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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1711031 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #22575 on: November 30, 2020, 06:02:01 AM »

Good morning everyone-  first- YAY for the Chiefs. It is so fun to watch their games. I'm still really hoping the Steelers can play tomorrow. RB Conner is out but we have others.

Hubby and i had a new symptom of ykw happen yesterday. We both lost taste and smell. The funny thing is i didn't realize it until later in the afternoon about 3 PM. Hubby picked up a jar of gardener's salve that my niece makes for me out of herby stuff. I don't wear gloves while gardening and my hands get yucky. Anyhow- this stuff has a strong, distinctive smell and he couldn't smell it. I didn't think much of it until i smelled it- nothing. Then i smelled some candles- nothing. The last test was scooping izzy's litter pan- nothing, no smell.  Then i was thinking about lunch. We don't have much of an appetite but i do try to fix lunch. I had some of my marinara in the freezer- got it out and cooked up some ground meat. Nothing had taste so i added garlic and onion. Hmmm.  Put the sauce over spaghetti squash like usual. It wasn't until we realized we couldn't smell that we had no tase either. Really interesting! Plus we had different onset times for our original symptoms but we got this symptom at the same time.

I'd added powdered onion and garlic to the marinara yesterday. I wonder how it will taste when we finally get our taste back.  This virus is really unique- for some people loss of taste and smell is their first symptom.
I've pretty much been dealing with a runny nose and some sneezing; hubby still has some coughing. I have some joint pain but who knows if that's just my normal orif it's covid related.

I found out our young neighbor has covid- rest of the fam has been tested - no results yet.

On a good note- hubby's 88 year old cousin who was hospitalized for 3 weeks with covid has been back to the nursing home and is getting stronger. Not out of the woods yet but getting closer!

Have a great day jewelies!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #22576 on: November 30, 2020, 11:04:52 AM »

hi lupe! i know the chiefs games are fun to watch. cheetah so funny on his tds went in with a backflip..one a buc trying to catch him as he went in for the td cheetah shaking his finger at him  :) cheetah on the phone saying dont worry help is on the way! :)  course more fun with the win. jim saying oh no another nail biter no jim we just need to get a first down run out the clock cheetah said oh looky cheetah got the first down! sorry tom. lupe thats is great news on hubbys cousin wow ykw hitting hard around there. vaccine cant come fast enough you cant smell izzys cat box your smell is gone big time! no taste well that would cut down eating junk for me! i hope big ben plays tomorrow but only if it is safe chiefs really stay on top of ykw hope it will be enough. weird you and hubby lost that at the same time. sounds like he is better i hope so. what happens after ten days? do you go back to the hospital?
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #22577 on: November 30, 2020, 02:15:52 PM »

hi cal- laundry done but not put away yet.  In 10 days we go off quarantine so i guess we can resume going out just being careful. We aren't infectious to others then.  Same rules- wear mask, social distance, wash hands, etc. 

Izzy taking good care of us. I've been trying to get her nails trimmed- she doesn't like it. A challenge.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #22578 on: November 30, 2020, 03:39:21 PM »

hi lupe okay back to same routine hubby do not clean out other peoples garage etc pleez just say no for now! i had to trim odies claws when i can hear one of my cats walking across my bedroom floors time to trim  and he hates it they all hate it i got a pair of dykes real little i use those goes fast dogs hate it too i use big dog nail cutters not boo boo boo growls so okay boo boo good his nails never look real bad penny cries pees she is acting really strange she has to be right close to me has to be. pearl not a fan on getting my nails done joe got front plus one back last time that back left one she has arthur so she says no. so no it is. sometimes im a lousy parent  :)
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #22579 on: November 30, 2020, 08:08:54 PM »

Hi Jewelies! It's snowing! Ugh. Might get 2 inches overnight. It rained almost all day and then this evening the temps dropped and now snow. Weather guy says may have icy roads in the morning. Glad I don't have to go anywhere in the morning. Shouldn't hang around too long because the daytime temps will be in the 40's.

Neva, Happy Belated Birthday! Hope it was a very good one! I have been so busy the last few days that I haven't been here to Jewel's. I wish I was 29 like you! Then I could do all the things I want to do and not get exhausted doing them! Really good to see you posting!

Cal, Maui is like her brother Wilson when it comes to nail trims! She screams bloody murder when Robin attempts to clip her nails. That kitten shrieks! Tela, on the other hand, doesn't mind getting her nails trimmed at all. We finally painted Robin's 4th living room wall. She decided on white! It took 3 coats of paint to cover that brown or dark tan wall and the foyer. If she decides she likes the white then we will paint the other 3 grey walls white, too. The light grey shouldn't take 3 coats, I hope. Going up and down that ladder wore me out. Now that I have arthritis in both my thumb joints, I have a heck of a time grasping objects. I am falling apart. That was a very good poem that you posted! My sis used Snake Away after a snake crawled into her garage. She put it on the driveway in front of the garage door. She says it worked...no more snakes!

Ra, good for your daughter in getting the snake to the other side of the road! I'm pretty sure my daughter would have said no way, call an exterminator! Lol!

Lupe, I'm so sorry that you and hubby have ykw and are having to go through all this! Glad you guys are able to be home. Take care and feel better soon. Glad that the cousin is  doing better!

Jo, sounds like your family fed you well! From what they are saying around our state is that most of the general public won't get the vaccine until sometime in April. Governor said first responders, then elderly and nursing homes and then everyone else.  Looks like you might be getting snow, too!

Have a nice evening! Stay safe!

« Last Edit: November 30, 2020, 08:11:31 PM by ruesgram »


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #22580 on: December 01, 2020, 05:00:14 AM »

Daily Updates
A Highlight, 20% Off, and the Christmas Card - UPDATE November 30, 2020
30 November 2020
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Pine Marten
Pine Marten
Pileated woodpecker female
Pileated woodpecker female

Last night I said the wildlife highlight of the day was a common redpoll. Nice, but he was upstaged when the pine marten appeared after making me worry since the 22nd. Today, she was back again, living in the roof on the 3rd floor. For color today, the female pileated woodpecker landed where her red crest looked extra red against the shadows.

The big action today is at the Bear Center, though.

Cyber Monday
click to go directly to the apparel section

Cyber Monday Sale continues until midnight tonight. We see so many of you are taking advantage of the super 20% off sale on all apparel in the North American Bear Center?s Gift Shop. Be sure to use the Cyber2020 code as you check out. Members and volunteers still need to use the code to receive a discount on apparel.

Christmas cards
Christmas cards available now

Plus, hot off the press -- the annual Christmas card features our four bears, a painting by Karina Herrera that was inspired by photos from Jim Stroner.

2021 Calendar
2021 Calendar going fast!

And don't forget to grab a 2021 North American Bear Center calendar featuring our Sweet Ted. Get them while you can, they are going fast! In fact, grab several, they make great gifts!

We thank you for your support, especially this year, as you know we rely heavily on gift shop sales, admissions, and donations to operate the Bear Center.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #22581 on: December 01, 2020, 05:08:23 AM »

hi jewelies i am running late up late with penny having to be right next to me and brownie almost bit my face when penny tried to squeeze in there jim in the kitchen yelling at them so hurrying here.

hi rues be back a bit read your post she went with white walls i think that was a good choice.

hi lupe how are you and hubby doing this morning? big ben today.



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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #22582 on: December 01, 2020, 05:59:52 AM »

Good morning everyone-  haven't been out but it must be cold since furnace is on now.  Welcome to December.

rues-  i'm so jealous of your snow. The weather here has no precipitation in the 10 day.  Yesterday was a bit windy but mostly sunny. I took all the covers off the bed and aired them out on the line outside.  I danced around them chanting "Die- you viruses".  Well, not really but i was thinking it.  We  washed sheets in hot water too.

Hubby still not doing well but he has ongoing health issues so he was not starting off  perfectly healthy. I'm just glad that our symptoms don't seem to be getting any worse. My stuffy head led me to take NyQuil again last night and i slept solid for 10 hours. Food still doesn't taste good but we take a little and of course keep up with liquids.

Well- phooey, just heard on CNN that the Steeler game is postponed- again. Story after commercial.

You guys with the snake- did it ever occur to you why the snake is where it is?  Could it be it is just looking for food?

Steelers play tomorrow afternoon- geez!!

Have a great day jewelies!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #22583 on: December 01, 2020, 10:00:30 AM »

Hi ev1,
Yes, winter arrived last night in Ohio.  Lots of things canceled for snow.  Even the garbage pickup is postponed.  I do not recall this happening ever before just for snow.  Debbie called them sissies when I told her of delay.  LOL  It is bad though deep hard packing, and very, very slippery.   Mary took an hour and a half to get from home to work.  Usually just 25 minutes.  She said she never saw a plow. She travels interstate 90.  Usually in good shape, but not this morning.
I called the paper.  They said they would bring it tomorrow with that paper.  I said fine see you then.  A few minutes later they called and said it was already in the paper tube at the curb. I was afraid to fall so I drove the 30 or 40 feet to the box.  Got the paper ok, but then could not get back up the curb into the drive.  Finally rocked it free and got almost into the garage, and got stuck again.  Had to shovel snow out of drive wheels. It took me 20 or30 minutes to go just a few feet.
 Never was so glad to be back in the warm and comfort of my home.  Will not be going out again until plows are done.  I usually enjoy driving around in new snow, but this is just too slick.
Nice to hear from my nearest neighbor, Rues too. More snow coming you way today so you should have it for a few days to enjoy. 
Lupine it sounds like you are improving.  Hubby too, but not as quick.  Still praying for you and all our friends to be spared the terrible things in the news all the time. Ohio setting new records again.  Come on vaccine.

God Bless CUL


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #22584 on: December 01, 2020, 10:08:15 AM »

4:31 my best ever FYI


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #22585 on: December 01, 2020, 11:11:03 AM »

hi lupe got my online groceries post office my left knee really bad like a nerve or something on top of my problems with it people so nice holding post office big heavy door this old man helping me down the stairs but i told him im slow but can do it he had broken his leg said he knew how pain felt he was walking good happy for him oh lupe i know exactly why those snakes came in my barn and that one in the attic not going to eat my mice or baby birds period not going upset my pearl causing her to risk a broken leg never! i will relocate them but snakes make no mistake pearl is my world i will do whatever to protect her. did hubby recover from his surgery before ykw showed up? ra emailed me early this morning said steeler game moved to tomorrow might get light snow here tomorrow night maybe it will come soon enough i dont even want to try and shovel it now but if it comes i will for griz for my barn sidewalk. i take cough syrup knocks me out too.

hi rues oh i cant even imagine up and down a ladder! yes arthur be screaming i was thinking happy i was able to insulate the barn go up and down that ladder. you be careful how did crow do on peeling them apples?

hi joho i heard lots of snow for you be careful driving to your box hope that plow gets there.

hi ra i sent you a package
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #22586 on: December 01, 2020, 11:41:17 AM »

oh joho i forgot your best ever time was so good! :)
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #22587 on: December 01, 2020, 06:41:08 PM »

Good evening, Jewelies! We only got 2 inches of snow on my side of the hill. My sister on the other side got 4 inches! It's really pretty snow covering everything but not a bit on the roads, sidewalks or driveway. That's the only kind of snow I like...nothing to shovel! Weather guy says we could have flurries overnight but no accumulation. Cold and windy tonight down in the 20's. In normal times today would have been a snow day for schools. Since this isn't normal times, kids are home learning remotely like they have been for the past 2 weeks.

Cal, that Weimaraner in the dog shame looks just like Boo and did the same thing Boo did, ate a door! Lol! Robin didn't want Boo going in the kitchen when she was at work because he got into the cabinets. Crow installed a cheap door only to have Boo chew the door to pieces the very next day! Crazy dog!  Crow did very well with his apple peeler. Besides the apples,  he peeled the potatoes and the sweet potatoes! He was having a great time! And it helped me out! I made enough mashed potatoes and sweet potato casserole to feed an army. After a couple days of leftovers I tossed everything in the trash. I felt bad doing that when I started thinking about all those people waiting in their cars in those long lines just to get food to eat. Here I am fortunate enough to have food and throwing it away. :'(   It was good to see the pine marten again in the update! Glad that you are using the online grocery ordering. Robin uses it a lot. She uses the Aldi one, too.

Lupe, Crow was telling me about the Steelers on again, off again game at supper tonight!  He hopes they finally get to play. Sounds like you have everything under control and doing what needs to be done. Hope you two get better soon.

Jo, our local tv station weather guy forecasts for the southeastern Ohio counties in our broadcast area. For the Ohioans in our area he also talks about weather in the Columbus and Cleveland areas. He said tonight that your area got a lot more snow than we did but that's to be expected because of Lake Erie. He lives in Athens, Ohio, and drives the 40 some miles to Parkersburg to the tv station. Sometimes I think he talks more about Ohio than he does WV! Lol!

Have a good evening and stay safe! Today is the first day of the Advent Calendar!  :)

« Last Edit: December 01, 2020, 09:27:56 PM by ruesgram »


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #22588 on: December 02, 2020, 04:42:11 AM »

black bear people of ely mn said this...No update tonight - LM  i hope all is well
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #22589 on: December 02, 2020, 05:08:19 AM »

hi jewelies it is 25 here one raccoonie and 51 in the barn got  i elec check our electric bill yesterday i call on the first before the bill comes in the mail it was 189.00  :) that is good for the house and basement jims shop and he has been using it every day and the barn with electric heat down at the lake those rates are horrible they raised them and huge amt of money for peak hours which is morning and evening. i feel sorry for people who live down there year round.

Hi Lupe steelers game still one as of right now at i think 2:40 but who knows hope you guys are doing better.

hi rues! i thought of your boo too with that dog shame funny he tore up crows cheap door he wanted in the kitchen so there! we have that half solid wood gate to keep boo boo out of the kitchen but in the kitchen you can see in the living room and the tv. the girls chewed a hole almost thru it! so on the kitchen side down at the bottom a big starting hole what are they barking at? not griz barking them girls let them out earlier and can hear tims dogs running down there hill barking away. good wake tim up! wow crow really peeled away that would be a big help! you are so close to ohio. i dont have to feel bad throwing food away neither does jims dad cause he puts in the freezer in containers and jim gets it brings it home the dogs love love left overs and if it is something they dont raccoonies love love them. i know rues breaks my heart to see long lines of hungry people. :(i heard on the world first people to get the vaccine health workers of course and nursing home of course there too so my sister may be one to get it first. i just looked at long forecast her test is next wed will be 52 so good weather for travel. i wont use online groceries next tuesday will go need to get my own stuff look at day old bakery cart stuff like that talk to my friend lola. online was good for getting lots of heavy cat litter and big huge sacks of dry dog food and big boxes of can cat food and can dog food that is a big help i did not know aldis had online shopping only aldis is in excelsior the other way but i do go there  to get gas for the car and go to price chopppers and that big walmart has stuff my little richmond one does not i like the little one. and online time saver i like that . i remember my advent cal last night found that gnome! :)

hi joho! the world news this morning was showing that snow storm in ohio what a mess you be careful will someone come shovel your sidewalk? stay home even if that plow showed up still leave a ton of snow where it plowed.



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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb