Sharon’s News, Bear Play, Spanky, and Ducks - UPDATE July 13, 2022
Sharon’s Bear News is filled with great pictures of the Bear Center bears in action atElvis and Lincoln play
Elvis and Lincoln play
At the WRI, yearling play buddies Lincoln (son of RC, grandson of Shadow) and Elvis (son of Donna, great-grandson of Shadow) hang out day after day, foraging on wild food interspersed with visits to the WRI, resting, and bouts of gentle play bites. In the picture Elvis is down on the left, soon to be the one on top of Lincoln who is slightly bigger.
Today, Spanky brought us up to date on how he is recovering beyond belief from this right front leg injury, walking with a slight limp.
Common Merganser
Common Merganser
Mallards taking off
Mallards taking off
Yesterday, the Bear Course pontoon ride was filled with wildlife sightings, including the eagle and baby at the nest, a common merganser with six growing babies, and mallards taking off nearby with a show of blue on their wings.
Birch blowdown
Birch blowdown
The most amazing thing, though, was a sudden thunderstorm with high winds that brought down trees as we watched out the window. No big trees and no harm, though. One of the trees was this birch that the wind collaborated in bringing down after beavers gnawed halfway through it months ago.
Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center