out come get this and take it in my room in my closet i have a really big closet i cleaned out earlier. baby very upset broke my heart howler took off with other two kids i have an appt to get her fixed next wed said to keep her up for 3 or 4 days on pain med etc. so i wanted to get the kids in and her.  i stayed up most the night and sat in the closet. got to pet it little big but upset left penny and brownie out in the kitchen told jim your turn with two i took cali she slept all night so at 4 am kitten up in my hanging clothes i put some fancy feast pate on my palm stuck in back to it and it ate it. got my hand a few times but ate the whole can so hoping to spend more time today with it if it clears out will try for another one hate it so upsetting for kitten. i think i can just put howler in a cage i do not want to leave kittens alone out there but may have too if i cant get them  this morning pouring rain i go in and mom sitting on box one kid next to her and other in indys hay box next to her. then raccoonies pouring in

gb ukraine gb all animals and gb all of us

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27011 on: July 01, 2023, 06:36:09 PM »

  Roqubrun Canoe ... 28:47      108° at my house.  A bit of a breeze.

Cal ...  Thanks, I was confused about what Friday Joho meant that he was going.  I know he'll have a great time. 

We had more excitement around here last night than anyone needed.  My daughter was taking Harlow outside before they went to bed, and our neighbors, a really nice young couple, had gone up onto their roof to see the fireworks that some idiot a few streets over was setting off.  My neighbors had company, another couple. and their own daughter was there, about 7 years old.  The wife fell off the roof trying to come down the ladder. My daughter came tearing into the house to call 911.  I'm pretty sure someone else did too.  The little girl said, "My Mommy's dead!" because her mother was knocked out, I believe, and didn't answer her question of "Mommy are you alright?"   The husband was wailing.  It was very scary.  I am pretty sure she is at the hospital.  I feel bad for them.  We didn't run over there, didn't want to get in the way since they had close friends there already, and the EMTs got there quickly.

If anyone has some spare prayers, these people could use them.

« Last Edit: July 01, 2023, 06:37:43 PM by neva »
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27012 on: July 02, 2023, 05:50:14 AM »

hi you guys its 67 here 60 in ice and 80 in kviv 73 in the barn

hi joho on the road again you said you would get to bear place sometime today so exciting hope you are okay

hi neva when i first started reading your post i thought someone fell off that roof cause that was not very smart to do i hope she will be okay prayers for them yes. and also pray that they never do that again and idiots do not shoot off fireworks.  i hate the fourth every fourth some will will lose an eye or finger or something else burns i have not heard anything around here yet. some years back had roxie sodie would find rocket deals in the horse pasture. i put the horses up in the barn but oh bottle rockets sure could of started a fire we would stay up late watching out in the pasture. i think it was tim his rude daughter elfie was living at home she has since married long gone   :) those emts really know their business let me know how the mom is doing.  we had a big day yesterday went and bought another live trap and in the barn jim said get howler put her in that cage if you can i was afraid but grabbed her by her neck in the cage she was upset!!!! jim took her in my room in the closet so had her one kid who i was feeding out of my hand but kid crying. let howl out she tore up my closet cause lots of stuff on my shelves in there she went up high stuff falliing here and there some hitting me some heavy stuff. she went to the very top and then watched me from up there. had two kids left we set those two traps by hidey hole i went and stayed with howler. i heard jim coming in yelling at the dogs and he had another kid set the cage in there. it was upset but not as bad as that first kid or her. so then i was worried one left alone out there and then i heard jim again he had it!! howler went to into a deep sleep up there she was worn out worn out. i think it was nice and cool in there and she was safe really not having to go all the time. i put out lots of food and she ate it all. during the night the kids i know i saw one with her she got down on the floor behind this big tub with blankets in it. so one all did did not hear a bunch of kitten cries this morning. i am dreading putting her back in that cage taking her wed morning to get fixed they are booked till august had a cancel and gave it to me. so please help me god and jesus mom


gb ukraine gb all animals and gb all of us

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27013 on: July 02, 2023, 06:37:18 PM »

  EXcavator Wall ...  27:14     almost 108°  (Back porch)  Sunny, a few clouds to the east and a breeze. 

I am comfortable, but what I think of on hot days like this is the ones that can't get out of it.  Those who have to work outside, and the animals that are made to stay outside in it, trying to find whatever shade and water they can.  Something that I really hate is when I see people walking their dogs on hot ground or pavement, and more than likely no thought given to water for them. 

I hope that you all are having a good day.

Cal   I don't know what's going on with my neighbor, no one is home, so I guess the little girl is being cared for by friends / family and her dad is at the hospital with his wife.  I hope she is not facing a serious outcome for her future.  Everyone - stay off the damned roof!! _ if you really don't need to be there.

Over the many years, we've been through a lot of those situations of having kittens and their moms spayed or neutered and trying to keep our end of the neighborhood from being over populated by feral cats, and as you already know, it sure is not easy.  I wish you luck with Mom Cat tomorrow.

« Last Edit: July 02, 2023, 06:38:50 PM by neva »
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27014 on: July 03, 2023, 05:12:15 AM »

Shadow’s Great Granddaughter With Three Cubs - UPDATE July 2, 2023

Andrea's cub Snowball
 Andrea's cubs
Andrea's cubs
The news of today was Shadow’s great granddaughter Andrea (Shadow, June, Jewel, Andrea) showing up at 3-years-old with three cubs (male Twinkie, male Cupcake, and female Snowball). Snowball is the one with the light face and chest blaze. The two males are on the tree. We were glad to hear about Andrea coming when the woods is full of juneberries, but I suspect that even a diet of juneberries begs for some variety.

Herring gull cooling off
Herring gull cooling off

Out the window here at the WRI, it was 86° F and this herring gull had his beak open trying to cool off. Also trying to cool off was 4-year-old Jake, son of Daisy, also a great granddaughter of Shadow (Shadow, RC, Bow, Daisy). The blurry picture is of him in the lake. The other picture is the ID picture of his nice face and eyes.

Another visitor today was Shadow’s 1-year-old great grandson Bentley (Shadow, RC, Bow, Bentley) who is a joy.

Something we watch each year is the eagle’s nest that we see on the pontoon rides. Word came today that it has two half-grown chicks with the parents bringing good-sized fish for dinner.

Looking forward to the first course starting tomorrow and what we’ll see together.

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb