Hi Jewelies! Nice weekend here, except for all the pollen! Yesterday Clemson grand came over and we took a walk on the land behind my house, it's wooded, then turns into a nice and grassy quiet space. We surprised the little bull!! He was just hanging out all by himself, and probably wondered what we doing in his spot! lol He went and hid behind some bushes, we knew where he was, and we walked closer and closer... he finally moved, and we got a good look at him. He's quite small, black, and has little short legs. At first my grand thought he was a pony, he's so small. The tracks around in the grass were definitely cow tracks though. At least he has lots of grass to eat. It's no wonder nobody can catch him to take him home though.
cal... I saw that Sammy was staying with the Chiefs. I'm glad. Surprised they're planning on playing in an empty stadium if they have to. I can't believe how much they get paid!! How's Missy doing? It's so funny to see the little mink stepping inside the window to get it's treats! They're just so cute!!
rues... I've got some rain lilies, too! I love them! they're so pretty! I also have some tiny little bulb flowers that are just now finishing blooming, but I have no idea what they are. The plants are short, and the flowers are white with 5 or 6 petals and when they're almost done blooming, they turn kinda lavender. Any ideas?
lupine... Our governor doesn't want to make the whole state stay at home, too. Tomorrow my daughter is going shopping for groceries for her dad, for herself, and 3 things I need. She's taking her husband to help her. Going really early in the morning. I hope they can find everything ok. I'm wondering if my local nursery is closed... I guess they're not an essential business... except at this time of year! I might have to get my annuals from the grocery store this year. I hear Lowe's is jammed with people... sounds like a good place to stay away from.
joho... It's good to hear from you, letting us know how you and Joan are doing. Yes, the staying at home is hard on most people. Just knowing you can't go,makes you want to go even more, doesn't it?
Time for American Idol... Hope you all have a good evening!