Daily Updates
GiveMN Eve - UPDATE November 18, 2020
18 November 2020
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It?s the eve of the big day, but you have already generously given $9,083 to the Bear Center and $1,590 to the Wildlife Research Institute.
Donations to the Bear Center will be combined with GiveMN 2019 funds to improve our ambassador bears? enclosure. We will replace much of the fencing, enhance drainage and improve structures in our bears? individual enclosures. The new fencing will be bear-friendly, allowing us to eliminate electric wiring from the interior fence. Not only will this project benefit our bears, it will also help advance our mission by improving our popular Behind-the-Scenes tours that are part of our education mission. Expanding out education outreach will be a major focus this coming year.
Donations to the Wildlife Research Institute will go for diversionary bear food and a den cam setup that we are designing as we speak. The landowner of Lily?s den is excited, and so are we. Schools have been hoping for more den cams for years?as have Lily fans. Last year Lily had four cubs. We?ll see what she has this January.
Due to Covid-19, we are cutting way back on our GiveMN podcasts that have always been fun. Cheering us on and letting us know of any golden tickets and matching fund opportunities this year will likely be mainly our ?Master of Ceremonies? Scott Edgett with his enthusiasm and humor.
Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center