Pretty Girl, Scott, and an Owl - UPDATE February 28, 2022
Pretty Girl was here again last night—but still unseen. It will probably take ‘The Eyes of the Night’ to do that, I suspect, but she won’t be here for awhile yet.Jim, Jennifer, Scott and Cindy
Jim, Jennifer, Scott and Cindy
Yesterday, Scott came rolling in to the finish line fresh and hatless after dog-racing 30 miles for a personal best time of 2 hours and 45 minutes. Way to go, Scott. You don’t let cold get you down.
Barred Owl
Barred Owl
The wildlife highlight of today was at 3:10 PM when this barred owl fluttered in and flew quickly from tree to tree looking in all directions at each stop as if wanting something to eat. It was the birds’ dinner time, and branches were aflutter with over 200 birds. Apparently nothing looked catchable. But I might have it all wrong because barred owls eat mostly small mammals, not birds. The owl might have flown on because of a lack of squirrels. Barred owls look a lot like great gray owls but have dark, not yellow eyes. A quick and easy identification method.
Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center