Sunshine, Rain, and Greenup - UPDATE May 14, 2022
Dustin 5/13/22
Greenup is about a week late, but it’s finally the time where food is everywhere. Tender, digestible greens, especially grasses, are coming up and are still young enough that they haven’t fully developed defensive secondary compounds. And willow catkins have arrived big time.
But I don’t know if that is the whole story about why we haven’t seen Chloe, Lincoln, and Charlie Brown for six days now or Herbie for five. Could females be laying down scents for males to follow already? But all the food that was out last night was gone this morning. Could it be that the bears are just out using their vision to find wild foods by day and topping off here at night where they don’t have to look for food?
First year female redpoll
First year female redpoll
It’s always a guessing game until we see them again to get some clues. I wish we had radio collars on the bears so we could know as we go.
I don’t know what 2-year-old Dustin (above) was thinking in the picture taken yesterday but he looked thoughtful. I’m always glad to see him after the good memories he created as a yearling last year. Today, no bears have shown up so far, and it’s 7:45 PM.
The redpoll pictured is the only one I’ve seen since 3 were here the morning of May 4. The flock of about a thousand left late on April 27 or on April 28. Since then, there were about 40 each day from April 29 to May 3, and only 3 the early morning of May 4. This lone scruffy first-year female that got left behind probably couldn’t keep up with the flock from her looks. We’ll see how long she stays.
Turkey vulture with sun behind cloud
Turkey vulture with sun behind cloud
Turkey vulture with wings spread
Turkey vulture with wings spread in full sun
The event that made my eyes get wide was what this turkey vulture did when the sun suddenly burst bright from behind a cloud. Instead of sitting and preening as it had been, it immediately turned its back to the sun and held its wings out to fully catch it. When the sun hid behind another cloud, it sat normally. The sun burst out and it was immediately back with its wings spread. The temperature wasn’t that cold, about 61°F, but the vulture wanted to fully take advantage of the warming sun. I had never before noticed the blue iridescence on the wing feathers.
Hey, after writing all this speculation, Lincoln and Charlie Brown just showed up with Chloe. Not as much mystery as I thought. Now I just wonder where she’s been. If they leave some scat I’ll check to see if it’s full of grass.
Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center