Daily Updates
Sharon?s Bear News - UPDATE May 31, 2020
31 May 2020
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Words from Sharon Herrell, Sr. Bearkeeper at the North American Bear Center:
20200531 Tasha ball
Tasha and her ball
Good day to all! The sun was bright and beckoned the new day to be fresh and filled with bear joy.
The bears and I are looking forward to their Half-birthday Celebration. It?s so suspenseful, who will get that strawberry? Please keep voting for your favorite bear; it?s fun and the bears need your votes, and it will take your mind off of current events. We can?t thank you enough for all the votes/donations we have received so far.Holly eats
Holly sits for a meal
All the bears are doing well and as you see by looking on the cams the grass is growing, and Ted thinks it?s yummy. All the bears have been seen eating mouthfuls of grass on the mound. Holly likes the white clover near the viewing area windows. I?ve mentioned before that I plant rye grass and clover on the mound.
The wild bear along with its sibling has been visiting outside the fence and becoming a nuisance to Holly. She patrols her cub tree area very well. Ted paces near Tasha?s pen probably hoping for another visit.
Tasha has been enjoying her tubs as play toys. Yesterday, she was rocking herself and I thought maybe she'd like a large screen tv to go with that. Hahaha, I guess not.Ted on mound
Ted on mound
Lucky bear is often found just above the bunker dens. He has a direct view into the woods across the service road between the fences. The cinnamon phased black bear, a sibling to Bandit, is usually sitting on the wild side of the fence looking at him.
Neither Bandit nor his sibling scare easily, they have to be chased away from the fence. Holly is coming into estrus and I'm sure that's the reason the bears are there.
Please enjoy the pictures this week, Tasha was especially cute. Ted, as handsome as ever sat with expressions of love on the mound eating grass.
Lucky, found logs to be his pleasure and after doing his shoulder to shoulder routine tossed it into the pond.
Lucky saunters
Lucky saunters up
Tasha sits
Tasha finds a resting spot
Ted splash
Ted splashes in the pool
Our Holly spent time doing her job of protecting her territory.
Don't forget to vote for your favorite bear to get his or her favorite pinata. Your donations go directly to bear food and their care. Stay safe, stay positive,
Half-Birthday Event
Thank you for all you do,
Sharon Herrell, Sr. Bearkeeper
Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center