Shadow, Spanky, and the Striking Beauty of a Wood Duck - UPDATE May 18, 2022
Spanky by Mark Peterson
Spanky by M. Peterson
I have to admit that I took this worst picture ever taken of Shadow, but it was her and then she was gone. It was all I could get. I also have to admit that it was NOT me who took this extra fetching picture of Spanky. It was Mark Peterson, chief cook and hay getter for Dusty the famous horse
Spanky is injured—I suspect by Elusive Shadow
Elusive Shadow
a car—and his right front leg hangs loose but may be getting better. He was spunky enough to stand up to Chloe and later Dustin when they came too close today, and he hopped along following me to the scale to show me that he has gained over a pound a day these last five days. Everyone in the neighborhood feels sorry for him and we are all glad we are here to take the best care we can of him as he hopefully recovers.
On the bright side, a wood duck graced the WRI with his beauty today—the first wood duck I’ve photographed here. Wood duck male
Wood duck male
To me the wood duck is the most beautiful duck with its iridescent head, the striking streaks of white, prominent crest, the gorgeous red, white and yellow beak, and more.
Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center