Pretty Girl is Truly Back! - UPDATE March 1, 2022
Pretty Girl
Pretty Girl
Pretty Girl
Pretty Girl
Last evening at 7:20 PM, Pretty Girl was suddenly back outside my desk window like old times. I went to the door and she said “It’s me” with every action. She immediately came to me, opened her mouth slowly, and carefully took the food without biting any fingers. When she went under the deck light, she looked as good as ever—doubly good when she ate a blueberry mini-muffin with her eyes closed like she really enjoyed it. By that time, she had already eaten a big chicken drumstick, so I wasn’t surprised when she passed up bologna for a mini-muffin. It feels good to know she is still safe and that only two weeks of the fox-trapping season remain.Barred Owl
Barred Owl
Today, the barred owl flew in about the same time as yesterday. It sat ignoring me except when I said ‘look at the camera’ by making a ssshh noise. It was more interested in squirrels and even went after one—but missed.
Ravens are saying it’s nest-building time. A pair has been here sitting side by side the last couple days. Today, one of them showed me something new. I’d wondered where they get so many twigs for their nests when snow is deep on the ground. Today one was gathering rootlets from an exposed root ball of a tree that blew over some years ago. With each visit, it flew off to the southwest with a beakful, one time carrying a root over a foot long.
Raven on rootball
Raven on rootball
Raven with root
Raven carrys long root
Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center