Did the puzzle, but lost my time. I think 6 something.
Happy Monday to you all. Got up a little late. Still tired from being with those youngsters all day. No plans for today. Tomorrow foot doctor and Friday primary doctor my old friend who has kept me going for now at least 20 extra years more than both my parents and two of my siblings. He is good, and I am well.
37 outside my window and kind of gray. Lots of flooding in the fields and creeks around here. I like to tour the back roads when the water is high. Don't know why. One January thaw it flooded here and some friends with a tall army six by six decided to drive across a flooded back road to rescue the family of one of our friends. Well the truck started into the flooded part of the road. Went about 100 yards and flooded out. We had to wade through hip deep very cold water back to dry road. My friend, George and I went first. It was his family that was stranded in their home. Since we where already soaked, we decided to go out through the woods and cross the stream in another place. It was harrowing, but by hanging from tree limbs we were able to get across the flooded stream and finally reached the house. There we found everyone snug, warm, and dry sipping hot beverages in the kitchen. They were fine, and had been through this every Spring for many years. No problem!
So George decided to stay with them, but I felt I needed to get home and out of my soaking wet clothes. I waded back out and around the flood, crossed at the same tree we used on the way in. When I finally got back to the road where the TV News truck was doing a play by play of our "rescue" my pants were frozen solid and rubbing hard against my legs etc. Worse yet my friends had all left the truck stalled in the flood and gone home. I was stuck about five miles from home and could hardly move due to the ice in my clothes. Luckily the news crew saw my plight and brought me into their heated TV van. Boy was that nice after being so cold for so long. I was iced over all the way to my chest. I remember staying in that warmth for quite a while, and don't recall exactly who it was that took me home. I vaguely remember a man and his daughter driving me home.
George and his family were fine. My friends were cold and wet for a while, but were fine the next day. The water went down and we took another truck and pulled the army truck out to open the road. I never saw any of the news footage, but I heard we were called heroes for braving the cold and flooded woods to reach George's family. Who really were fine. Of course today we would have just called them on our smart phone and played cards all night. Which is what we often did in those days.
That is my story for this morning. GB U and GB Ukraine.