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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1699392 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23100 on: March 07, 2021, 06:06:42 AM »

Daily Updates
Signs of Spring - UPDATE March 6, 2021
06 March 2021
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Spanky heading out

Today, wild Spanky was again trekking to the edge of the porch to eat snow, as seen here: https://youtu.be/waV3TYt0Swc Ted was active, too, as is shown in this 4-minute music video https://www.facebook.com/NorthAmericanBearCenter/videos/865406227347717 .

Maybe responding to the same cues on this 44° F day, Tasha came almost out as is shown in this 6:52-minute video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Do8S3yN25g, and Lucky appeared at the entrance of his den to eat snow.

Woodchuck male
Woodchuck male
More signs of spring were the woodchuck showing himself to be an old hand at the WRI. We knew the woodchucks last year liked pineapple and broccoli, so we put some out, and it all disappeared except for a piece of broccoli. Today, it disappeared, and I suspected that it was the male woodchuck that is living in heated quarters underneath the boiler shed. An hour later, he came up to the second floor deck, checked the spot where the broccoli had been, looked at me from just outside my window, and climbed up to the sunflower seed spot. I wanted to take a nice picture, but he ignored my noises and dug into the food, facing away. I want compare the one ID picture I got with pictures from last year, but he looks and acts familiar.

It turns out that red squirrels like pineapple, too, as Peggy proved with this picture.20210306 Red squirrel iwth pineapple
Red squirrel with pineapple

Big action between the minks Guitar and Spot. Big Guitar was chasing little female Spot fast around the garage and up the driveway and out of sight. I believe he was eager to catch her and not chasing her away because just before they went around the curve in the driveway, he stopped and looked back for a moment before continuing his pursuit. If I was I wrong, I probably would not see Spot around for awhile, but two hours later, there she was nonchalantly walking past my window. When she found a piece of bologna, she did something I hadn’t seen of her before. She took it up the steps to the third floor deck where Guitar hangs out. I took that as a sign that she now feels more comfortable with him. Just now, the two visited the bologna area within minutes of each other.

The minks and other animals have their choice of three meats to choose from: bologna, tender pork rib meat, and thin-sliced beef. On this warm, spring-like day, the meat was thawed and easy to eat. The minks had a clear favorite. They ignored the pork and beef and wanted only bologna. A gray jay kept the rib meat from going to waste, carrying off piece after piece to glue to branches high in trees in the yard. Their special sticky saliva is the glue.

Gray jay with rib meat
Gray jay with rib meat
Mink guitar hunting for bologna
Mink guitar hunting for bologna
Mink Spot also on the hunt
Mink Spot also on the hunt

In this season of sleeping bears, I am thankful for Spanky showing on a second computer on my desk all day and I’m thankful for the richness of wildlife out the window and the dramas that take place through the seasons.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23101 on: March 07, 2021, 06:14:47 AM »

hi jewelies it is 44 here 49 in the barn 4 raccoonies. update is so good love the pictures. minks that woodchuck we call them groundhogs very cute too spanky i hope does not get caught up in that old fence piece. he has big feet so should be okay has been so far. wish someone could of pulled it out though. griz is barking and barking jim just told me he is running down to the lake check the mobile home i gotta get going lots to do.

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23102 on: March 07, 2021, 10:07:23 AM »

Lost my post.  Darn!!!!!  I think it was 5:10 on handicapped horse parking.  Which I thought was funny, and would like to see the rider.
28 degrees here this morning, but clear and sunny.
Been watching all kinds of videos and crying for two hours.  Very emotional today.  Started with bears all coming out on the same day, but you know You Tube reads your mind and puts up all those videos that match your mood.  I don't know how they do that. and it is creepy.
So I will CUL  God Bless


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23103 on: March 07, 2021, 10:42:20 AM »

I guess this is a bonus post.  It is hell getting old and forgetful. 
5:10 not too bad and I like the subject too.  LOL
Loads of bear activity Spring is close
28 here this morning, but sunny and still.  Very nice.  Frosty with no mud.
Been on here for a while and texting my niece in upstate New York.  She walked her two dogs early this morning in minus 2degrees.  She just got back from weeks of showing her dogs in Florida and South Carolina.  So quite a change for them.
I went for a haircut yesterday.  Needed it badly.  Went to Best Cuts because my barbers have all retired.  A girl did it, and when we were done she had left my whole long white beard.  Said she was not allowed to cut it due to covid. So my head , ears, neck, and eyebrows are all cut off very short, and my beard is very bushy.   Little Mary says it is my Santa look, and it is. I think I like it.  At least for now.  It has never been this long, or this white.
Well gtg help my Debbie with some things.  So will cul.  GB


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23104 on: March 07, 2021, 01:23:17 PM »

3:17 on getting on the horse hi joho that rider could be me could be you did you notice horse had a rifle on its saddle. do you always have a beard?jim does he trims it and he buzzes his hair. he use to have long hair long ago he had it cut shorter and shorter now he buzzes it. no more combs!  :) his beard is santa color too. when niece nicoles daughter cydney was younger at christmas eve jim came one year and she yelled santa! its nice here like 62 sun out very windy we have no burn ban going on. i saw early this morning how cold it was in ny not long ago we had that. what kind of dogs does she have how did they do in the dog show? are you going to watch oprah with prince harry and meghan tonight?
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23105 on: March 07, 2021, 02:38:35 PM »

Cal, yay, you got the J&J shot...one and done! That's the one I wish we had gotten. My younger sister got her first shot Thursday afternoon thanks to her neighbor who is a nurse. The hospital vaccine clinic had leftover shots from the day long clinic so the neighbor called sis and told her to get to the hospital quickly. Sis got her shot and was on her way home within a half hour! Robin was hoping there would be left over shots for walk ins on Friday so she stopped by the hospital after work. A volunteer at the door said they were only allowing walk ins for the 2nd shot. Bummer. On the news at 6 they said Ohio was going to have mass drive in clinics and they were allowing bordering states like West Virginia to sign up, too. I told Robin about it and she registered at a hospital in Marietta. Now she's on 2 lists. I wish she could have taken my shot. I'm home 99% of the time where she has to meet clients everyday. Thank goodness she's able to meet some on zoom meetings!  Good thing you and Jim were there to help that lady behind you find her way thru the vaccine site! lol! I thought Blacklist was so weird! I had to Google cyranoid to help me figure out what in the world they were talking about! Crow's beard and hair are snow white. He calls it silver but it's white! He trimmed his beard this morning and afterwards went to Amazon and ordered a new trimmer! Now every where I go on my iPad and laptop up pops an ad for beard trimmers!  Nice update pics! We call them ground hogs, too!

Jo, yes, please tell us what kind of dogs your niece shows! How exciting!  Robin can't wait to start traveling by air again like your Debbie. Last May she was supposed to go to Hawaii with Tasha. She has several trips in the planning stage. Just waiting for all this to go away.

The sun is out but it's a chilly 40. Last night lows were in the 20's. Later in the week highs in the upper 60's! Come on spring! :)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23106 on: March 07, 2021, 09:54:56 PM »

Cal and Rues,   

 My niece Susie has two loving rescues that she is training in obstacle course racing.  They have been traveling a lot to shows for the last two years, and have won many ribbons.  They have done well for really being still like puppies. I don't know how to put pics on chat, but I have some on my mobile phone I would share.  They are bigger like a lab hound mix, but athletic and trim.  Very nice obedient dogs.  They love the wilds, but do well in motels too. You would all like them, and they would like you back.

BTW I watched Blacklist and could not really grasp what was supposed to be going on.  It was just way too weird for me.  I like good people to act like good people, and Liz is not doing that.  I prefer Lonestar Law, the trucking stories on the weather channel, Animal Planet, and Life Below Zero.

Tried to do State taxes today, but can't find enough info.  Wasted several hours, and only got one line filled in.  I will have to call them, and some others tomorrow.

Good Night Now and God Bless


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23107 on: March 08, 2021, 06:07:14 AM »

hi jewelies it is 45 here 61 in the barn 2 raccoonies. we are in for severe thunderstorms wed so jim will already had gotten sister on tuesday but i have to take her to our cpa so she can drop off her taxes. weatherman said by sunday will have gotten almost 4 inches of rain  :( i don not like spring for all the rain. i have to go to the feed store this morning and over to harps grocery store and got lots of work to do in my office today i have to get done today so busy day

hi joho! you can send the pictures to my phone you know me and rues love all dogs. yes they love us too. jim and i wondering about chemo on boo he pottied in the living room twice yesterday something he rarely does its okay but his thinking seems to be a little off now. i let him out and went to take out jims clothes in the washer put in the dryer went back outside did not boo anywhere my heart stopped went around the corner no boo he went under the deck he never does that. we think he is stumbly too and drinking tons of water so not sure jim wants to stop it but dr said double his life so seeing if he is better today i hate to leave him for a bit but got to get pearl some stuff. i cant give up blacklist now either can rues i just want to see liz get hers i knew what a doppelganger was in my nintendo games mario there was one looked like mario but all dark color and out to get mario and in my zelda was one looked like link but dark in color and i had to fight it as link tricky too cause it mimic my moves. still way weird for blacklist and just how far liz is taking this. yes lis red gets his way most the time that is what we like about him he is red. i like the weather channel and i like ice pilots too.

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23108 on: March 08, 2021, 11:47:09 AM »

hi jewelies i got to postoffice mailed off our taxes harps mcdonalds drink feed store back home let dogs out let dogs in got ticket and warranty ready for jim to take over worked on my books got that done missy sent me a picture of scar after that ladys mom cut off her hair missy had to get what was left cut too that woman tried to disguised her for sure missy was upset putting scar thru that and how scar looks like a different dog but it will grow back and she home see missys neighbors. those are the good neighbors

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23109 on: March 09, 2021, 05:46:22 AM »

Daily Updates
Spanky Getting Restless - UPDATE March 8, 2021
08 March 2021
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Spanky heading out
Spanky heading out

With spring-like conditions upon us, Spanky is getting restless. He ventured outside the den yesterday and today. Yesterday, he was caught on a trail cam some 350 feet away from his den. Interesting.

Here is a 3:24 video of yesterday's scenes from Spanky's den: https://youtu.be/v1B3kxXdUVU

The snow crust that would almost hold a person has disappeared. Today, the snow is soft, shallow and melting fast, making walking easy now that a shift in wind currents has traded the deep freeze of February 5-21 for temperatures some 20 degrees Fahrenheit about normal.

With snowfall for January and February 48% below average and the forecast for March being far warmer than usual temperatures, I predicted that Spanky would be out and gone by the end of March.

But I didn’t think he’d be out wandering this early.

Adult males are the first to leave their dens, but this is the earliest I’ve heard of. Spanky is just making little ventures out, though, and returning to his den for most of the day and night. We’ll see what happens.

In this part of North America where bear food is absent in winter, bears are genetically programmed to enter or leave dens on schedule in fall and spring regardless of whether supplemental food is available or not. In my studies, weather has influenced dates of entry and exit by only a week or two. Will Spanky upset the applecart?

In the Eastern Deciduous Forest with its beechnuts, acorns, and hickory nuts, bumper crops can mean these foods are available all winter with bears continuing to forage through the year by digging down through the snow. People who provide supplemental food in that area continue to see bears all winter.

Mink Spot
Mink Spot
But here in this Minnesota area, any bear that responds to an abnormal warm period by getting up and foraging in mid winter would be sorely disappointed. It’s been that way for millennia. Consequently, we don’t see bears in winter here—except maybe Spanky. We are still learning. At this moment, though, he is back in his bed sleeping soundly—apparently ignoring the constant drip from the melting snow.

Out the window, Spot the mink is doing her usual as a busy non-hibernator.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

2021 Bear DenClick to watch the 2021 Bear Den Cam

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23110 on: March 09, 2021, 05:54:48 AM »

hi jewelies it is 52 here 3 raccoonies in the barn 61 in the barn. spanky has been in an out for awhile. i hope if he goes there will be food but i think there will be. people really care about the bears up there. cant get enough of the minks either. jim will be getting sister late tonight i will take her to our cpa so she can drop her tax stuff. i did not watch that interview with harry saw enough on cnn being pregnant and talking about taking your life really made me mad. i think too some acting going on there and not that good. she has her family he left his.

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23111 on: March 09, 2021, 11:17:30 AM »

4:15 to see those green feet. Nice here.  Very nice yesterday.  63 I remember seeing.  Still doing state taxes.  It is really hard, because they will not let me use internet.  Plus I can't find forms anywhere.  I will have to wait until they mail me some.  I hate waiting once I get started. So I am just killing time on cams.
Nice to see bears getting around again, but terrible fighting at GSB cam.  Really vicious.  Not sure who won.
Well gtg cul gb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23112 on: March 09, 2021, 06:11:27 PM »

boo boo not feeling good really has not since his chemo we are thinking no more chemo for him. jim left to get sister so i am sitting with him.  :(
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23113 on: March 09, 2021, 08:47:46 PM »

Well great news.  My Debbie will pick up her new best friend from the vet on Sat.  She met Boss last week, but had to wait for another adopter to test him with her dog.  Her dog did not like Boss so Debbie gets him  We are very happy.  Deb really wanted him.  So she is ecstatic.  I will try to get pics as soon as I can, but for sure it will be next week.

So God Bless for now.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23114 on: March 10, 2021, 05:41:47 AM »

Daily Updates
Record Heat, Bears on the Move - UPDATE March 09, 2021
09 March 2021
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With record-breaking temperatures across northeastern Minnesota (57°F in Ely), bears were on the move. Spanky took a 2 hour and about 15 minute jaunt. He kept us entertained prior to stepping out as is seen in this 4:57 minute video: https://youtu.be/8ug_3xYmYcQ. While he was away, the vole had free rein as seen in this 2:08 video: https://youtu.be/ODpyoHNtHq. Then, back in his bed about 8:50 PM, he settled in and ignored the drip that has become more of a stream as snow melts fast off the roof. He is sleeping on his side and breathing 12 times a minute, not the usual hibernation pattern of breaths with delays between them.

At the Bear Center, lean-looking Ted came out as is shown in this 7:37-minute video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxA55Xs5ZOI.

And Tasha roamed, climbed the cub tree, drank from the stream, and just hung out up behind her rock den. She is still there now at 9:22 PM. Tasha is from Kentucky so her internal clock is set to winters that are not as long as here. https://www.facebook.com/toni.embree.54/videos/481110289570768.

But the hard fact is that it is still officially winter here. Snow is forecast to arrive late tomorrow.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb