Quill, Nature Notes - UPDATE October 18, 2016
18 October 2016
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I think Quill came to his feeding spot a couple times, but I wasn't there to see him. I took the camera with the long lens in case I saw the wary little guy before he vamoosed.
Daily Updates
Quill, Tasha Christmas Card, Pavilion - UPDATE October 19, 2016
19 October 2016
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Lily Fans have been praying. People who care in this community have been praying. Little Quill needed a miracle. I saw him today without quills.
I'm not asking anyone too many questions. I'm just happy to see that something happened.
Daily Updates
Ted, Tasha, Quill, Chickadees - UPDATE October 20, 2016
20 October 2016
Quill showed up HERE last evening about 8 PM and got on the scale for the first time ever--32 pounds. Today he came back at 4:27 PM. I wondered what made the ducks fly away. I checked. It was Quill here to eat sunflower seeds mixed with walnuts. The bowl of formula was empty. I'm becoming more confident he will do okay.
Daily Updates
Quill, Feathers - UPDATE October 21, 2016
21 October 2016
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A good feeling this afternoon was seeing Quill at a feeder eating date mash for about 15 minutes. He'd take a bite and look at the 30-40 ducks 30-40 feet away. Quill
The ducks didn't fly away like they did the other day. Behind a window, I'd move only when he wasn't looking as I positioned the camera. Quill is very timid. He eventually noticed me and moved off, looking back warily, then pivoting as if to come back, but stopping for another look. The two looks gave good views of the left side and front of his mouth where the quills had been. I moved away from the window but then saw him out another window heading for the bowl of Hope Formula. Good. Aside from looking toward gunshots from grouse hunters, he spent a steady 14 minutes lapping up a little over a quart of formula--I'd guess 36 ounces.
When I arrived at the WRI, I checked the bowl this morning and it was licked clean like he left it today.
I brought my camera when I checked the bowl, as I did yesterday, hoping that a hungry bird or two would hold briefly for a picture that would show feather detail. Two did. A White-breasted Nuthatch showed the long bill used to get insects out of crevices on tree trunks. The gray crown says it is a female. A young White-throated Sparrow in winter plumage was another tan-striped one, which is mainly what I've seen this fall.
Quill, BWCAW, Desk Day- UPDATE October 22, 2016
22 October 2016
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To escape the desk, I checked Quill's bowl of formula several times today. At 2:20 PM, I found he had come in unseen and licked the bowl clean--a quart of Hope Formula. Gray Jay
Gray jay
I suspect that filled him up because there was no sign of his eating the date mash. As I expected, he didn't touch the old hot dogs I set out for the 2 pine martens and 3 gray foxes next to his formula bowl.
Quill, Tasha, Party, Nature - UPDATE October 23, 2016
23 October 2016
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Quill came as I was leaving last night. He was eating walnuts as I left but this morning the bowl of Hope Formula was empty (1 quart). Pine Marten
Curious pine marten
I turned out the inside lights so he wouldn't notice me standing on the far side of the room watching him. He couldn't go more than 5 seconds without looking at me in the dark. Tonight, I walked through that room with the lights on. He could see me easily and didn't look nervous. I've noticed the same thing with deer being more nervous when they couldn't see me well.
Daily Updates
Jewel, Quill - UPDATE October 24, 2016
24 October 2016
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Quill continues to do well as Jewel steals the limelight. Neighborhood records and a trail cam revealed some of what Jewel and her three male yearlings Caleb, Zac, and Brennan have been up to lately.
Quill, Bear Milk Recipe - UPDATE October 25, 2016
25 October 2016
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An astute Lily Fan caught my error from last night. I wrongly referred to Jewel's cubs as yearlings. I was three months early on that. Orphan cub Aitkin
Orphan cub eating crabapples
They won't be yearlings until their first birthday coming up in January. Thank you.
I've been getting calls from people who are seeing orphaned cubs now after hunting season. They should still be nursing. Calls are from areas with little or no food because of the lack of oaks, beechnut trees, and hickory trees in their areas. The picture is of the cub I was called about today in north central Minnesota. At least this one found a tree full of crabapples. When people see little hungry cubs sitting scared, high in a tree, they want to help. It seems fair to give that help when it was a human that took their mom. Leaving orphaned cubs to slowly starve is not fair chase, is not a quick kill, and is not what hunting is supposed to be about. Orphaned cubs and wounding loss are the two biggest problems in bear-hunting. So where it seems appropriate, I'm suggesting people leave a bowl of Hope Formula and maybe some raw, unsalted peanuts at the base of the tree for the cub to eat when no one is around. Maybe also leave some raw, unsalted pecans, hazelnuts, and/or walnuts plus apples, romaine lettuce, suet, dates, and fresh or dried fruit.
Here is the Hope Formula that Nutritionist Lily Fans helped develop to approximate the nutrition of bear milk.
Bear Milk Replacer (Hope formula)
1 quart goat milk (which has taurine and good fatty acids; but if you cannot
find it, use whole cow milk. Hopefully, the taurine in the egg yolks will
be sufficient.)
1 cup heavy whipping cream (good fatty acids, some protein)
4 egg yolks, raw (protein, good fatty acids, taurine, biotin)
2 teaspoons fish oil
2 teaspoons olive oil (or other vegetable oils)
4 tablespoons plain, full-fat, unsweetened yogurt
1 calcium carbonate tablet, finely crushed
1/2 vitamin C tablet, finely crushed
1/2 B50 complex tablet, finely crushed to powder
Mix and store in refrigerator. If warming is required, warm in a hot water bath--not in the microwave or on the stove (damages the milk proteins).
Red squirrel eating male cones
Red squirrel eating male cones
I filled Quill's empty formula bowl this morning. He'd been here overnight. He's the only bear coming now, I believe. It stayed full all day. I meant to watch for him around 4:30 PM when he often comes. Then I noticed the time (5:30) and the bowl was empty. I put the last quart in and will see if it is empty in the morning. A Lily Fan who loves Quill is making and delivering the formula as fast as Quill drinks it.
Daily Updates
Quill and Two Hurrahs - UPDATE October 26, 2016
26 October 2016
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Came to work early, thinking about words to write. Checked Quill's formula bowl about 4 AM--empty. Good. He must have drunk another quart overnight. I went upstairs to type. Quill looking up a tree
Quill looking up a tree
Heard a sound at about 5 AM. Grabbed the camera and went quietly downstairs. Still dark out. A motion. Quill was on the scale. I snapped a picture lighted by the yard light. Very slow shutter speed. Any movement by Quill and it would just be a blur. He held perfectly still listening for sounds. The scale had read 19.5 pounds earlier, down a half pound from last evening, so he might have gleaned a half pound of food from the scale overnight. Now he was on it again. The color of the crumbs on his lips looks like he is selecting walnuts. The full reading with Quill on the scale--60.5 pounds. So his weight is 60.5 minus 19.5 equals 41. Super! He is up 9 pounds from 32 pounds a week ago--gaining over a pound a day. He is up 28% in a week. Hurrah! The Hope Formula is working, thanks to the Lily Fan nutritionists who helped develop it and the Lily Fan who makes it and brings it over. Quill at 41 pounds
Quill at 41 pounds
She and her husband came over with a new batch mid day. I put a quart in the bowl.
Quill, Courses - UPDATE November 12, 2016
12 November 2016
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Pictures don't lie. Little Quill has become a porker. And we now have photographic evidence he is male. Crow with mouse
Crow with mouse
The picture of him standing up looking in the window with a pot belly left a smudge on the window, 41 inches from smudge to feet. I might have been off on the calories yesterday. I learned today that a 14 oz can of sweetened condensed milk (1,300 calories) was added to the recipe each time, so I think that comes out to a few more calories per cup.
Pudgy Quill
Pudgy Quill
Last night, he ate 1 1/2 pounds of nuts from the scale, making him weigh 59 pounds with the nuts. Then he went to the feeder, stood up for the picture, and lapped up just short of 4 cups of formula. He left just after midnight weighing 63 pounds, including 5 1/2 pounds of food for a probable lean weight of 57 1/2.
He might be slowing down. He did not come back to get the remaining 2 cups. He might be resting more now. Quill is becoming more comfortable here in this good food spot, so I suspect we'll see him next year. I believe he'll keep coming for awhile yet this fall, too.
Deer at Quill house
The only animal we caught checking out the Quill House was this deer.