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NABC Action and More - UPDATE March 27, 2020
27 March 2020
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With staff clearing a path to Holly?s and Lucky?s bunker dens, Ted and Holly thought something good might be up and came out. Holly
Taught caught about 7 minutes of Holly in action. Watching the video, I thought she?d check on Lucky, but I was wrong. She got as far as the open door to his pen and did not go a step farther. Mink Streak
Mink Streak
Then it was back to her den to let more snow melt on this 51-degree day.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhqg2En0ySk At the WRI cabin, excitement started with the woodchuck appearing in a snow free area where the sun bounces off the cabin and melts the snow early. He (?) was about to take part in a taste test. Would he eat blades of green grass like are shown in the top left corner of the picture, or would he want broccoli, pineapple, and/or a tomato? Broccoli by a landslide! The pineapple piece got a nibble. The tomato got a sniff. Grass was old hat or not as good as broccoli. He got a drink from a melt-water puddle and went to his hole in the snow. At the hole (lower right hand corner of the picture with snow), he paused. Something made him go a few feet farther and look over the mound of snow. I clicked and thought that was it. He caught me unprepared when he came racing back past his hole with a bigger woodchuck 15 feet behind him. They disappeared, so I don?t know the outcome except that later the smaller woodchuck looked unconcerned. It is mating season for woodchucks, but I don?t know enough to say what was happening.
Woodchuck eating broccoli
Woodchuck eating broccoli
Woodchuck looking
Woodchuck looking
The next excitement was a mink, Streak was nice to stand at attention for identification while another mink was running away up the driveway. Mink are generally not social with each other.
Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center