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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1736201 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21900 on: August 24, 2020, 09:22:56 AM »

hi lupe just did barn chores everything fed or cleaned up for a minute so funny izzie with bunnies well there was two of em! i will record the us open i know whats it like to have to take on more chores hope hubby feels better soon.  i dont have time to sit in dr office for an hour be happy i am taking these! :) im happy hand not broke.

hi joho okay will google those jim be home soon coming home first to help me give pearl her medicine then finish that ac job. must of been a big one. that sounds nice listen to gospel music when i went to walmart yesterday i found a station playing a catholic sermon singing chants in latin listened to it.jims mom would like that. sounds like some dental work i put off my cleaning till oct 3 or 4. going to call walmart see if i can get my flu shot in the morning still old folks day open at 6 pharmarcy too joe be here at ten do pearls nails. get my shot some of pearls treats go. jim has been forgetful alot too. get dee some diet dr pepper when you go to walmart okay get it no i said diet pepsi  >:( so he got it i will drink the diet dr pepper in cans i hate cans pour it in empty mcdonalds cup. i know party people spreading ykw. :(  after sister takes her test pearl done with her meds im going to see bone dr first my knees then my hip sick of trying to walk like this.  then my toes fixed hope you get your stuff fixed too take your trips in your car not a motorbike.
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21901 on: August 24, 2020, 09:28:39 AM »

joho i googled them hydo seal i looked at walmart one says for blistering heels my heels are okay saw others looks good helps heal wounds will look at walgreens or wait price choppers.
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21902 on: August 24, 2020, 10:31:28 AM »

Cal,  They are good for all kinds of injuries from little cuts to even large burns.  They worked especially well on several of Joan's skin tears.  We made some mistakes at first by not putting torn skin back where it came from.  So Joan had some bumps after healing.  On later tears we carefully put skin pieces back.  These then grew back into place smoothly.  These really are a special type of bandage.  You put them on and leave them until they come off by them selves.  If you peak you disrupt the new skin forming over the wound.  It takes patience but the wounds heal much quicker and less bumpy.  Directions are in the box.   Follow them.

By now got to get ready for dentist.  I really like them because they all loved Joan through her cancer etc.  I am not sure they are up to date.  Their last card was a get well card.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21903 on: August 24, 2020, 01:28:13 PM »

hi joho vet called said post office loading up,pearls medicine should be there today around 2 so got dogs fed cats pearl again did her medicine she is so good put some on my finger put it in her mouth jim said good girl pearl your our pearlie girlie i called walmart doing flu shots i can get one tomorrow old folks day at 6 am will ask him where are those bandages my torn skin is missing probably in the barn i will be more than happy to leave that bandage on but you know i do alot tomorrow is scrub out pearls water tank so probably get wet raking grass picking up old grass poop putting down pine pellets and stuff in here hope the bandage holds up.good luck at the dentist.
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21904 on: August 24, 2020, 04:11:40 PM »

Went there for three things.  They fixed one.  I have to do the other two.  Shoot.  They all five were very sympathetic and sincerely missed Joan.  They loved her.
Now Cal just get those bandaidas and follow directions.  They are made to seal and stay on for a long time.  They go through showers, dish washing, and all that stuff.  You will be glad.  Get several sizes for in case.
Oh Oh gtg severe storfm warning got to pull plugs. really getting dark.  Can hardly see keys to type all of a sudden.  BYEEEEEE


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21905 on: August 25, 2020, 04:26:35 AM »

Daily Updates
Eagles and Loons and Bears. Oh My! - UPDATE August 24, 2020
24 August 2020
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Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle
On the pontoon ride today, we checked on the eagle nest and the loon families.

Last week, there was still one eaglet, grown to full size, at the nest. Now we have a different perspective on that. From a distance, we saw both eaglets soaring in circles over the nest tree as if practicing flying. Then one returned to the nest while the other soared higher and higher to become a dot against the blue sky. I didn?t know that eaglets would fly off and return to the nest.

Loon and baby
Loon and baby
Farther on, a lone loon was voicing the wail used to connect with other members of the family. Then it dove and came up next to the first baby we?ve seen on that lake this year. They can swim faster underwater than on top. As they often do after torpedoing underwater, it rose up and shook its wings and body, showing us the full, nearly 4-foot, wingspan.

Later, after coming through a channel into a connected lake we saw the known family with two babies voicing the tremolo that often signals danger. There had been only one parent with the babies, but soon the other was there. Then we looked up and saw the danger. A mature eagle was perched in a perfect position to swoop down and grasp a baby and carry it off like Donna and I saw an eagle do with a mature mallard a couple years ago. I suspect our presence was what made the eagle fly off today. I know eagles have to eat, but we?ve been watching these baby loons grow up and we were glad the eagle decide to try for food elsewhere.

Cinnamon's cubs
Cinnamon's cubs
Colleen and Cinnamon and their cubs also stopped by. Cinnamon is shedding and looking almost as black as Colleen where the new fur is coming in on her face and chest as in the picture. In the picture of Cinnamon?s cubs, the one in the foreground is the male.

A nice day with good company and good bears and other excitement. A person couldn?t ask for more.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21906 on: August 25, 2020, 04:36:37 AM »

hi jewelies it is 69 here 71 in the barn 7 raccoonies. we know eaglettes will return to the nest. :) i am very happy that eagle flew off to find somewhere else too. yes they got to eat but not in our backyards.  i like that the bears berries and nuts and fruit stuff like that. i guess the donation i sent in and others help the starving bears like cinnamon i put a note in with my donation asked dr rogers to use it for that and not heard anymore about them getting in trouble or eating at those bait stations.

Hi Joho! i am getting ready to go to walmart feed the dog and cats and head out get my flu shot and those bandage will have to write it down right now forget the name every time. oh you can never get everything fixed at once at the dentist not usually i have a few times but mostly have to come back and its long way there and back but i like having teeth sister has false teeth and i know i would not want those at all. hope you got everything unplugged and storm not too bad!



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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21907 on: August 25, 2020, 06:03:38 AM »

Good morning everyone- 68 here after high of 96 yesterday. Ac was on for sure. I didn't finally finish errands until close to 4 and i was ready for a shower by then. Izzy has been having some snotty nose issues and i called my vet. She has cefalexin to take for 14 days. Half a tablet once a day. I got some really palatable canned food and crushed the pill. Put the pill in it and She gobbled it down and licked the bowl. I have her number now!!  lol

Ted seems mellow with his new digs. I haven't seen him get any peanuts when the bts groups come through. Maybe they don't come as often now. 

I'm curious to see how school went yesterday. The girl who is on the desk at the rec center had a couple friends there yesterday and i asked if they got masks to match their outfits.  They said no- just black, white or the medical blue ones.  When i went to the vet to get Izzy meds i went though 2 different school districts and it was a bit weird to see school buses on the road again. Almost 5 months ago- wow.

johoward- i hope your storm wasn't too bad yesterday; i don't like going to the dentist- i do have partial plates in the back .  So nice that they gave you comfort in remembering Joan.

Have a great day jewelies!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21908 on: August 25, 2020, 09:39:13 AM »

hi joho in a hurry joe here at ten do pearls nails got my flu shot they did not have big hydro seal bandage i got what they had hydro for blister heel and hydro for blister toes open heel wow pretty small toe even smaller but will try it with sore little toe that lays under other toes used heel one used 3 of them saw no peeking  :) so they are on

hi lupe i passes 3 school buses richmond back on today my dogs have taken that medicine great izz took it so good! pennys allergies back jim said he left her out to long yesterday almost 100 again today she is a nightmare to give med to. make her a chickenfried steak dinner and she will eat it all but leave that pink pill  :( this morning i put it in a hot dog in her pan of dry food with can cat food on it too and can dog food brownie too they ate it pill too :) got to go
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21909 on: August 26, 2020, 04:42:28 AM »

Daily Updates
A Peaceful Day - UPDATE August 25, 2020
25 August 2020
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Cinnamon and cubs
Cinnamon and cubs
The day started with visits from mothers 17-year-old Colleen, 4-year-old Ohio, 3-year-old Cinnamon, and non-clan Kimani with their 7 cubs?endearing. Other bears included mothers-to-be 2-year-old Chloe and an older bear we are temporarily calling Zelda while we compare photos for a positive identification.

Then a 3-time course participant who is wanting to buy a cabin in the area asked if we could take a pontoon ride to see a lakeside place she is interested in. Everyone said ?Yes!? On the way we saw a loon grooming, which made us slow the pontoon and keep a good distance. With no wake to disturb it, the loon ignored us and continued grooming and showed us the new white feathers around its eyes that are the first step toward molting into winter plumage.

Later, a young loon at a distance stood up and flapped its wings, drawing our attention and a fast couple clicks of the camera. To our surprise, the loon then swam straight toward us as I clicked. At the pontoon boat, it dove under and continued swimming away on the other side. That?s when we saw what we had missed. The young loon was joining his family?the family of four. The pictures showed what we had not been getting close enough to see. It has grown its juvenile feathers that will carry it to the Atlantic Ocean in a month or two. I had never seen a juvenile that close.

Loon Juvenile   Loon Juvenile   Loon Juvenile
Juvenile Loon   
Not wanting to end the ride on this calm, pretty day, we took a scenic ride to the other end of the lake, pausing on the way to photograph the first red maple leaves we have seen this year. As we slowed at the end of the lake, one of the participants saw a pretty cove and said, ?What a peaceful place!? I steered the boat into shore at a crawl and turned the engine off to look and listen on this windless day. Ravens were talking. For few moments, we quietly absorbed the atmosphere. One of the participants snapped a picture of a white water lily; and I did, too.

Loon preening   A Peaceful Place   White Water Lily
 Loon preening    A Peaceful Place    White Water Lily
When we got back to the home dock, we saw something I?d never seen before. A sharp-eyed participant spotted a bear sleeping down in a valley as we walked back to the van. We recognized the bear as Zelda. In this time of no radio-collars, we wonder what the bears do when they are not in our sight. We find berries in some scats, and this bear showed us that they rest, too. This peaceful bear opened her eyes as I clicked the long lens camera from quite a distance. The bear felt safe enough as we walked on and stayed in place.

Red maple leaves   Pontoon ride   Zelda
Red maple leaves    Pontoon ride   Zelda rests
At the end of this peaceful but exciting day, one of the participants said, ?Each course is better than the last.? I understood what she meant. She had spent time one on one observing bears at length, seeing how they think and feel, and getting to know bears better than a person can in any other way. She was the one who wants a place to live near bears. Bears do that to you.

I love doing these courses and meeting people who altogether share each others? appreciation for nature?especially bears. Tomorrow is the last day of the courses for this year. Good memories that boost one?s spirit as we navigate a stressful time.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21910 on: August 26, 2020, 04:51:50 AM »

hi jewelies it is 71 here 71 in the barn. 6 raccoonies. beautiful update pictures. peaceful day like reading that. cool someone there going to buy a cabin and even better loves the bears. i did not see any mask on that boat sure everyone is okay just use to seeing mask anymore.  i feel a little sick to my stomach this morning drinking a diet 7 up. maybe from the flu shot yesterday

Hi joho since i put those hydro bandages on my forearm it has felt better and held up so awhile ago i cleaned my red scratches on top of my hand and put one there too.



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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21911 on: August 26, 2020, 06:02:34 AM »

Good morning everyone- 71 here with a slight breeze; turned off ac and opened the windows. I'm sure by 9 it will be time to turn ac back on.  I loved the update today- many great pictures and stories. Ted is in his chalet this morning- a bit of rain there.  I wonder if all bears try to stay out of the rain or if that behavior is just Ted.   lol

Wow- i just checked the weather channel- Laura is not going to be fun. As much as i love the water i've never been tempted to live near the ocean. Have travelled there and am always amazed at how close to the shore some houses are built. Can't even imagine what it's like to have to evacuate. 

Stayed up late to watch tennis last night- Serena lost and i will admit i didn't watch to the end. I did get to watch a bit of Andy Murray- he has had major ailments and surgery on his hip. This was the first i'd seen him in a year. He looked good- lost to Raonic- a favorite of mine from Canada.

Time for breakfast-  have a great day jewelies!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21912 on: August 27, 2020, 04:33:33 AM »

black bear people of ely mn said this.....No update tonight - all is well. LM
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21913 on: August 27, 2020, 04:42:18 AM »

hi jewelies it is 72 here 71 in the barn 2 raccoonies. i saw laura landed and huge power outage just makes me sick thinking about the animals. my cousin janice posted on fb showing putting tags on horses and writing their phone number on the hoof i said back we would never leave pearl behind NEVER  load her sweets up all our kids and take off. course we would never live by the water like that either.

Hi Lupe how is hubby doing?

hi joho well yesterday i was scrubbing out pearls water tank my hurt hand in the water and that hydro bandage on the top of it where it looked infected the one end came up i trimmed it off but the part covering the scratches still on and my forearm with the missing skin one edge not covered and it like scabbed there and fell off it hurts there but no where else still on tight. caught two more black snakes out of the barn put that go away snake down smells like moth balls in the barn now. hope it keeps others out.



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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21914 on: August 27, 2020, 05:55:28 AM »

Good morning everyone- 72 here and breezy and humid. One more day of nineties but not complaining. Laura packed a punch on the coast.
cal- will you get rain from Laura. Looks like we won't but maybe some rain from the northwest  tomorrow.  I mowed yesterday. Took about half the normal time because i didn't have to go over all of it. Hubby doing very well but is having trouble getting INR regulated after his procedure. It just takes time i guess. When you talked about taking your critters i remembered last week crawling under our bed to get Izzy when the derecho hit and hubby said go to the basement. Looking at it now i can hardly believe i got under there to get her. 

Funny story. I had ordered Revolution topical wormer and flea stuff for Izzy from Chewy.com. That is what they used at the shelter. When i got an e-mail from them saying it had been delivered on Saturday i called o  monday and said it hadn't. I was home home at the delivery time- no one came.  They just sent a replacement at no charge. Now it was a six pack so over an hundred dollars.  Yesterday  our neighbor was mowing with his huge tractor around the field across the road from us.  He came to our door and brought the lost package from Chewy. It was in the ditch about 60 feet from our back door!! We are at a loss to figure that out! Anyhow- i need to call Chewy and pay for the extra stuff- expiration date is 2023 so i'll use it. How bizarre is that. How did it get over there. Now our front door is on that side of the house but there isn't a sidewalk to that door and there is to the back door, Did the driver put it there? Hubby says he checked the front porch.

Well- time for breakfast.
Have a great day jewelies!